Agenda item

Transformation Programme Update

To receive an update on progress with the Transformation Programme.


The Panel received the normal update report on the Transformation Programme. The Assistant Director for Transformation gave a presentation on the key updates to the Transformation Programme. 


The Panel heard that the business case had been approved by Cabinet at their meeting in August and that all of the posts within the Transformation Team had now been filled. Detailed programme and implementation planning was now in progress. 


There were positive updates on all of the programme’s main themes, which were as follows:


On customer and digital services, the Panel heard that the Customer Strategy had been approved and that the Digital Strategy was being reviewed, with a view for consideration at Panel in the coming months, to ensure alignment with the overarching strategies. The ICT Work programme, informed by the business case, had also been approved, and the project to specify and procure a new digital platform had commenced.


On People and Capabilities, the people strategy development was underway (overseen by SEE) and that the completion of the staff survey saw 57% of all NFDC staff respond, which was an increase from 41% in 2023. The next tier of management development was commencing in September 2024 with 60 staff members taking place. 


On Asset and Accommodation, the asset review was in progress through a commissioned piece with MACE. The MACE team were interviewing key officers and initial findings were expected in mid-September with a final report in October. An Action plan would then be developed as part of the review to determine retention, redesign or disposal of operational assets.


On Finances and Delivery, the benchmarking on fees and charges had commenced and identified opportunities. A benefits realisation tracker was being developed based on the Local Government Association (LGA) transformation network example. The Change champions group recently met, of which a Portfolio Holder was a member, and terms of reference for this group were being re-established.


A set of quick wins were currently being explored, such as improved technology in the taxi driver licensing process. Many of these quick wins would see improvements and efficiencies taking place across the Council throughout a range of departments.


The Transformation and Improvement Manager then informed the Panel on the next steps for the programme. It was explained that the new Transformation team were setting up their processes for working effectively and the proper recording of the programme’s delivery. This process involved the identifying of gaps within the team’s knowledge base to ensure that there is the best delivery possible of the wider programme. Following this, the Project Management team must align with the ICT department and facilities, as well as other areas of business, in order to most efficiently work. Close-working with the Change champions would be imperative, with the first meeting taking place next week. 


Following a member question on recruitment to transformation roles, the Panel were informed that three transformation and improvement specialists had been recruited from across the private and public sector.  




On the closure of the existing app where residents could report issues, it was explained that the technology behind the app was outdated and that it was not particularly well used. The longer-term, strategic view would be for contact to be made directly through customer services with an easy-to-use digital platform to assist residents in reporting issues and seeking guidance.


Following a question on Lymington Town Hall, the Strategic Director Corporate Resources S151 and Transformation explained that the lease for the Town Hall would expire in March 2027 and that early conversations have started between NFDC and Lymington Town Council. There were, as yet, no firm proposals and it was too early in the process to provide detailed answers to specific questions. The Panel were reassured that consultation with key stakeholders, including ward councillors and town councillors, and transparency of decision making would take place throughout the process. 


Following a question from a Panel member, the Assistant Director of Transformation explained what ‘transformation’ meant for NFDC in regard to the current programme. It was heard that transformation was a programme centred on customers and their experience, making sure that the Council was as efficient as possible when using Council Tax money. This would be achieved through investing in staff, developing skills and implementing new technology to support the process and provide residents with the services they need, as quickly and efficiently as possible.


On the Staff Survey, the Panel heard that the response rate had improved, and was up from 41% in 2023/2024 to 57% this year. A lot of work had been done at the Council’s depots, such as providing paper copies of the survey and officers visiting and discussing the matter with various operations teams. Work on how to best communicate and assist the operations teams was ongoing. 


The Panel were reminded of the governance processes for the Transformation Programme and how they would receive an update at each meeting, as well as passing through the various governance structures such as the Transformation Steering Board, the Transformation Board, Cabinet and Council. The Panel were reminded that they were able to request updates on specific elements of the Programme. The normal thresholds, key-decision requirements and financial regulations all applied to the Transformation Programme.


On certain large-scale matters, like asset disposals, Council would be the deciding body and that the relevant Portfolio Holder would have their respective remit on those matters as provided by the financial regulations.

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