Agenda item
Court Farm, Ringwood Road, Avon, Sopley (Application 22/10127)
Redevelopment of farm buildings to provide new Class ‘E’ units; parking; landscaping; demolition of existing buildings.
Redevelopment of farm buildings to provide new Class ‘E’ units; parking; landscaping; demolition of existing buildings.
Public Participants:
Mr Willie Manners, Avon Tyrrell Estate (Applicant)
Additional Representations:
The Committee felt that the proposed development would see the removal of the existing, unsightly buildings and would improve the look of the countryside. It was also agreed that the proposed development would provide diversification of farmland and employment opportunities whilst the agreed highways contributions would enhance the immediate area.
Members noted Sopley Parish Council’s support for the scheme and agreed with the Parish Council’s request for the Class Use to be restricted to ‘light industry and/or office space’, preventing ‘heavy industry or retail use’.
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) The completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure S106 legal agreement for improvement to the Highway by way of:
· A highway contribution of £30,000 is required for highway improvements to the junction of Court Lane/B3347/Avon Causeway. This is included in the County Council’s casualty reduction programme for a minor scheme improvement (short term) and/or a major scheme improvements (long term).
· The minor scheme includes a full resurfacing (replacing anti-skip surface and slow signs), upgrading signage and potential localised widening and installation of traffic island (details to be decided).
· The major scheme includes junction re-alignment with associated road marking and signing. The proposed development would generate additional traffic which could travel to/from the site via Avon Causeway, increasing the risks of collision at this junction.
ii) The imposition of the conditions as set out below.
Conditions / Reasons:
Members considered the combined benefits of the proposal and, when taken together, in this case constituted very special circumstances capable of outweighing the harm caused by the construction of new buildings in the Green Belt which would otherwise constitute inappropriate development under the terms of the National Planning Policy Framework.
1) Standard 3 year commencement
2) Standard approve plans document list
3) Approval of exact details of external materials
4) Landscaping to be carried out in accordance with the landscaping proposals and recommendations contained within the submitted LVIA
5) Development to be carried out in accordance with the submitted Ecological Survey methodology and details set out in Sections 44-49 of the Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain Report
6) Provision of electric vehicle charging facilities
7) Slab levels to be in accordance with approved drawings
8) Restriction that the new buildings shall be used only for the purposes of commercial, business and service use within Class E (c ) (i), (ii) & (iii), (e) and Class E (g) (i), (ii) & (iii) and for no other use(s) or purpose(s), whatsoever
9) The new buildings will be required to achieve a BREEAM excellent standard in the water consumption criterion.
10) Submission of a Construction Traffic Management Plan, to include details of provision to be made on site for contractor’s parking, construction traffic access, the turning of delivery vehicles and lorry routeing as well as provisions for removing mud from vehicles and a programme of works.
11) Details of verge grading works to be submitted and approved.
Supporting documents: