Agenda item
Transformation Business Case
- Meeting of Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Thursday, 25th July, 2024 10.00 am (Item 10.)
- View the background to item 10.
To consider the business case for the Council’s Transformation Programme.
The Panel considered the business case for the Council’s Transformation Programme.
The Customer & Digital Services (including Organisational Design) business case had been developed following the adoption of the Transformation Strategy, Future New Forest, in December 2023. It enabled the implementation of the Transformation Programme by setting out a clear future organisational design for the Council to leverage new technology, service and process redesign. In addition it would look at how some teams were structured in order to improve customer experience and the efficiency and effectiveness of the organisation.
The Appletree Court business case considered options to exploit the commercial opportunities of Appletree Court and make better use of the currently underutilised office accommodation. In response to a query, it was explained that a study on future asset and accommodation utilisation should be completed towards the end of the year.
Members commented on the importance of retaining our workforce talent through retraining and redeployment of staff where there were organisational changes.
Members also emphasised the need for support for improved customer technology to provide residents with a more consistent experience.
Reference was made to the change in Government, and potential implications of further developments in the devolution agenda. It was queried whether consideration was being given to this in the Transformation Business Case. In response, it was explained that it was too early to know any implications at this stage, any change would take some years to develop, and in any case the possibility did not preclude the Council from making improvements to resident and customer services.
Some members queried the invest-to-save payback period of 4-5 years, in respect of any risks that might arise in that time. The Panel noted its role in monitoring progress in the delivery of the transformation programme through regular reports.
It was confirmed that the funds required for the Transformation Programme sat outside service budgets.
1) That the panel note the following proposed recommendations to Cabinet:
That Cabinet (subject to the required Council approval to funding):
I. Approve the Customer & Digital Services (including Organisational Design)
business case at Appendix A and adoption of the preferred future organisational
design option Bv2.
II. Support the intention to let out the south wing of Appletree Court (ATC) to third
party tenants as set out in Appendix B.
III. Note the opportunity to further enhance ATC through works to the ground floor
north wing, but these to be progressed subject to further approval (at additional
cost), dependant on the success of the letting activity.
IV. Delegate responsibility to oversee delivery of these recommendations to the
Transformation Programme Board.
2) That the panel support the proposal that Cabinet seek Council approval to:
V. Allocate £2.709m on an invest-to-save basis to deliver the necessary technology
and organisational changes to deliver the preferred future organisational design
VI. Allocate up to £1.75m for improvements to the East wing of ATC on an invest-
to[1]save basis, to facilitate the third party letting of the south wing and the
generation of c£300,000 per annum in income
Supporting documents:
Business Case Report July 2024 v2, item 10.
PDF 579 KB
Business case report - Appendix a, item 10.
Business case report - appendix b, item 10.
PDF 604 KB