Agenda item
Land North of Hightown Road, Hightown, Ringwood (Application No. 21/10042)
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 8th March, 2023 9.00 am (Item 36a)
- View the declarations of interest for item 36a
Outline planning application for up to 400 dwellings and 3 hectares of employment (Class E c and g and B2), access, open space, landscaping, alternative natural recreational greenspace (ANRG) and drainage attenuation (Outline Application with details only of Access) (AMENDED PLANS & ADDITIONAL INFORMATION).
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head for Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion of the Section 106 Agreement and any associated Agreement to secure the delivery of off-site community facility space provision and conditions.
Outline planning application for up to 400 dwellings and 3 hectares of employment (Class E c and g and B2), access, open space, landscaping, alternative natural recreational greenspace (ANRG) and drainage attenuation (Outline Application with details only of Access) (AMENDED PLANS & ADDITIONAL INFORMATION).
Public Participants:
Jane Piper, Barton Willmore (Agent)
Keith Oliver, Elizabeth Pottage Taylor Wimpey (Applicant) (Present to answer technical questions)
Chris Isherwood, PFA (Flood Drainage consultants) (Present to answer technical questions)
Cllr Philip Day, Ringwood Town Council
Additional Representations:
The Case Officer reported that two additional representations had been received from the Ringwood Society and Ringwood Junior School. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
A statement was read out on behalf of Ryan Barnett (Objector).
Cllr Ring declared a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Ringwood Town Council which had commented on the application. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head for Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion of the Section 106 Agreement and any associated Agreement to secure the delivery of off-site community facility space provision and the following conditions
(i) the completion by end of the 30th of March 2024, of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following contributions and other benefits:
· Affordable Housing (AH) - 50% of the proposed dwellings as Affordable Housing in a policy compliant mix, in which the affordable housing mix be comprised of 70% dwellings for rent, split equally between social and affordable rent, and 30% intermediate or affordable home ownership tenures including shared ownership. Phasing delivery of units to be agreed, and long-term retention as AH.
· Biodiversity net gain (BNG).
· Community use off site contribution -There will be a requirement to secure appropriate contributions to community facility off the site, together with any further agreement needed to secure delivery and ongoing community use
· Public Open Space
· There will be a requirement to secure a policy compliant level of public open space within the development to an approved design.
· There will be a requirement to secure a policy compliant level of children's playspace within the development to an approved design
· There will be a requirement to secure the long term maintenance of the Public Open Space and Childrens Play Areas
· Education Contribution - There will be a requirement for developer to pay a contribution of £1,721,100 to primary and junior education provision.
· ANRG provision and maintenance and monitoring
· ANRG Mitigation Land
· There will be a requirement to secure a policy compliant level of ANRG land in accordance with approved designs, and to secure permanent public access to these areas in an appropriate phased manner.
· There will be a requirement for a detailed management plan and contribution to future monitoring of the SANGS. The SANG must be laid out as agreed together with a Habitat Mitigation Scheme and made available for use prior to first occupation of any Dwelling on the land.
· There will be a requirement to secure the long-term maintenance of the ANRG land and associated maintenance contributions.
· Habitat mitigation for recreational impact – non infrastructure access and management contributions per dwelling as per standard formula
· POS provision and maintenance including play spaces – triggers for implementation, management arrangements to ensure long term public access and proper management and maintenance of those areas.
· Flooding and drainage - There is a requirement for the developer to provide a flood mitigation scheme prior to first occupation, together with its maintenance and long term management. There is also a requirement to provide a surface water drainage scheme on site, together with its maintenance and long term maintenance.
· Air quality assessment monitoring contribution in line with Local Plan policy.
· Off-site highway works -There will be a requirement to secure the provision, implementation, timing and delivery of the accesses, junction and associated highway works along the A31 Slip road , Southampton Road and Hightown Road.
· There will be a requirement to secure the provision, implementation, timing and delivery of a link road to an adoptable standard between the A31 Slip road and Hightown Road. The relief road shall be implemented and made available for use prior to the occupation of the 200th Dwelling.
· The internal relief road will need to be offered for adoption to the highway authority
· There is a requirement to provide a footpath along the northern side of Hightown Road towards Crow Lane
· There is a requirement to provide a crossing point along Hightown Road
· There is a requirement to secure a financial contribution towards a new footpath link from the application site through the existing Ash Grove play area to the existing public footpath in Ash Grove.
· There will be a requirement to make a financial contribution towards the maintenance of PROW 34
· There will be a requirement to pay the Travel Plan approval and monitoring fees, and a need to provide a surety mechanism to ensure implementation of the travel plan.
· There is a requirement to secure sustainable travel improvements including new bus stop(s) on Eastfield Lane and provision of hourly bus service and re-routing of bus service through link road if available at point of commencement
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving on the corner of Hightown Gardens/ Hightown Road together with footpath realignment;
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving on the corner of Old Stacks Gardens/ Hightown Road
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving on the corner of Hightown Road/ Eastfield Lane
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving on the corner of Woodford Close/ Eastfield Lane
· Three pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving along Ash Grove
· Re-location of Bus stop along Eastfield Lane/ Ash Grove
· Financial contribution towards a new footpath through the existing play area to the west of the site to link onto Ash Grove
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving along Hightown Road opposite bus stop and near Ash Grove
· Crossing along Eastfield Lane at the end of the pedestrian/cycle link within the site
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs and tactile paving along Parsonage Barn Lane/ Cloughs Road
· A pedestrian with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving along Eastfield Lane/ Cloughs Road
· A pedestrian crossing with dropped kerbs, pram ramps and tactile paving along Eastfield Lane/ Eastfield Court
· Eastfield/Southampton Road Contraflow cycle lane, road marking and signage to provide more direct route to Gorley Road for northbound cyclist
· Seek to remove stiles/narrow kissing gates to improve access to Footpath 34 and review the potential to upgrade the route to a multi-use path. This would enable more users to use the route between residential areas to the west and the countryside to the east via Milky Down Back Lane
· Provision of a full Travel Plan with bond, monitoring fees and approval fees.
· Other Mitigation Contributions and Measures
· There will be a requirement to secure the New Forest Access and Visitor Management Contribution, the New Forest (recreational impact) Monitoring Contributions and the New Forest Air Quality Monitoring contributions in full.
· Monitoring contributions
ii) Delegated authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to include the conditions as set out in the report together with any further additions, and amendments to conditions as appropriate
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3a)
Following the conclusion of this item, Cllr Ring declared he was resigning from the Planning Committee with immediate effect. He felt that the Committee was unable to listen to and acknowledge local concerns when determining applications. He left the meeting and was not present for the remaining two items.
Supporting documents: