Agenda item
Land at Burgate Acres, Salisbury Road, Burgate, Fordingbridge (Application 20/10228)
Construction of 63 dwellings, creation of new access, parking, landscaping, open space and associated works, following demolition of existing buildings
Delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to GRANT PERMISSION subject to a further Appropriate Assessment, the completion of a S106 legal agreement and conditions.
Construction of 63 dwellings, creation of new access, parking, landscaping, open space and associated works, following demolition of existing buildings
Public Participants:
Alistair Harris, Metis Homes (Agent)
Ian Roberts, Highway Consultant for the Agent
Matthew Cullings (Objector)
Additional Representations:
A statement was read out on behalf of David Pushman (Objector).
The Case Officer reported a number of amendments to the report and updates since the agenda had been published regarding the following:
· Amendments in relation to the site description section of the report;
· Natural England’s response to the application;
· 2 further letters of objection; and
· An amendment within the assessment section of the report in relation to the highway access improvements.
These had been included in detail in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Delegated Authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) The carrying out of a further Appropriate Assessment under the Habitat Regulations 2017 to consider the likely significant effects of phosphorous entering the River Avon SAC in consultation with Natural England. The results of the Assessment shall conclude that any adverse impact to areas and species of importance can be adequately mitigated by reference to any mitigation plan which the Council may bring forward or any plan brought forward by the applicant
ii) the completion by end of 2021, a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the following contributions and other benefits:
1 Affordable Housing (AH) – Phasing delivery of 14 no.units to be agreed, and long term retention as AH.
2 Biodiversity net gain (BNG) long term management/maintenance plan, setting up of management company and provisions to safeguard against failure. Appropriate monitoring charges. 30 year minimum time span for BNG on site.
3 ANRG provision and maintenance and long term management/maintenance plan, – if privately managed. Structure of management company. and failure safeguards. If to be adopted the transfer to the Council and appropriate maintenance contribution
4 POS provision and maintenance – management company to be set up and maintained, if private, or transfer to NFDC and contributions towards future maintenance
5 Formal open space contribution towards off-site formal open space to be confirmed
6 Drainage, highways and street lighting on site – arrangements to ensure all are provided in a timely manner and maintained appropriately in the future.
7 Off-site drainage – phasing and extent of works of works to be agreed.
8 Formal open space contribution towards off-site formal open space to be confirmed.
9 Air quality assessmentmonitoring contribution
10 Footpath 83 improvements – to include a detailed specification of the works, the timing of such works, a proportionate contribution towards future maintenance of any works carried out, and appropriate landscaping works to adjoining vegetation
11 Phosphate neutrality contribution Level of contribution to be agreed.
iii) Delegated authority be given to the Chief Planning Officer to include the conditions as set out in the report together with any further additions, and amendments to conditions as appropriate
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3a) and update note
Supporting documents: