Agenda item

Report of Cabinet - 4 September 2024




There were no speakers on the items resolved by Cabinet at its meeting on 4 September 2024.





Item 2 – Customer Strategy


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


The good work culminating in a ‘Customer Promise’, developed through the Change Champions Group was recognised by Members.


Members debated some of the improvement targets included within the strategy, most notably call transfers.  It was suggested that this could be more ambitious moving forwards.


One Member highlighted the interdependencies with the Council’s ICT Strategy, and the access across the District to reliable broadband.  Ultimately, a consistent experience should be the ambition across different communication channels with the Council.  Members welcomed the commitment to continue to offer face to face support for those that needed it.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate responded to the debate.  He highlighted that targets needed to be proportionate when a number of ICT systems and infrastructure was changing alongside service redesign.  It was hoped that these could become more ambitious in the future.  With regard to the number of responses to consultations, it was suggested that when change was not popular, response rates were high, but it was less likely for respondents to write to the Council welcoming change that was generally well received.




That the Customer Strategy be approved.


Item 3 – Christchurch Bay & Harbour Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk

Management (FCERM) Strategy


In the absence of the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, the Leader introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


One Member welcomed the strategy and highlighted the need for a similar approach to the coastal area of Totton and the Waterside.  It was noted that the Environment Agency was responsible for large sections of this coastline and further information on timescales for the development of a strategy were expected soon.


In response to some concerns about the funding of such an ambitious strategy, it was highlighted that with a comprehensive evidence base behind the strategy, funding opportunities were more readily available to the Council and partners, with a strong position to pursue specific project bids.  The work of the District Council’s officers to get the documents to this stage was commended.  A contrary view was expressed that given the ratio of funded to unfunded bids in this area, and with funding opportunities generally, the expectations upon the Council to commit significant resources including officer time to produce lengthy strategies, was not desirable.




That Council approve:-


1.     The recommended leading options identified in the Christchurch Bay & Harbour Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for the New Forest 44 District Council area, subject to securing the necessary funding contributions.


2.     That in approving and adopting the strategy, it commits to developing a Funding Strategy that will seek to identify and aim to secure the necessary funding contributions to enable the national or local leading options to be implemented via future capital schemes and maintenance of existing/new schemes, noting that the exact amount of contributions will need to be confirmed as schemes are developed.


Note – Cllr Harrison requested that his abstention from the resolution above, be recorded.


Item 4 – Strategic Risk Register


The Leader introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting.  Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.


In response to one Member’s specific questions on some of the risks outside of tolerance levels and the mitigation measures to reduce risk, the Leader committed to supplying the relevant information to the Member outside of the meeting.




That the Strategic Risk Register, be adopted.


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