Agenda item

93-95 Commercial Road, Totton (Application 21/10106)

Two-storey building to contain 11 flats; associated parking and stores; demolition of existing buildings (Outline application with details of access, appearance, layout and scale)




Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to he completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 and the imposition of conditions.





Two-storey building to contain 11 flats; associated parking and stores; demolition of existing buildings (Outline application with details of access, appearance, layout and scale)


Public Participants:




Additional Representations:






Cllr Crisell disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Planning Committee of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application.  She concluded that as she had not expressed a view or voted on the application there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and vote. 


Cllrs Davis and Kangarani disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as members of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application. They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Cllr Glass was not present for this item.


An amendment to condition 5 and an additional condition regarding electric charging points had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.


The Committee expressed concerns about the air quality and pollution in this location and questioned whether the proposals were within a designated Air Quality Management Area.  The Committee requested an additional condition to require a Construction Environmental Management Plan to be submitted for approval.




Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:


i)               Confirmation that the site was not subject to specific Area Quality designation, thereby requiring the submission of an Area Quality Mitigation Strategy.  If the site does fall within such an area, the matter should return to committee for determination;


ii)              The completion of a planning obligations entered by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure:


·       £24,104.00 towards mitigating the impact on New Forest Habitats;

·       £2,888.00 towards the Bird Aware Solent mitigation scheme; and

·       £680.00 towards Air Quality Monitoring


iii)             Conditions


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3a), the update note and the additional condition set out below:


No development shall start on site until a Construction Environmental Management Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, which shall include:


·       Development contacts, roles and responsibilities;

·       Public communication strategy, including a complaints procedure;

·       A programme method and phasing of demolition works;

·       A programme method and phasing of construction works;

·       The provision of long term facilities for contractor parking;

·       The arrangements for deliveries associated with all construction works;

·       Dust Management Plan (DMP) including suppression, mitigation and avoidance measures to control dust;

·       Noise reduction measures, including use of acoustic screens and enclosures, the type of equipment to be used and their hours of operation;

·       Use of fences and barriers to protect adjacent land, properties, footpaths and highways;

·       Details of hours of demolition and construction;

·       Details of parking and traffic management measures;

·       Access and egress for plant and machinery;

·       Measures to control light spill and glare from any floodlighting and security lighting installed;

·       Protection of pedestrian routes during construction;

·       Location of temporary site buildings, compounds, construction material, and plant storage areas; and

·       Wheel washing facilities to be provided.


All demolition and construction work shall only take place in strict accordance with the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan.


Reason:  In order that the Local Planning Authority can properly consider the effect of construction works on residential amenity and highway safety and in accordance with Policy ENV3 of the Local Plan Part 1 Planning Strategy.





Supporting documents: