Agenda item


To consider the proposed parking and Keyhaven Fees and Charges.


The Assistant Director of Place and Operations presented the report on Annual Fees and Charges for 2024 for Car Parking and Keyhaven Moorings. The main points highlighted were as follows:


·       The Council’s car parking fees are set in Autumn and then apply from 1st January the following year.

·       There are 44 Car Parks across the District area which are split into either Town & Village Car Parks or Amenity Car Parks.

·       Amenity car parks have a seasonal charging structure.

·       32,000 people use the car parks every year, and the car parks offers either short or long parking clocks.

·       The Council has not historically raised car parking fees and charges consistently, nor as a minimum in line with inflation. In some cases, fees have not risen since 2018.

·       Based on CPI, charges that have not been increased with inflation since 2018 are nearly 40 per cent behind where they would have been if an inflationary increase had been applied annually.

·       As of 1st January 2024, it is proposed that most tariffs will increase by £1 pound, except for the 1-hour tariff that will remain at £1 and the up to 20 hours tariff that will increase by £3.

·       The decision not to increase the charge for 1 hour parking was made with supporting local businesses in mind.

·       Comparable authorities were assessed when reviewing parking charges. Indication is that parking clocks are very low and proposed increase 5.6 of report.

·       New Parking Strategy for longer term of strategy to support service in future.

·       10% increase to fees, acknowledging that operation at Keyhaven is different to other harbours or moorings.

·       The proposed fees had been drafted with the current financial climate in mind as well as other Council commitments such as the target for net zero. The proposed fees and charges were comparable to other, comparable local authorities.

·       In the context of charges being frozen for 6 years in many cases, it was deemed a reasonable step to increase certain fees.


The Panel made several comments on the report, highlighted as follows:


·       A Panel member expressed support for the proposed fees and charges, citing the value for money offered by the Council’s various parking clock options

·       In contrast, a Panel member raised concern over the 57% increase for the annual parking clock and a 33% increase for the short stay parking clock. The member suggested that the increases would deter people from using Council car parks, having a possible impact on local businesses.

·       The Panel heard from one member that this increase would enable the Council to run effectively in its running. On the range of fees and charges, with some not increasing since 2018, the Panel member deemed it a reasonable increase in order for the Council to continue delivering its services for residents.

·       On the percentage increase of rises, one member was concerned that this increase would actually see revenue decrease if people were deterred.





That the Panel recommends to Cabinet:


i.                That the 2024 town and amenity car park tariffs be increased by £1.00 per tariff, except for the 1-hour tariff which will remain at £1.00, and the “up to 20 hours” tariff which will increase by £3.


ii.              That the 1-hour tariff is applicable in all car parks throughout the year.



iii.             That the increase in charges for NFDC parking clocks be agreed; namely


·       Short stay annual clocks from £30.00 to £40.00

·       Long stay annual clocks from £140 to £220

·       Long stay quarterly clocks from £40 to £65


iv.             That the Council allocate 4 days of free parking in town centre car parks to support local businesses during December 2023 as detailed in section 7.


v.              That the Keyhaven fees and charges as detailed at Appendix A to the report be approved, and;


That the Panel notes the intention to develop a Parking Strategy.

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