Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's Update

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


The Panel received updates from the Leader and the Portfolio holder for Finance and Corporate.


Cllr Cleary, Leader


The Leader had been representing the New Forest and the Council’s interests within wider discussions across Hampshire and the Solent and offered meetings with the 2 MPs in Forest. She was working closely with all group leaders and was pleased to have a shared view about the way forward. The Council was at an early stage in considering proposals around future reorganisation and the Government's letter, expected this month, should include more details regarding criteria. A report will be coming forward to Cabinet on devolution in response to Government's letter.


She commented that delivering local services was not just around scale and size but about local responsiveness and Local identity, and she would be striving to ensure that any future proposals took this into account.


The Leader was pleased to welcome the LGA Peer Review team in December and awaited its final report. The team had reflected on the progress that had been made to modernise and encourage a culture of empowerment and collaboration, and that the Council’s ambition for local people and place was clear. The LGA recommendations would be reviewed and brought to this to this panel in March and on to Cabinet.


The Leader continued to champion the Council’s efforts to become an employer of choice, attending employee forums and keeping an overview of the development of the People Strategy, and reference was made to a recent update on this at HR Committee outlining work to reshape the action plan in the light of potential reorganisation.


She concluded that the Council needed to be both strategic and tactical over the next few months and years, and be flexible in reviewing priorities and resources. In response to a question on the impact on staff, she emphasised her strong commitment to staff welfare.


The Leader was asked whether any preferences on which reorganisation models were being discussed with HCC, eg Southampton and Eastleigh or Winchester and Test Valley. In reply, the Leader explained that there were no indications as yet as it was too early in the process.


In answer to a question, the Leader explained that LGR had not impacted the Freeport at present.  The Chief Executive added that at a recent meeting, the Chair of the Solent Freeport indicated that the Government had indicated that the governance of Freeports was likely to move into the mayoral strategic authorities. NFDC would continue to emphasise the importance of securing the delivery of benefits for the New Forest area under the original framework.


Cllr Heron, Finance and Corporate


The Portfolio Holder reported that work was underway with the asset management strategy, which would include consideration of the future use of Lymington Town Hall.


He noted that the main focus was on ensuring that the Council did not become a ‘city extension’, and that the future of the area was paramount to all members.


The Council was working with partners to deliver the best possible outcome for residents whilst reflecting the unique local area.  He echoed the Leader’s comments that it was early in the LGR process and that the Government’s proposals were still awaited, but that the Panel would be kept updated as the situation evolved.  He urged members from all parties to challenge their MP’s and their party, to get the best result for the Council and its residents.