Agenda item

Notice of Council Motions - Waste and Recycling Centres / Local Government Finance

To discuss the motion presented to the Council on 26 February 2024.




The Panel considered the motion presented to the Council on 26 February 2024 concerning Hampshire County Council (HCC) plans to close Marchwood and Somerley Recycling Centres,  and Local Authority Finances, together with a proposed officer response.


The response was separated into two parts; (a) the response to the HCC Future Services Consultation, and (b) the letter to the Government on local authority finances. 


Members’ comments are captured below:


Household Waste Recycling Centres


A member reported that residents opposed closure of these sites and as an alternative preferred small charges for users of centres as a way to keep the sites open.


A member commented that the majority of people who visited tips took relatively small loads, mostly comprising garden waste, and it was suggested that people with bigger loads or with trailers be charged.


It was also commented that the volume of visits had reduced, so reducing the hours or days the sites were open might be more cost effective than charging.


It was felt Marchwood and Somerley residents would not want to have to go elsewhere and our residents should not have to be at the behest of another authority’s waste and recycling centres


School Crossing Patrols – Members felt strongly that this raised road safety concerns for our youngest people, and wished to stress the value of this service, particularly around infant and junior schools.


Members also felt the response should state that the Council considers that any proposal for a reduction in this service should be supported by evidence showing that the criteria set out in the school crossing patrol service guidelines issued by Road Safety GB have been met.  


Passenger Transport Members opposed this and suggested that representations be made in reference to Health and Wellbeing Residents and Corporate Strategies regarding cuts to the grants, and also impact on NFDC as a grant giver to CAB.


Highways Maintenance and Winter Maintenance – it was felt a stronger response was needed if only for the impact on Council vehicles. A member commented that many residents felt the state of roads was totally unacceptable and any further cuts would have a detrimental effect on the Highway.


Hampshire Culture Trust Grant – Members supported the Council’s response. NFDC did well in supporting arts and culture. The sector had faced hard times since Covid, losing income and grants were less or lost entirely. Some grants were vital to some organisations’ viability and had the organisations had worked very hard to recover ground after these difficulties.               


The Panel supported the proposed response on Local Government Finance, and the Leader stated that she was happy to wite to the Government in those terms.                                                                         






(a)   That subject to the Section 151 Officer reviewing the Panel’s views as set out above, the proposed corporate response to the HCC Future Services Consultation be supported.


(b)   That the proposed text recommended to the Leader of the Council in relation regarding the letter to the Government on local authority finances, be recommended to the Council.



Supporting documents: