Agenda item

SS18 Middle Burgate House, Salisbury Road, Burgate, Fordingbridge (Application 22/11268)

Hybrid Application – (Outline) Development of Land Comprising the Erection of 41 Dwellings, Demolition and Removal of Redundant Agricultural Structures, Works to Access, Landscaping and Provision of Public Open Space/ANRG, and (Full) Conversion and Extension of an Existing Building to form 4 flats and Erection of a further Block of 8 Flatted Units (53 Dwellings Total).




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:


i)               the completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following:


·       Affordable housing provision and maintenance

·       Air quality monitoring contribution

·       ANRG, POS and play space provision and maintenance

·       Biodiversity net gain including any off site contributions

·       County Council S106 agreement preparation charge

·       District Council monitoring charges

·       Drainage management and monitoring arrangements

·       Habitat mitigation non infrastructure contribution

·       Footpath 84 maintenance sum contribution

·       S278 site access provision

·       Footpath and cycle connections to FP83

·       Provision and maintenance of reptile hibernacula


ii)              such agreement to be completed by end of December 2024.


iii)             the imposition of the conditions set out in the report and any additional / amended conditions deemed necessary by the Service Manager (Development Management), having regard to the continuing Section 106 discussions to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions.





Hybrid Application – (Outline) Development of Land Comprising the Erection of 41 Dwellings, Demolition and Removal of Redundant Agricultural Structures, Works to Access, Landscaping and Provision of Public Open Space/ANRG, and (Full) Conversion and Extension of an Existing Building to form 4 flats and Erection of a further Block of 8 Flatted Units (53 Dwellings Total).


Public Participants:


Adam Bennett, Ken Parke Planning Consultants (Agent)

Darrell Sturmey (Objector)


Additional Representations:






Cllr Woods disclosed a non-pecuniary interest, for transparency purposes as a Ward Cllr for Fordingbridge, Godshill & Hyde.  He reported that he had not been involved in the application or expressed any view and therefore concluded there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


The Case Officer reported some amendments to the conditions which had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.


The Case Officer also reported the following typographical errors:


·         Page 97 of the agenda pack, fourth paragraph under the heading Ecological impact, first line, should read “slow worms and bats”;

·         Page 103 of the agenda pack, first paragraph, third line from the bottom.  Parking should be added after the word cycle;

·         Page 106 of the agenda pack, first paragraph under the Section 106 heading, penultimate line, the word ‘with’ to be replaced with ‘and’.


A member of the Committee noted that the proposed development was close to the International Dark Skies Reserve and that this had been taken in account as part of the officer assessment of the application.  This however, had not been reflected in the lighting design strategy condition, which only cited bats and human health.  It was therefore felt this should be included.  The Case Officer reported that it was a relevant issue and it could be included as an additional bullet point (d) to condition 37, “to demonstrate how the impact of lighting on the International Dark Skies could be mitigated” and also added into the reasons. 




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:


i)          the completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the following:


·         Affordable housing provision and maintenance

·         Air quality monitoring contribution

·         ANRG, POS and play space provision and maintenance

·         Biodiversity net gain including any off site contributions

·         County Council S106 agreement preparation charge

·         District Council monitoring charges

·         Drainage management and monitoring arrangements

·         Habitat mitigation non infrastructure contribution

·         Footpath 84 maintenance sum contribution

·         S278 site access provision

·         Footpath and cycle connections to FP83

·         Provision and maintenance of reptile hibernacula


ii)           such agreement to be completed by end of December 2024; and


iii)         the imposition of the conditions set out in the report, the update note, the agreed amendment to condition 37 in relation to the international dark skies reserve, and any additional / amended conditions deemed necessary by the Service Manager (Development Management), having regard to the continuing Section 106 discussions to ensure consistency between the two sets of provisions.


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3c), update note and amendment to condition 37 set out below:


Lighting Design Strategy


Additional bullet point:


d) demonstrate how the impact of lighting on the international dark skies reserve can be mitigated


Reason: To comply with Local Plan Part Two 2014 Policy DM2 to ensure that protected species and their habitat are not harmed, that any lighting should comply with guidance in relation to the International Dark Skies Reserve, and that human health is also safeguarded in accordance with Local Plan Part One 2020 Policy CCC1.


Supporting documents: