Agenda item

Reports of the Cabinet

To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated:-


·        4 November 2020; and

·        2 December 2020 (to follow).


The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Cabinet dated 4 November 2020 and moved the adoption of the recommendations.


Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.


Paragraph 2 – Draft Waste Strategy


A number of Members highlighted the interest generated by the public consultation.  Views were expressed that such a radical step change was due in part to the significant shift in Government strategy.  Concerns were raised that the number of responses to date to the public consultation on such a fundamental issue for the Council was disappointing and awareness needed to be greater. 


Members hoped that the consultation would drive a meaningful impact on policy.  One Member commented that they were reassured by recent question and answer sessions that a one size fits all approach was not necessarily appropriate for the New Forest and was confident that this would be acknowledged as part of the options moving forward. 


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services responded to the points raised by Members.  It was reiterated that the matter was very much about consultation at this stage.  Work would turn to the development of a business case following the outcomes of the public consultation, to benchmark against the service the Council currently provided and to ensure that any future model reduced waste, increased recycling and provided a good service to residents.  The comments section of the consultation in particular was being closely monitored for those more detailed and nuanced views.  Noting the concerns about the response to the public consultation, the Portfolio Holder considered that the number of responses was in fact good for a survey of this kind, with promotion across radio, online and printed media.  Regardless of the future options, it was noted that the Council would need to comply with the emerging Government strategies on the Environment and Waste.


In response to requests from Members to vote on individual recommendations separately, the Chairman and Chief Executive confirmed that the Council’s Standing Orders provided for a single vote on receiving the report of the Cabinet and adoption of the recommendations, taking account of any amendments, once all items and recommendations in the report had been called, speeches made and questions dealt with.  No questions, speeches or amendments had been made in respect of any of the recommendations.  Cllr McEvoy requested that it be recorded that she would have preferred the Council to vote on the individual recommendations of the report separately.




That the report be received and the recommendations, be adopted.



The Leader of the Council then presented the report of the Cabinet dated 2 December 2020 and moved the adoption of the recommendations.


Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.


Paragraph 3 – Rural Housing and Right to Buy


A Member welcomed the consultation on this subject and supported the Council seeking to adopt the relevant powers in Section 157 of the Housing Act 1985, as much needed protection for the rural areas of the New Forest, helping to keep local properties occupied by local people.




That the report be received and the recommendations, be adopted.


Supporting documents: