Agenda item

Health and Leisure Review - Preferred Bidder




That the Cabinet recommends to Council that:-


(a)   the contract to operate and maintain the District Council’s five Leisure Centres at Applemore, Lymington, New Milton, Ringwood and Totton be awarded to Wealden Leisure Ltd trading as Freedom Leisure to commence on 1 July 2021 for an 11 year period with an option to extend for a further 4 years.


(b)   the terms of the Contract, summarised in sections 8 and 9 of the report, are noted.


(c)   a 4-month mobilisation period following award of contract is noted, enabling full operational control by Freedom Leisure Limited on 1 July 2021.


(d)   £2.242m of Prudential Borrowing to support the investment programme outlined in paragraph 14.11 of the report is approved.


(e)   Council discharges responsibility for an annual contract review and performance to the Community and Leisure Panel, who will set up a councillor working group at its next meeting.




As set out in the report.




Report to Cabinet and Full Council.




Leisure and Wellbeing




As set out in the report.








The Leader of the Council on behalf of the Cabinet, placed on record his thanks to the Portfolio Holder, the Executive Head – Resources, the Council’s Chief Finance Officer and their teams, and all Members who had contributed to such an enormous piece of work.  The Leader felt that the position the Council had now been able to get to, to be recommending a preferred bidder to partner with to deliver high quality leisure services, and ensure the Council’s wider financial responsibilities were met, was to the benefit of all New Forest residents.


The Portfolio Holder introduced the report and referred to the petition debated by the Council on 24 February 2020, which asked that the Council’s Leisure Centres be kept in public ownership and management and available to all.  The resolution of that debate was for the Portfolio Holder and Cabinet to carefully consider the petition when making recommendations to the Council on the future running of the leisure centres.  The Portfolio Holder clarified that the Council would continue to own the health and leisure centre buildings.  Freedom Leisure as the preferred bidder, was a very community focused organisation and the ambition was to increase community use.  The Portfolio Holder was satisfied that the Council was not privatising its leisure centres, instead working with a new expert partner, and that he had very carefully considered the petition, concluding that he fully supported the recommendations outlined in the report.


The Portfolio Holder highlighted the vision for the service:-


“Working with partners to create active communities by providing affordable, accessible leisure facilities, dedicated to improving physical and mental wellbeing and establishing a sustainable healthy lifestyle legacy for future generations.”


The Portfolio Holder was confident that Freedom Leisure as a partner of the Council, would help deliver this vision.  The proposals would provide security for the provision of health and leisure services across the District for the next 11 years, including significant investment, whilst significantly reducing the cost of the service to the residents of the New Forest.


The Chairman of the Community and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel presented the recommendations of the special Panel meeting held on 9 February 2021, which considered this matter.  The Cabinet heard that the Panel considered each section of the report in detail, with an opportunity for questions and comments that were fully answered.  The Panel considered that the recommendations as outlined in the report were the best option for the sustainability of the District Council’s leisure centres and the health and wellbeing of the community.


The Chairman of the Health and Leisure Task and Finish Group referred to the amount of detail and data produced throughout the work of the Group in arriving at a position whereby a preferred bidder could be recommended to the Council.  He welcomed how robust the final contract was in view of the detail, and being able to recommend a decision that was best for the community.


The Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs endorsed the report, and highlighted the importance for the community, to keep healthy both physically and mentally.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development welcomed the report as the most exciting development and potential outcome he had witnessed in his time as a councillor.  The expertise brought in to invigorate the service into the future was welcomed.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Investment and Corporate Services highlighted this initiative as a great example of the 21st century delivery models referred to in the Medium Term Financial Plan, required to ensure the financial viability of the Council.


The Leader of the Council summarised the debate and referred to a required minor amendment to the first recommendation to clarify the title of the preferred bidder as “Wealden Leisure Ltd trading as Freedom Leisure.”


Supporting documents: