Agenda item
Housing Delivery Action Plan
That Cabinet agreed to publish the Housing Delivery Action Plan (HDAP) for 2024, attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Planning and Economy.
As set out in report.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy introduced the Housing Delivery Action Plan report. He referred to the complexity and widespread, national challenges surrounding the issue of housing supply, highlighting the factors beyond the control of the Local Authority. The review of the Local Plan would seek to address many of the issues facing housing supply in the District and the Council’s proactive approach to development in the area would be supported by the Action Plan.
The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness spoke to the report and made reference to the affordable housing target. Given the challenges facing the Council, the expected 500 affordable homes would be a very good achievement and future opportunities were in the pipeline to add to this.
The Planning Policy Officer summarised the Action Plan and explained that the plan was a response to the national policy requirements and would work to mitigate the macro-economic conditions and environmental challenges facing the District. The Plan would be reviewed on an annual basis in order to monitor the progress.
A member of the Council asked what the impact of the Action Plan would be on planning applications received by the Council, particularly given how developers cite lack of housing delivery as part of their pitch. The Acting Assistant Director for Place Development recognised the significant challenges facing the Council and explained that this Action Plan would not lend weight to the determination of planning applications but would instead give the Council a framework to proceed toward the overall housing target.
Another member of the Council stated that sewage and green/sustainable energy were two major factors that needed to be considered when building houses for the future. The Acting Assistant Director for Place Development reassured Cabinet that these matters would be considered and feature in some way in the Local Plan review. The Council were working currently with providers at local sites on energy supply and would continue to work to address infrastructure capacity issues in the areas going forward.
A further member referred to the unique nature of the District, its geography and the fact that most residential areas were small villages. The local amenities and facilities must be accounted for when considering strategic sites and areas for development. The Acting Assistant Director for Place Development explained that the Council, and its Planning Committee, must be mindful to ensure that sites are suitable and deliverable within the local setting. Although not all of the desires and priorities may be achieved when developing sites, the planning process was very much about weighing up priorities and balancing the material aspects of each application. It was reiterated how the Action Plan before Cabinet had no bearing on how the Council would assess applications and that the planning system gives priority to the Local Plan.
Cabinet were informed that the Housing Delivery Action Plan would seek to resolve the various stalled sites across the planning area and work to promote the completion of those sites that had already received planning consent but were yet to finalise the development.
Supporting documents:
- Report - Housing Delivery Action Plan, item 83. PDF 236 KB
- Appendix 1 - 2024 Housing Delivery Action Plan, item 83. PDF 526 KB