Agenda item

Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolios.


The Panel received updates from the Leader, and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate, on developments within their portfolios.


Cllr Cleary, Leader


The Leader had been focused on work with partners, including the Solent Freeport Board, to ensure that the District’s priorities were given focus within the wider Freeport programme. The Council had always been clear that the Council supported the Solent Freeport and the planned growth not as an end in itself, but to deliver much needed infrastructure, jobs and housing.  Officers were shaping a clear set of priorities for the New Forest that the Council would work with partners to see delivered. Some of these outcomes would take many years to see come to fruition, such as the A326 enhancements.


In addition to a joint leaders’ letter to the Chancellor, the Leader had also written to MP Dr Julian Lewis, who had made the case onwards for an extension to the tax site fiscal incentives for the Solent Freeport. Achieving this will make a big difference.


Work was ongoing with partners across the New Forest on regeneration and growth. The allocation of funding to the District from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and the Rural Prosperity fund would make a big difference and Cllr Cleary was keen within the fund criteria, to see this funding available to address some of the challenges our towns and rural communities were facing.  


On a wider footprint, it was noted the Government had announced that the statutory functions of the Local Enterprise Partnerships would pass to upper tier or unitary authorities. Further information was awaited from Hampshire County Council about how they proposed to work with Districts to take forward this agenda, and NFDC had expressed an interest in addressing rural economy issues with other Hampshire districts.


Whilst there were no plans at the moment going forward for devolution across Hampshire, the Leader had supported the District Council Network campaign and written to the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, to emphasise the role that District Councils needed to play in any future county combined authority model.


Within the organisation the Leader continued to meet regularly with staff, having undertaken 3 depot visits as well as the Service showcase, which was an amazing opportunity for all members to find out more about the range of services NFDC delivered.  The Leader was pleased the Council was undertaking an LGA peer review into HR and organisational development, and hoped that this work would guide next steps in developing a ‘People strategy’ and plan that moved the Council forward with our employer of choice aspirations.


It was explained that the Elections team were currently undertaking the annual canvass to check the registration details the Council held in order to publish the revised Register of Electors on 1st December. The next phase of the Election Act that introduced Voter ID for the May 2023 elections, was imminent, with work underway by central government to allow electors to apply to vote by post online from 31st October 2023. The Elections Team was also starting to work on planning for the Police and Crime Commissioner election to be held in May 2024.   


The Leader was asked about any emerging Freeport benefits, particularly for the western part of the Forest, including any investment.  Cllr Cleary reported that she was due to attend 3 scheduled meetings on this topic over the next 2 weeks, as she was concerned to see some tangible benefits and related timescales. She still believed this was a major opportunity of benefit to the New Forest and was pressing for some information on anticipated outcomes which could be brought back and reported to the Council. The Council would also strive to work with the new Levelling Up Minister in this regard. 


It was queried why the letter requesting the extension to the tax incentive had been sent, and it was explained that better incentives were sought.


A member expressed concerns regarding the recent decision by Freedom Leisure to give local swimming clubs notice to cease lessons at District Council owned swimming pools. The Leader was asked what assurance could be given that she was engaging with the relevant Portfolio holder and Freedom Leisure to address people’s concerns. The Leader confirmed that she was about to discuss this matter and it was hoped there would be a resolution soon.


Cllr Heron, Finance and Corporate Portfolio Holder


Councillor Heron praised the work of Citizens Advice New Forest, emphasising how much its work was appreciated in the District, and indicating the Council’s continuing support.


The Portfolio Holder also paid tribute to the service manager for Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services, and his team, for their hard work and dedication in ensuring the community were supported to the best of their and the Council’s ability.


It was explained that the Portfolio Holder Dashboards would be available once the new corporate plan, incorporating the new portfolio structure, was finalised.  KPIs for each service were still available for members, but were not being presented to panels at this stage. New dashboards would be produced in due course, and officers undertook to provide the latest performance data to members shortly.


The Portfolio Holder was asked to what extent the Council collaborated with CANF on using funding for partnership working on projects such as domestic abuse or debt relief etc. In answer, the Portfolio Holder explained that partnership working with CANF was an ongoing process, with an NFDC officer sitting on the CANF board, which fostered good relationships and helped deliver the best outcome for local people. Furthermore, officers ensured that any Government funding was obtained whenever it was available.