Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


Former Cllr Bill Dow


The Chairman reported with great sadness on the recent passing of former Cllr Bill Dow.


Bill was first elected to the Council in May 1999 to the Forest North West Ward, serving until May 2019.  During his 20 years’ service, Bill was a member of the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Panel, the Planning Committee and the General Purposes & Licensing Committee, which he chaired for 5 years from 2002 to 2006, when he became Vice Chairman of the Council.


Bill went on to serve as the Council’s Chairman from 2007 to 2008.


Bill also served on many Outside Bodies during his time on the Council.  These included the South East Employers’ Organisation, the Salisbury District Community Health Council and the Bournemouth International Airport Consultative Committee.


The Chairman represented the Council at Bill’s funeral, held on Friday 22 March at the Church of the Holy Ascension in Hyde.


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman expressed sincere condolences to Bill’s family and friends and placed on record thanks for the service he had given to this District.


D Day – 80th Anniversary


The Chairman referred to the 80th anniversary of D-Day on 6 June 2024, the largest navel, air and land operation in history.


To mark this occasion and to remember the heroism of those who landed on the shores of the Normandy beaches, the D-Day Flag of Peace would be raised at a ceremony at Appletree Court, in the presence of the new Chairman of the Council, along with the Armed Forces Champion and the Leader of the Council. 


It was hoped that those employees who served would attend the ceremony, alongside representatives from HQ Solent Station at Marchwood – duties permitting.


Civic Day


The Chairman reported on his Civic Day, held on 13 March.  Guests attended Minstead Trust, one of the Chairman’s charities for the year, and Furzey Gardens.  Minstead Trust offered a detailed walk around the facilities looking at the work that they do to support people with learning disabilities and guests also enjoyed a very informative guided walk around Furzey Gardens.


50 Years of NFDC


The Chairman expressed his honour to sit as Chairman as the Council celebrated 50 years since it was formed in 1974.


He highlighted that all the Chairmen throughout the past 50 years had also been very important to the voluntary and charitable organisations across the District.  The office of Chairman had attended events to raise the profile of these vital services, raised funds to support their ongoing work in local communities and celebrated their achievements with them and the people they support.


The Chairman considered that it was only right to pause to look back and celebrate what has been achieved, but perhaps more importantly look forward to what the Council planned to deliver, continuing to provide for local communities.




The Chairman reported on the following recent engagements:-


24 March


The Town Mayor of New Milton held his civic service at St Magdalene Church on 24 March, which included a collection for Ashley Family Hub, as the Mayor’s chosen charity.


27 March


The Chairman attended the presentation of a research document  “Engage, Listen, Act” – co-produced by Winchester University and New Forest Mencap, on how to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities in the New Forest and surrounding areas.


3 April


The Chairman attended a Special Meeting of New Milton Town Council, where the Honorary Freedom of the Town was awarded to former town councillor, mayor and District Councillor Goff Beck.