Agenda item
Marchwood Military Port, Cracknore Hard, Marchwood (Application 21/11156)
- Meeting of Planning Committee, Wednesday, 9th February, 2022 9.00 am (Item 31b)
- View the declarations of interest for item 31b
Hybrid planning application for the development of land at Marchwood Port (existing classes B2, Class B8 and ancillary uses) for additional development to support the proposed use of the land for port and port related uses comprising:
An application for full planning for the demolition of existing buildings and creation of additional hard standing (Class B2 (Industrial)/Class B8 (storage & Distribution), including ancillary offices (class E(g)) and ancillary security staff welfare and facilities; highway & railway improvements; perimeter and internal fencing; ecological enhancement areas; landscaping & infrastructure; enabling and earthwork's; utilities and associated works ( Phase 1 works and specified plots - Plots S1; Plot A1.1, Plot A1.3, Plot A1.4 Plot A1.5; Plot M2 and Plot A2 (enabling works)).
Outline application for demolition of existing buildings; additional hard standing (Class B2 (Industrial)/Class B8 (Storage & Distribution), ancillary security and staff welfare & facilities; warehousing (Class B2(Industrial)/B8(storage & Distribution); circulation and access improvements; vehicle parking & servicing; lighting, plant infrastructure and associated works (Details only of access) (Remainder of the site).
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to: first referring the application to the Secretary of State to consider whether to issue a Direction under section 77 of the Town and Planning Act 1990; the completion of planning obligations entered into by way of Section 106 agreement; and the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.
Hybrid planning application for the development of land at Marchwood Port (existing classes B2, Class B8 and ancillary uses) for additional development to support the proposed use of the land for port and port related uses comprising:
An application for full planning for the demolition of existing buildings and creation of additional hard standing (Class B2 (Industrial)/Class B8 (storage & Distribution), including ancillary offices (class E(g)) and ancillary security staff welfare and facilities; highway & railway improvements; perimeter and internal fencing; ecological enhancement areas; landscaping & infrastructure; enabling and earthwork's; utilities and associated works ( Phase 1 works and specified plots - Plots S1; Plot A1.1, Plot A1.3, Plot A1.4 Plot A1.5; Plot M2 and Plot A2 (enabling works)).
Outline application for demolition of existing buildings; additional hard standing (Class B2 (Industrial)/Class B8 (Storage & Distribution), ancillary security and staff welfare & facilities; warehousing (Class B2(Industrial)/B8(storage & Distribution); circulation and access improvements; vehicle parking & servicing; lighting, plant infrastructure and associated works (Details only of access) (Remainder of the site).
Public Participants:
Richard Parkinson, Solent Gateway (Applicant)
Jonathan Best (Planner), Montagu Evans and Steve Jenkins (Highways Consultant), i-transport were present and answered technical questions on behalf of the applicant
Additional Representations:
The case officer reported that one further letter of representation and a letter from the agent had been received. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Cllr Bennison disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of New Forest National Park Authority which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The case officer reported a number of amendments to the report, including an amendment to the recommendation. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
An additional verbal update was made by the case officer to amend the report, on page 108, under heading Developer Contributions item ii a to omit the last sentence in order to reflect the updated recommendation.
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) the completion of planning obligations entered into by way of Section 106 Agreement to secure:
(i) Off-site Biodiversity Net Gain
a.provision prior to the first use or occupation of completed Phase 1 of the development hereby approved.
b.retain, management and maintenance for a period of 30 years.
(ii) Highways works linked to a S278 agreement
a.Financial contribution of £400,000 for improvements to A35/A326 Rushington roundabout to be made prior to the first use or occupation of completed Phase 1 of the development hereby approved.
b.Off site Highway improvement works to be undertaken and completed prior to the first use or occupation of completed Phase 1 of the development hereby approved as follows:
i.A footway link along Normandy Way from its junction with Cracknore Hard linking to Autumn Road.
ii.A footway link on Autumn Road linking to Dapple Place and associated uncontrolled pedestrian crossings.
iii.Minor cycle improvements.
iv.Directional cycle signage on Cracknore Hard, Normandy Way, Main Road and Cork Lane.
c.Travel Plan and assessment monitoring fee of £16,500.00
d.A Travel Plan bond of £25,500.
(iii) An employment and skills plan.
(ii) The imposition of the conditions set out in the report.
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3b) and update note and further verbal update.
Supporting documents: