Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions

Contact: Joe Tyler Tel: 023 8028 5982  Email:


No. Item


Apologies were received from Cllr Alvin Reid, and Cllr Steve Clarke attended as his substitute.





To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on   as a correct record.




The minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2025 were confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




There were no Declarations of Interest.


Public Participation

To receive any public participation in accordance with the Council’s public participation scheme.




There was no public participation.


Call - In of Portfolio Holder Decision - Hurst Spit pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To review and comment on the Portfolio Holder Decision regarding Maintenance and Management of Hurst Spit, following call-in from Cllr Jack Davies.

Additional documents:


The Panel reviewed and the Portfolio Holder Decision regarding Maintenance and Management of Hurst Spit, following call-in from Cllr Jack Davies.


A presentation in support of the report was given by Steve Cook, the service manager for Coastal, which are appended to these minutes as Appendix 1.


The Panel noted that the portfolio holder decision had not represented a change of policy, but was a statement of actual practice over recent years.   In essence, it confirmed that NFDC was not a landowner of Hurst Spit, had no statutory duties over it, but instead it worked in partnership with the Environment Agency, and landowners and undertook works, subject to external funding being made available and the required authorities being in place.  The portfolio holder had also written to the Government expressing concerns about the absence of funding to undertake repair works for this purpose.


Cllr J Davies had called in the decision on the basis that the decision ‘needed greater scrutiny’.  In his absence from the meeting, Cllr M Wade read out a statement from Cllr Davies, which expanded on his reasons.   Councillor Davies referred to the works in Autumn of 2022 costing £58,000 and the concerns of local residents living near the coastline between Milford and Lymington. He suggested that CIL funding could be made available for this purpose.


Officers advised that the costs of repairing the damaged section of Hurst Spit would be significantly higher than the £58,000 cost of the last repairs, due to the current difficulties with access and the extensive work needed to get vehicles and plant on the scene.


Members were of the view that the portfolio holder decision had been a good way of sending a message to the interested parties and had made the Council’s position clear. Members emphasised the need for the Council to continue both to proactively engage with its partners and involve local people in meetings to keep them abreast of developments.


The Portfolio holder gave assurances that this engagement was taking place, and that the Council would undertake the maintenance if the necessary funding was available.




That, having heard the officers’ advice and noting the general context, the Panel supports the Portfolio holder’s decision as the correct action regarding this matter.



Climate Change Adaptation pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider a report on Climate Change Adaptation in the New Forest District.

Additional documents:


The Panel considered a report and supporting presentation on climate adaptation in the District.


It was explained that actions flowing from this report would be considered by the Climate Change and Nature Emergency Task and Finish Group, which would be commencing its work shortly.




(i)           That the Panel acknowledges the anticipated climate change impacts for New Forest District and the effects these may have on the environment, residents, and Council services, based on the data and projections outlined in this report;


(ii)         That the dissemination of this report to members of the Climate Change and Nature Emergency Task and Finish Group, to inform discussion on the future actions and priorities of climate adaptation in New Forest District, be endorsed;


(iii)        That the Panel supports the ongoing adaptation of council assets and services through delivery of the Climate Change and Nature Emergency Action Plan (linked to organisational transformation, policy development, risk assessment and business continuity processes) to improve efficiency and resilience of council operations;


(iv)        That the Panel supports the communication of climate change adaptation messages and measures to council stakeholders via the summary and action guides, the NFDC website, and other communication channels.



UK Shared Prosperity Fund for 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

To review and discuss the proposed UKSPF 25/26 funding allocations.


The Panel considered a report setting out projects proposed to be funded from the UK shared prosperity fund in the financial year 2025/26.


Whilst Panel members were generally supportive of the list of projects to be progressed, two members strongly supported the Hythe Pier Pontoon project for inclusion, primarily for its immediate benefits in helping to reinstate the Hythe Ferry service, but also for tourism and the economic benefits, and alleviating local road congestion. At present the project had not been prioritised. The members also emphasised the importance of the project in the context of Local Government Reorganisation and contributing to demonstrating this Council’s continued commitment to the prosperity of the Waterside.


Officers emphasised the difficult decisions needing to be made with limited funds available, the projects that scored more highly, and the unsuitability of the project using CIL monies, which were intended for creating additional capacity and improvements for residents to mitigate the impacts of development. If Hythe Pier company or Red Funnel were forthcoming with a suitable scheme, this could potentially be considered under CIL where additionality could be demonstrated.


Overall, members did not feel that Hythe Pier Pontoon could be progressed at this time, given the current uncertainties around the project, including the multiplicity of ownerships involved, lack of clarity on costs and business case, and the need for match funding from other neighbouring councils and ferry companies, which was not yet forthcoming.




That the Panel recommend to Cabinet the following:


(i)          That the continued purpose of the UK SPF be noted;


(ii)         That the Panel support the allocation of 25/26 UKSPF funding towards specific projects as set out in this report;


(iii)        That once approved in principle by Cabinet, delegated authority will be sought to assign future decision making associated with the finalisation of the project programme for 25/26 UKSPF spend to the Strategic Director for Place Operations and Sustainability, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy.



Update on Local Nature Recovery Strategies - Presentation pdf icon PDF 6 MB

To receive a presentation giving an update on work to prepare a strategy for the delivery of nature recovery.


The Panel received a presentation giving an update on local nature recovery strategies.  A copy of the PowerPoint presentation slides was available with the agenda pack.


A Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) was a new system of plans for nature recovery covering the whole of England and was a key mechanism for planning and delivering the national nature recovery network.


The presentation covered the LNRS process, partners and key stakeholders, engagement, details of the public survey and its results, issues for the New Forest and Hampshire, potential measures, priority species and the timeline for 2025.


A member stressed the need to ensure that the Council engaged with Bird Aware.  Officers responded that this organisation would have been invited to participate in the related workshops.


In answer to a question, officers explained that the District Council had a duty to have regard to the LNRS when producing the Local Plan.




That the report be noted.




Performance Dashboards pdf icon PDF 127 KB

To receive performance data on functions within the remit of this panel.

Additional documents:


The Panel received the corporate plan key performance data for quarter three for 2024/25.


In response to a query, officers explained that the KPI regarding business newsletters had been withdrawn when the corporate plan was refreshed, as it was not thought that the newsletter itself had a direct measurable impact. Officers undertook to make enquiries regarding efforts underway to engage with businesses.


It was queried whether annual targets were the best a method of driving up improvements, and whether more regular reports would be more effective. A member also sought clarification on the actual improvements identified to date as a result of the KPIs.


It was explained that some KPIs gave indications of a journey of improvement as a collective of measures. The nature of some of the measures depended on availability of data and collation of statistical data returns, sometimes through national bodies. A more cohesive summary would be provided to Cabinet at the end of the year, post April, and that would give a summary of all the commitments set out in the corporate plan, how they had progressed, and the work undertaken by the services to promote this. 




That the report be noted.


Portfolio Holder's Update

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holder’s to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolio.


Members received updates from the 2 Portfolio holders for this Panel.


Cllr G Blunden, Environment and Sustainability


The Council had just taken possession of Hardley Depot, which from 24 March would be the operational base for waste, street cleaning, grounds and vehicle maintenance, tree inspections and pest control.


The roll out of the Waste Strategy roll out has continued, with the campaign launching on 23 January including a postcode checker tool for residents.


Phase 1 of the roll out was about to begin for the Lymington, New Milton and Brockenhurst areas from 1 April onwards with 31,000 information leaflets being sent.   Waste advisors were in post and already helping residents. Waste service member briefings were planned for 8 and 9 April.


On Coastal, following detailed inspections, a decision had regrettably been taken to issue beach hut licence terminations for 46 Hordle beach huts as a result of damage from winter storms, given the risks they now posed. The decision had not been taken lightly and the Council was attempting to contact owners directly by telephone to explain the matter.  


Recent litter picking along the A326 had accumulated over 250 bags of litter from the waterside area along a 6 mile stretch of that road. The portfolio holder would ensure this was publicised. A337 litter picking from New Milton to Lymington had just commenced.


In response to a question on litter picking on Main Road, Marchwood, the portfolio holder believed this was on the list and undertook to it confirm this.


The Portfolio holder confirmed that the Crabby Campaign would continue, and similar campaigns for roads would continue and would consider use of mechanisms where the public could report people seen littering.


Cllr Derek Tipp, Portfolio holder for Planning and Economy

Building Control team had just completed a successful audit.

Street naming and numbering had achieved increased income this year.

The Local Plan Issues and Scope consultation was currently underway and would finish on 4April. Also a second call for sites under the local plan was underway. Other planning work included a sustainability appraisal, a habitat regulation assessment, and a green belt study costing £70,000, covered by a government grant. There was also a port and business needs study. Economic needs and housing needs reports were also being undertaken by consultants.

The NPA are also revising their local plan which was also out for consultation. NFDC would be making a response to this.

Finally, the Portfolio Holder welcomed two new members of staff; Nathaniel Lucas as an Economic Development Officer, and Jeannie Satchell, Economic Development Manager.





Work Programme pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To agree the work programme to guide the Panel’s activities over the coming months.




That the Work Programme be approved.