Agenda item

Housing Strategy / HRA Property development and acquisition update

To receive an update on the progress of the Housing Strategy and HRA property development and acquisition.




The Service Manager for Housing Strategy and Development gave a presentation providing an update on the delivery and progress of affordable housing, which had been attached to the minutes as an Appendix.  The following was noted:


·        Completed works: 38 & 40 Ambleside, Lymington to refurbish two 2 bed houses.  Improvements to 1 and 2 Peak Hill in East Boldre had also been completed.  These were two structurally unsound properties. These two properties had 3 bedrooms and had been reconfigured to maximise space and install ASHPs.  Buildings contractors, as part of the building contractor framework had been used to complete these works.

·        Under construction: Work was progressing on the Former Testwood Club site in Totton to provide 12 new flats.  Completion was expected in December 2023 / January 2024.  These had been designed as a pilot scheme to meet the Future Homes Standard.  The building was being monitored to ensure they were built to the correct standard and the performance of these properties would be monitored for 12 months following completion.  Burgate Acres in Fordingbridge was a Metis Homes scheme and the District Council had purchased 14 homes under Section 106 and a further additional 3 for Shared Ownership.  A Homes England grant funding had been awarded as part of this purchase.  Completion was expected between November 2023 and May 2024.  The Panel noted that 5 of the 6 shared ownership properties had been marketed in July and over 30 applications had been received.  The purchase of 4 of these properties was in progress as one bidder had dropped out.  Finally, Moore Close in New Milton was due to start construction in October.  This was to provide 16 new properties for affordable rent.  There had been challenges with the site due to covid, building costs and interest rate increases.  A Homes England grant had been obtained for £1.5m.

·        Further updates: Demolition of the 2,000 sq m former Hythe Medical Centre had commenced.  There was a lot of asbestos within the building and therefore the correct procedures needed to be followed.  This was to build 22 new homes.  37/37 Salisbury Road, Totton had received planning permission.  This site had Japanese knotweed which would need to be dug out and a large hole would be left.  It was anticipated that the demolition of 37 Salisbury Road would help to fill the hole left behind.  Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood, this scheme was to reconfigure single person temporary accommodation to provide 5 units of 2/3 bedroom self contained units of temporary accommodation for families.  The plans were being finalised and work was due to start on site in October.

·        Local Authority Housing Fund: A decision had been made in early 2023 to provide 12 resettlement homes using a grant of £1.8 m to provide 10 homes for Ukrainian families and 2 for Afghan families.  The team were looking at ex-Council property buy backs in order to deliver these homes.  2 had been purchased to date and a further 8 properties had been identified.

·        The current development programme was noted.  314 new homes had been completed to date, 141 had a degree of certainty to be provided by 2026 and 173 future development opportunities had been identified.  It was recognised that this figure may change over time.  The Council had finite resources to secure sites and could be bidding against other housing providers in order to deliver additional affordable housing, which would still be delivered for the benefit of NFDC Housing Register applicants, even if the council was not the delivery landlord. 


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