Agenda item
Report of Cabinet - 21 February 2024
Ahead of the Supplementary Council Agenda publication, which will follow the Cabinet meeting, the background Cabinet reports relating to this meeting can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link:-
Cabinet – Wednesday 21 February 2024
There were no items resolved by Cabinet in this report.
Item 1 – Waste Strategy Implementation – Revised Timeline and Financial Appraisal
Cllr Blunden introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That the Council agree that:-
(a) Officers proceed to take the necessary decisions to implement the service changes for refuse collection, recycling and food waste collections as set out in Section 5 of the Cabinet report, in readiness for commencement of the new service in Spring 2025;
(b) The budget requirements as set out in section 7 of the Cabinet report are approved, noting that these are included in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan. Council notes in particular the anticipated service roll out costs for 2025/26 at £1.4 million, with a likely offset of £0.8 - £1.2 million through the receipt of EPR funding, and the additional budget requirement for transitional costs, increasing from £1.224 million to £1.825 million;
(c) Officers continue procurement processes to secure the necessary vehicles, wheeled bins, food caddies and other containers, including ancillary services in order to deliver the new service; and
(d) Officers continue to work with Hampshire County Council and other Hampshire partners to identify the best long-term solution to recycling collections and processing to meet the Government requirements and return to Cabinet for a final decision.
Item 2 – Housing Revenue Account Budget and the Housing Sector Capital Expenditure Programme 2024/25
Cllr S Davies introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting. Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.
The recommendations were put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-
Voting for:- Cllrs Alvey, Armstrong, Blunden, Brand, Clark, Clarke, Cleary, Craze, Crisell, Cullen, J Davies, S Davies, Dowd, Dunning, Glass, Harrison, Hartmann, Hawkins, Haywood, Heron, Linford, Mballa, McCarthy, Millar, Murray, O’Sullivan, Osborne, Parker, Penman, Penny, Poole, Rackham, Reid, Reilly, Richards, Rickman, Sleep, Thierry, Tipp, Tungate, A Wade, M Wade, Ward, Woods, Young.
Voting against:- None.
Abstaining:- None.
The recommendations were carried unanimously, 45 in favour, 0 against, 0 abstaining.
That Council approve the HRA budget and housing public sector capital expenditure programme for 2024/25, as follows:-
(a) That from 01 April 2024, an increase in rents of 7.7% from the 2023/24 weekly rent level, in accordance with Government guidelines, be agreed;
(b) That from 01 April 2024, an increase in garage rents of 15% from the 2023/24 weekly rent level be agreed;
(c) That from 01 April 2024, an increase in shared ownership property rents of 9.4% from the 2023/24 weekly rent level, in accordance with Government guidelines of RPI +0.5%, be agreed, and that the weekly rent of one additional property sold under previous legislation be increased by 7.7%;
(d) That from 01 April 2024 the new disaggregated approach to Service charges, which will reflect transparent and up to date annual charges for all eligible communal and domestic charges incurred by the Council, be agreed;
(e) That the HRA budget, as set out in Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report, be agreed; and
(f) That a Housing Capital Programme to 2026/27, as set out in Appendix 4 of the Cabinet report, be agreed.
Item 3 – Medium Term Financial Plan and Annual Budget
The Chairman used his discretion to allow the Leader of the Council and the Leaders of the Opposition Groups only to exceed the time limit for making budget speeches. He highlighted his intention to attempt to facilitate one budget debate on the recommendations from Cabinet and any single alternative proposal, also at his discretion. However, should more than one amendment be tabled, he indicated that these would be dealt with one at a time, for clarity.
The Leader of the Council made a statement on the budget as proposed in the report of the Cabinet dated 21 February 2024, a copy of which is attached to these minutes.
The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group made a statement and moved an amendment in the form of an alternative budget. Cllr Clark seconded the amendment. A copy of the alternative budget was circulated to all Members as a supplementary agenda item and a copy of the statement made is attached to these minutes.
The Council debated the Cabinet’s budget proposals together with the alternative budget.
The alternative budget was put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-
Voting for:- Cllrs Brand, Clark, Cullen, J Davies, Dowd, Harrison, Haywood, Linford, Mballa, McCarthy, Millar, Osborne, Rackham, Reilly, A Wade, M Wade and Woods.
Voting against:- Cllrs Alvey, Blunden, Clarke, Cleary, Craze, Crisell, S Davies, Dunning, Glass, Hartmann, Hawkins, Heron, Murray, O’Sullivan, Penman, Penny, Poole, Reid, Rickman, Sleep, Thierry, Tipp, Tungate, Ward and Young.
Abstaining:- Cllrs Armstrong, Parker and Richards.
The amendment and alternative budget was lost, 17 in favour, 25 against, 3 abstaining.
The substantive motion of the budget as outlined in the report of the Cabinet dated 21 February 2024 was put to a recorded vote, the outcome of which was as follows:-
Voting for:- Cllrs Alvey, Blunden, Clarke, Cleary, Craze, Crisell, S Davies, Dunning, Glass, Hartmann, Hawkins, Heron, Murray, O’Sullivan, Penman, Penny, Poole, Reid, Richards, Rickman, Sleep, Thierry, Tipp, Tungate, Ward and Young.
Voting against:- Cllrs Brand, Clark, Cullen, J Davies, Dowd, Harrison, Haywood, Linford, Mballa, McCarthy, Millar, Osborne, Rackham, Reilly, A Wade, M Wade and Woods.
Abstaining:- Cllrs Armstrong and Parker.
The substantive motion and budget as outlined in the report of the Cabinet dated 21 February 2024 was carried, 26 in favour, 17 against, 2 abstaining.
That Council agree that:-
(a) The updated MTFP and financial strategy, as set out in the Cabinet report and throughout appendices 1-3, are approved;
(b) There is a General Fund Net Budget Requirement in 2024/25 of £24,513,250, as set out in appendices 5a - d to the Cabinet report;
(c) The New Forest District Council Band D Council Tax for 2024/25 shall be £199.79;
(d) The Council approves the formal determination (appendix 6), as required by the Levelling up and Regeneration Act 2023, to apply Council Tax premiums to dwellings occupied periodically and long-term empty dwellings, for implementation from 1 April 2025;
(e) The General Fund Capital Programme for 2024/25 of £16.579 million, as set out in appendix 7 to the Cabinet report be approved; and
(f) The proposed fees and charges as included at appendix 8 to the Cabinet report be approved.
Supporting documents:
Report of Cabinet - 21 February 2024, item 64.
PDF 441 KB
Appendix 1 - Waste Strategy, item 64.
PDF 775 KB
Appendix 2 - Housing Revenue Account budget and the housing sector capital expenditure programme 202425, item 64.
PDF 429 KB
Appendix 3 - Medium Term Financial Plan and Annual Budget 202425, item 64.
PDF 826 KB
Liberal Democrat Group - Alternative Budget 2024/25, item 64.
PDF 595 KB
Leaders Budget Speech Feb 24, item 64.
PDF 344 KB
Lib Dem Budget Speech, item 64.
PDF 327 KB