Agenda item
Homelessness Update
To receive an update on homelessness.
The Panel received a presentation providing an update on homelessness and the housing register. The presentation has been attached to these minutes as an Appendix.
The Service Manager - Housing Options, Rents, Support, Private Sector Housing reported there was one known rough sleeper in the District who had been receiving support for their welfare. A physical count of rough sleepers had been carried out in the autumn over one night and two rough sleepers had been identified.
As at 8 March 2024, there were 31 single people and 21 families living in emergency accommodation. The Panel noted that the figures fluctuate daily, but it was recognised there had been an improvement on previous years. The key reasons for evictions and homelessness was due to rent increases and affordability. Section 21 notices had been issued due to the landlord selling the property.
The expenditure on homelessness was expected to be under budget at around £1.2 million, which was positive news compared to last year.
There was a project target of 24 ex-offenders to be housed in two years. Officers were being proactive in seeking accommodation for ex-offenders and support was provided to clients to open bank accounts and deal with referrals to drug and alcohol addiction support. 9 had been successfully housed since October 2023 and were living independently.
There were 60 hosts in the District supporting Ukraine and Afghan guests. Since 2022, 51 guests had been helped into private rented accommodation. Work was continuing to support these with ‘Resettlement’ visits setting up utilities, jobs and schooling, etc. Seven guests had been housed into Local Authority Housing Fund properties with an additional three to be housed soon. One Afghan family had been housed in the District under the national resettlement scheme and they had been settling in well. A further family was due to be housed in April.
The updated number of people on the housing register, including the housing bands was presented to the Panel. It was highlighted how the numbers of emergency accommodation fluctuates regularly and that there were often reasons why families were in emergency accommodation for longer than six weeks, which was often due to client choice due to location and the support network, schools and employment. Since September 2023, 156 people had been allocated housing.
An audit of prevention and relief had been carried out and the initial feedback had been positive. A further audit in respect of housing allocations would commence later in March.
The Homesearch Partnership agreement had been updated which would be issued to partner landlords. Regular liaison meetings would commence in June to discuss concerns, updates and good practice. All registered Social Landlord partners would be charged, for the first time, from April 2024 to be part of Homesearch.
Finally, funding for the support team was due to end in March 2025. A review was being conducted to consider the options.
It was questioned, whether the proposals included in the Hampshire County Council consultation would have an impact on the District Council in relation to homelessness and what this would be. In response, it was confirmed that the District Council did not use services provided by HCC in this respect and therefore there would not be an impact for those who were homeless in the area.
A Panel member queried how officers were made aware of rough sleepers and whether the number of rough sleepers being recorded was actually reflective of the real situation. It was confirmed that any reports made to them would be followed up with a visit and that there would be continued visits to look for them, using local intelligence. If there was rough sleeping in the open forest, officers worked with Forestry England to locate them.
Members recognised the good work of the homeless outreach and referral team and asked for this to be acknowledged.
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