Agenda item

Citizen Advice New Forest - Update (Presentation) - To Follow

To receive an update from Citizens Advice New Forest on progress at the organisation and use of the NFDC grant.


The Panel received an update from Mr Neill Young, CEO of Citizens Advice New Forest (CANF), and Mr Jeremy Ogden, Chair of Trustees of CANF, on their activities over the last year.  A copy of the slides used in the update are available with the agenda pack.


CANF was a local organisation which provided free confidential advice and information, to help people overcome their problems.  CANF had five offices in the New Forest in Hythe, Lymington, New Milton, Ringwood and Totton, all in premises shared with other organisations. CANF also had access to national citizens advice resources.


CANF was supported by 68 volunteers and 27 staff members and helped approximately 5000 people per year with a multiple range of complex problems, from financial problems to relationships and family issues.


CANF was funded by a number of local and national trusts, charities and organisations. CANF received 45% of its funding from this Council (currently £190K) on 3 year rolling funding agreements expiring on 31 March 2025, and was very grateful for this funding.  A new funding agreement was being developed.


Examples were given of case work to support residents and other activities undertaken within the community, together with work on trends such as increasing debt, cost of living pressures and more people with mental health issues.


It was explained that not all CANF offices were able to be open 5 days per week, as this required at least 3 people to be present and this was not always possible.


In response to a question, it was explained that work on the CANF Cost of Living Steering Groups action plan was ongoing and some themes were emerging. It was hoped that NFDC could support the outcomes of the plan as well as the related actions and campaigns. 


It was queried whether the figure of 68 volunteers was low or high in comparison to recent trends, and how the Council could help. In reply, it was commented that it was important to take on volunteers in a measured way as they needed to be properly trained.


Members also asked whether there were plans to expand the schools project into the Waterside, Pennington and the wider Forest. In answer, it was explained that the success of the project would be assessed, and expansion depended on additional    funding. There was an overall aspiration to expand to all schools as a 2 year project.


It was reported that there were pockets of deprivation in the Forest in areas such as Totton, Waterside, Calshot and New Milton, and CANF were active in these communities.


District Councillors were welcome to contact the service to arrange a visit to learn more about CANF’s work and the challenges it faced. 


Members asked what they could do to assist CANF, and it was suggested that they gain an understanding of the challenges in their local community, and encourage town and parish councils to support CANF financially. Contact was being made with local councils in the next few weeks.


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman praised CANF for the vital work it did for the local community, and thanked Mr Young and Mr Ogden for their attendance and their very interesting presentation.

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