Agenda item
SS9: Land East of, Everton Road, Hordle (Application 21/11731)
Residential development of site for 97 dwellings, open space, Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG), vehicular access via Everton Road
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head for Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) The completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the contributions (subject to indexation) set out in the report and other benefits: and
ii) Delegated authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning Regeneration and Economy to include the conditions as set out in the report, together with any further additions, and amendments to conditions as appropriate.
Residential development of site for 97 dwellings, open space, Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG), vehicular access via Everton Road
Public Participants:
Alison Young, Turley (Agent)
Wendy Grace (Objector)
Cllrs Maggie Hill, Hordle Parish Council
Cllr Alvin Reid, Hordle Ward Cllr
Additional Representations:
The Case Officer reported that two further third party presentations had been received raising concerns regarding foul and surface water drainage, highway safety and protected trees, this had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
A statement was read out on behalf of Cllr Carpenter.
The Case Officer reported that the applicant had submitted details of the drainage strategy for disposal of surface water on 7 December 2022. He also reported an amendment to paragraph 10.3.2 of the report, in relation to the mix of housing, to be 73 houses, of which 23 would be 2 bed, 38 would be 3 bed and 12 would be 4 bed, the remainder would be flats. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head for Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) the completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following contributions (subject to indexation) and other benefits:
· Affordable Housing (AH) - 49 units (equating to 50%) with a tenure split of 17 social rented units, 23 shared ownership units and 9 affordable rent. Phasing delivery of units to be agreed, and long-term retention as AH.
· Education - financial contribution of £365,747. This is towards the expansion of Hordle CE Primary School, Ashley Infant and Junior Schools or New Milton Infant and Junior Schools, based on the provision of 1 teaching space at a pro-rata cost to accommodate the pupils from this development. This contribution would be payable prior to commencement to Hampshire CC.
· Recreational Habitat Mitigation:
• Infrastructure - none as provided on site
• Habitat Mitigation (Provision)
• Non-Infrastructure Habitat Mitigation (Access Management & Monitoring) Total = £68,477.00
• Bird Aware Solent contributions Total = £62,683.00 (To be paid to Council prior to commencement of development.)
· Air Quality Monitoring contribution
Contribution required of £91 per dwelling - To be paid to the Council prior to the commencement of development. Total = £8,827.00
· Biodiversity net gain (BNG) implementation and monitoring contribution
• Implement in full the agreed monitoring and management plan
• 30 year Monitoring the management and maintenance of BNG
• An Index linked monitoring contribution to be paid to the Council
· ANRG provisions (Management and maintenance of ANRG):
• The completion of, and provision of all informal ANRG areas prior to first occupation
• Public access to such areas in perpetuity
• The management and maintenance of all ANRG areas
• Management company to be in place prior to first occupation
• Default provisions in the event of management company failure
• Management company set up funding
· POS provisions (Management and maintenance of POS including play areas, and public access)
• The completion of all informal POS areas and equipment/street furniture prior to phased occupation
• The completion of the main LEAP play area prior to first occupation of any dwelling
• Public access to all POS and play areas in perpetuity
• The management and maintenance of all POS areas 50
• Management company to be in place prior to first occupation
• Provisions relating to failure of management company and its replacement.
• Travel Plan Contribution to HCC for bond, monitoring fees and approval fees to be paid on completion of agreement.
· Private road management (On Site highway estate roads, footpaths, drainage and street lighting)
• Prior to first occupation or in accordance with phasing plan condition of planning permission.
• Works have been carried out and are fit for purpose.
• Setting up of a private management company to maintain all on site highway
• Provision to include potential failure of management company and setting up of new company
• Provision of bond to secure any necessary remedial works that may be required
· S106 Monitoring charges - The following will apply to the development:
• Recreational mitigation contributions £750
• Affordable Housing £750
• Recreational Habitat Mitigation including on site alterative natural recreational green space £10,700
• Biodiversity Net Gain £4,625
• Public Open Space (formal, informal, play area and landscaping) £6,075
· Surface water drainage features (Management and maintenance of all surface water drainage features on site)
• Management company to be set up prior to first occupation
• Provisions in event of failure of management company
ii) Delegated authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to include the conditions as set out in the report together with any further additions, and amendments to conditions as appropriate.
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3a) and update note
Supporting documents: