Agenda item

Senior Management Review

To agree a new senior management structure.






(a)             That all existing delegations of powers to Heads of Service and Executive Directors, that are the responsibility of the Cabinet, be delegated to the proposed new Executive Heads (regardless of their respective disciplines); and


(b)             That the General Purposes and Licensing Committee be advised that the proposed new salary bands for the posts of Executive Heads, as set out in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet, are supported;





(a)       That the proposed new senior management structure, as set out in Appendix 1 to Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, including the deletion of the post of Executive Director and the review of Heads of Service, be approved;


(b)       That the proposals for recruitment to the posts of Executive Heads, as set out in paragraph 5 of Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, be approved;


(c)       That the principle of designating one Executive Head to act as a deputy for the Chief Executive, subject to review within 12 months, be approved;


(d)       That all existing delegations of powers to Heads of Service and Executive Directors, that are not the responsibility of the Cabinet, be delegated to the proposed new Executive Heads (regardless of their respective disciplines); and


(e)       That the Chief Executive be authorised to take all the necessary action and decisions to achieve the proposals set out in Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, including arrangements for the selection process and transitional period.




The Cabinet considered the introduction of a new senior management structure for the authority following a review undertaken by the Chief Executive.  The proposed new structure sought to provide robust, flexible arrangements to meet the challenges facing this authority over coming years in the climate of continuing financial restraint.


It was proposed that the Chief Executive would be supported by a single tier structure of 5 Executive Heads, with the current 9 service areas being amalgamated into functional groups.  Three of the Executive Heads would focus on operating the Council’s front line services; with 2 ensuring that business management arrangements were effective and efficient, with statutory duties and responsibilities being delivered.  The proposed structure was set out in Appendix 1 to report item 7 considered by the Cabinet.


For a trial period of one year it was also proposed that one of the Executive Heads should deputise for the Chief Executive when absent, with an allowance being paid in recognition of the additional duties.


The selection process for the new posts would be held on 10 and 11 December 2015.  The appointments would take effect from 1 January 2016 where an internal appointment was made.  Any displaced Heads of Service would be placed on the redeployment register pending the outcome of future reviews by the new Executive Heads of the staffing structure for their service areas.


It was anticipated that the new senior management structure would generate savings of £300,000 per annum.


The Chief Executive would continue to act as the Statutory Financial Officer (Section 151 Officer) to provide essential continuity, but this will be reviewed in 6 months’ time.


To increase flexibility of response the powers delegated to the current Executive Directors and Heads of Service would be delegated to all of the new Executive Heads.


The Cabinet was advised that the Employee Side had commented that they welcomed the openness and clarity of the report and trusted that the same level would be maintained as the review filtered down through the employee structure.


The Leader thanked the existing senior management team for their assistance and participation in developing these proposals, and welcomed the Employee side’s comments.  He considered that the new structure would put the Council in a strong position to face the challenges ahead.




(a)             That all existing delegations of powers to Heads of Service and Executive Directors, that are the responsibility of the Cabinet, be delegated to the proposed new Executive Heads (regardless of their respective disciplines); and


(b)             That the General Purposes and Licensing Committee be advised that the proposed new salary bands for the posts of Executive Heads, as set out in paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2 of Report Item 7 considered by the Cabinet, are supported;




(a)       That the proposed new senior management structure, as set out in Appendix 1 to Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, including the deletion of the post of Executive Director and the review of Heads of Service, be approved;


(b)       That the proposals for recruitment to the posts of Executive Heads, as set out in paragraph 5 of Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, be approved;


(c)       That the principle of designating one Executive Head to act as a deputy for the Chief Executive, subject to review within 12 months, be approved;


(d)       That all existing delegations of powers to Heads of Service and Executive Directors, that are not the responsibility of the Cabinet, be delegated to the proposed new Executive Heads (regardless of their respective disciplines); and


(e)       That the Chief Executive be authorised to take all the necessary action and decisions to achieve the proposals set out in Report item 7 considered by the Cabinet, including arrangements for the selection process and transitional period.


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