Agenda item

Courtvale Farm, Court Hill, Damerham (Application 24/10176)

Storage container and fuel tanks (Retrospective)




Grant subject to conditions.




Storage container and fuel tanks (Retrospective).


Public Participants:


Mr Jerry Davies - Jerry Davies Planning Consultancy (Agent)


Mr Wilson (Objector)


Cllr Phil Tandy - Chair Damerham Parish Council, (representation was read out by Officer).


Additional Representations:


A further representation was received following the publication of the Committee Report. The main issues raised were are as follows:


·       The applicant should not have installed the diesel tanks in full knowledge they were located within the cleared area.


·       The container had not been in situ for more than 10 years. The representation also refers to matters outside the scope of this planning application.




Cllr J Richards declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 24/10176 as the local ward Councillor. Damerham Parish Council had commented on the application however Cllr Richards did not attend the planning committee meeting nor had she commented on the application. She therefore concluded that as she had not been involved or attended any meetings where this application was discussed there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Members considered the context of the site, namely the SINC (Site of Importance for Natural Conservation), the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) area, proximity to the National Park and the historic woodland. There was concern over protection of the scenic beauty and of biodiversity on the site. It was felt that these elements could be at risk by the placement of the tanks. The environmental damage that had already occurred at the development site due to spillage from the tanks was discussed and further concerns were raised regarding the vehicular usage on the site and the environmental impact this could have.


Some members did acknowledge that the environmental and biodiversity damage had already been made to the site and that relocation of the tanks might make the matter worse. However, it was felt that not enough consideration had been given to relocating the tanks to an area that would have less environmental impact and would not encroach on the SINC (Site of Importance for Natural Conservation) or the Tree Preservation Order (TPO) area. Furthermore, certain members questioned whether, following relocation or removal of the tanks, the damaged aspects of the area would heal and return to their previous state.


The Committee gave regard to the planning history of the site and to the comments made by the public speakers at the meeting. There were queries over when the storage container unit and tanks had first been placed on site.



Refuse, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


Conditions / Reasons:


By virtue of the siting of the fuel tanks and their continued use, the proposal would give rise to further incremental damage to the Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC). The retention of the fuel tanks is not considered to outweigh the biodiversity damage to the SINC nor does their retention incorporate features to encourage future biodiversity net gain. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy DM2 of the Local Plan Part 2: Sites and Development Management.


Note: Cllr Crisell was not present for this item.

Supporting documents: