Agenda item

Portfolio Holder's Update

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing reported he had attended the Hampshire and Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton PIPS Serious Violence reduction event.  It was highlighted that the New Forest District was one of the lowest areas across the county for crime in general, which was positive news. 


The Environment and Regulation team had been working on reducing pollution from domestic burning, in particular from wood burning stoves and bonfires which was a health concern and a significant contribution towards particulate pollution in the UK.  In order to help reduce the pollution the Environmental Protection team had been working with neighbouring authorities on a burn better campaign to promote cleaner burning from wood burners, open fires and bonfires and provide facts on costs and associated pollution.  This project was being delivered using DEFRA grant funding in association with the Environment Centre.  On 24 January the Council would support the first air clean air night delivered by global action plan to share messages around the health and environmental impacts of woodburning.  A free webinar with presentations from leading experts on air quality and details could be shared with members on request.


The licensing service had begun a three month consultation on the draft Taxi Licensing Policy.  A number of changes had been proposed including, restrictions on the age of vehicles, enhanced checks on drivers and the increased frequency of inspections.  These changes would improve public safety and air quality.  Members were urged to review the draft policy and submit any comments.


Work was continuing with national bodies, partners and schools to develop and launch new facilities and sporting opportunities for local communities as well as arts and cultural projects across the District.  Officers would attend a future meeting of the Panel to provide an update on the projects taking place in the District.


The Council had agreed to develop a Cultural Strategy in Summer 2023.  A Cultural Development Board had been set up with partners and the next meeting would take place on 30 January.


80 people had attended the inaugural Community Forum in October 2023.  It has been set up to help to mitigate against the cost of living crisis and to share information.  The feedback from this event had been very positive.  The next Community Forum would take place on 27 March.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness reported that since the last panel meeting, a new Task and Finish group has been set up to explore other forms of affordable housing and to assess the scope for introducing modern methods of construction, as a means of speeding up delivery and reducing costs.


Progress had been made towards the current new affordable housing target and there were more schemes in the pipeline.  It was acknowledged that the costs of construction had increased by 30% over the last 3 years.


The Group had been set up to look at all options with a view to maximising opportunities to continue to deliver additional Council owned accommodation, as well as alternative affordable home ownership models, within the available spending powers of the housing revenue account. 


The Portfolio Holder reported he had visited Hythe to review sites for additional affordable housing.  The most exciting was the site of the former Hythe hospital which would provide an additional 22 homes.


The Portfolio Holder reported he was delighted to see the Tenant Engagement Strategy coming forward.  Tenant hubs were being arranged, which would allow tenants to meet up in their own areas.  He would be attending these events.  He was also to meet the Tenant Involvement Group which would be an opportunity for him to receive feedback directly from tenants.


In response to a question from a councillor it was confirmed that the performance dashboards with Key Performance Information would be published with the agenda for future meetings.