Agenda item

Development of a new operational services depot at Hardley Industrial Estate


The Panel considered a proposed scheme for the development of a new operational services depot at Hardley Industrial Estate.


The Waste Strategy had pointed to the need for replacement of Claymeadow, given its size, location and nearby facilities, which had been confirmed by external consultants. Investment in the new Depot was much needed, in order to provide a safer, more practical facility, with modern and purpose-built workshop facilities that were fit for future operations.


This new depot would serve as an operational centre for the east of the District. One of the Council’s three existing depots – “Claymeadow” in Totton – would be decommissioned, and planning permission sought for an alternative development, most likely housing


NFDC was seeking to develop land at Hardley Industrial Estate for use as an operational services depot. The proposed scheme comprised staff and operational vehicle parking, storage, fuelling, vehicle washing facilities, a vehicle maintenance workshop and office units.


This was a cross – Council project involving close collaboration between members and officers, covering various services within the Authority.


A robust procurement exercise was run, over a 3 month period. The preferred bidder would be reported confidentially to the Cabinet.


HR policies were in place to recognise the change of location for affected staff.


In all, £7.8m had been allocated for the project, including a contingency sum. This exceeded the capital programme allocation for the project, but the capital receipt expected from the sale of the Claymeadow site would resolve the deficit.


Risks had been mitigated through the procurement exercise.  A fixed - price contract would ensure the project was not vulnerable to changes in materials costs. Future provision of charging facilities for plant and equipment was planned.


Governance arrangements included oversight via the Waste Programme Board (including members of the Cabinet), as well as a separate steering group involving senior officers.


It was queried whether social housing would be provided on the vacated site, including from NFDC Housing. It was responded that options were being kept open, and it was explained that ultimately, the Council’s General Fund had to realise market value from the site, and any residential development from NFDC had to be policy compliant in terms of affordable housing need. Discussions would continue with the Housing service.


The local member for the Hardley area indicated the Parish Council’s support for the project.


A query was raised concerning the 60/40 split in Price / Quality aspects of the procurement. It was explained that the procurement process had been robust and the Council had received strong bids, both in terms of price and quality.  Officers undertook to check how the quality assessment was worked through, and to what extent relevant documents could be made publicly available, balanced against the need to protect commercial confidentiality.


It was confirmed that overall, the relocation of the site would not present adverse transport / journey times for staff and all operational rounds would be reviewed using new technology.




That the Panel support the proposal to allocate £7.8M of Capital funding towards the new depot facility.



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