Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's Update

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability provided an update on the key areas within his portfolio. The main points were as follows:


·       The Portfolio Holder gave thanks to the Service Manager for Coastal and his team for their substantial contribution to the Christchurch Bay and Harbour Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy.


·       It was reported that all of the damaged beach huts from Hordle Cliffs were removed and repairs to the sea wall at Milford had been completed Meetings were also taking place with Milford Parish Council to provide a regular update to local members.


·       On Changing Places, two new facilities were completed in April at Ringwood to supplement the existing facilities at Brockenhurst. The Changing Places scheme supports people with physical disabilities or learning difficulties to use toilets safely and comfortably within the community. This would enable people, regardless of ability, to be able to enjoy the local shops. Amended layouts at Brockenhurst provided a further Changing Places facility. This brings the total number of Changing Places facilities across the District to 6, with a continuing commitment to maintain and improve inclusivity in the New Forest.


·       The Let it Bee ran between the months of May and June. This initiative saw the selective refusal of cutting of grass areas where possible. This initiative aligned with many other Local Authorities, landowners, residents and national Government in recognition of the importance of letting grass grow at this time to help pollinators. The relevant team were careful not to let this cause obstruction. It was considered a successful year and the relevant team had been out mowing again since June. The Portoflio Holder reported that orchids had been seen growing in some areas of the Appletree Court grounds.


·       On Garden Waste, the first collections from the new wheeled bins had taken place in April. It was reported that NFDC was enjoying its highest ever number of subscribers to the Garden Waste scheme and that composting had also increased from 500 to 800 tons following the improved service of collection from doorsteps.


·       The Street scene team had attended a meeting of New Milton Town Council and had given an excellent presentation on ground maintenance and litter challenges. Further meetings like this one had been arranged for Milford Parish Council.


·       The Crabby Campaign and A35 Litter projects had been running throughout the Summer and the Council had commissioned an in-depth study to explore littering behaviours. A sculpture made entirely from littered materials was being made to promote the message of anti-littering.


Following the Portfolio Holder’s update, members were able to make comments and ask questions. These were as follows:

·       On Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it was explained that the measures related to the existing Corporate Plan and that some of the indicators were marked as grey as they had not reached the end of the measuring period. It was explained that the dashboard displayed the last quarter of the existing Corporate Plan and the Portfolio Holder was confident that the points raised by members would be addressed in the new KPI dashboards.


·       Following a question on tree planting, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Council’s policy was for two trees to be planted for every one that is removed. It was explained that the majority of the Council’s tree planting took place during the Autumn months and was not evenly spread throughout the year, this was due to the optimal, seasonal time frames for tree planting.


·       On the Let it Bee campaign, following comment on the various benefits of wildflower meadows and enabling grass to grow during the month of May, it was confirmed that each site would be assessed on its own merits in future years and that feedback was always welcomed from residents.


·       A question was raised on ragwort growing in the District and how it was a poisonous weed when eaten by ponies and other wild animals. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that he would look into this matter.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy provided an update on the key areas within his portfolio. The main points were as follows:

·       995 planning decisions had been issued.

·       £945,000 was spent on recreational mitigation projects.

·       50 businesses had engaged with the New Forest apprenticeships and skills hub and 140 businesses and residents had benefited from NFDC’s business start-up support.

·       £100,000 funding was secured to improve the digital planning process.

·       A meeting had been held with the Totton Regeneration Partnership where agreement, subject to approval from the Town Council’s, would see a Totton master plan be commissioned.

·       On KPIs, the only KPI measure that was not ‘green’ was New Forest filming. This was affected by the writers’ strike in the USA but filming in the New Forest was set to return to former levels in due course.

·       The Portfolio Holder explained that the Local Plan development had begun looking at its evidence base, with commissioning work being undertaken on housing needs, open space needs, recreational needs and the requirements of the various communities within the District. NFDC had engaged with the Environment Agency, Hampshire County Council, the National Park amongst others.

·       A statement of community involvement would be submitted for consultation in October 2024 and in February 2025 an issues and options consultation would go out to the public.

·       The Local Plan Working Group had arranged to meet in June however this was rescheduled due to the General Election and new dates had been agreed from September 2024.

·       A new Development Management Manager had joined the Council.

·       A nationally significant infrastructure project, the Solent Co2 Exon pipeline, was currently in its assessment phase with different routes being evaluated, with NFDC featuring as a consultee.

·       On Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) more money was expected to be gathered and some further projects were being considered for funding.


Following the Portfolio Holder’s update, members were able to make comments and ask questions. These were as follows:

·       It was confirmed that an announcement on further CIL funding would be made shortly and local organisations would be able to apply again for funding in the coming months.

·       On KPIs, it was repeated that the present KPIs refers to 2020-2024 corporate plan. the Portfolio Holder reminded the Panel that with the new Corporate Plan the Council would work to make the new performance management framework and subsequent KPIs as relevant and up to date as possible.

·       A Panel member was pleased to see that, in the Annual Performance Report 2023-2024, that the number of subscribers to the ‘Helping Business Grow’ e-newsletter had remained above 3000, exceeding the target. The Portfolio Holder reassured the Panel that the business unit would continue to be advertised and promoted across the District.



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