Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5072 - Matt Wisdom E-mail:
No. | Item |
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Brunsdon, Crisell, J Davies, England, Frampton, Reid, Ring, Rippon-Swaine, Thorne, Tungate and C Ward.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2022 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2022, be confirmed.
Declarations of Interests To note any declarations of interests made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interests must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests by Members.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: Engagements
The Chairman expressed his thanks to the Vice-Chairman for attending a number of engagements in his absence in October and November, including:-
· NFDC Council meeting on 10 October 2022. · Awards Ceremony for St Swithun’s School on 18 October, attended by the Lord Lieutenant. · Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of New Forest Disability on 26 October, held at Lymington Community Centre. · The Beaulieu Estate Dinner on 4 November 2022, hosted by Lord Montagu.
The Chairman reported on his following recent engagements, including:-
· Festival of Remembrance on 30 October, at the Point, Eastleigh by invitation of the Mayor of Eastleigh. · Meet and greet with new Council employees on 7 November, attended by the Chief Executive and Deputy Leader of the Council. · Armistice commemorations at Appletree Court and New Milton on 11 and 13 November, respectively.
Civic Day
The Chairman was delighted to welcome his fellow Chain Gang members, along with the Vice-Chairman and Deputy Leader to his Civic Day, held on 9 November. Attendees visited the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy, one of the Chairman’s chosen charities for the year. The work undertaken by the centre with their students, who have learning disabilities, was extremely impressive. All of the guests were astounded by the level of support and learning opportunities offered to the students, through working with horses.
Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II
The Chairman was humbled to receive a card from His Majesty The King, addressed to Members and Residents of the New Forest District, in response to the letter of condolence sent following the sad passing of Her Majesty The Queen. It read:-
“It was so very kind of you to send me such a wonderfully generous message following the death of my beloved mother. Your most thoughtful words are enormously comforting, and I cannot tell you how deeply they are appreciated at this time of immense sorrow.”
Leader's Announcements Minutes: Ahead of the election of a new Leader of the Council, the outgoing Leader, Cllr E Heron placed on record his thanks to all Members of the Cabinet, wider Council and staff during his time as Leader. He paid particular tribute to the Deputy Leader Cllr Cleary for her support.
The Leader also wished to recognise and record his thanks to Cllr Rickman for his service as Leader prior to Cllr E Heron’s election in 2021. Cllr Rickman’s crucial leadership over many years and throughout the Covid pandemic had provided a solid foundation for the current Cabinet to move forward from.
Report of the Cabinet To consider the report of the Cabinet dated 2 November 2022.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council presented the report of the Cabinet meeting held on 2 November 2022 and moved the adoption of the recommendations. Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.
Paragraph 2 – Homelessness – Plan To Deal With An Increase In Homelessness Pressures
In response to concerns about forecast underspends, coupled with requests for additional resources, the Leader of the Council highlighted the difficulty to forecast unexpected challenges and pressures. The last years with Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and subsequent pressures on utilities demonstrated examples of the unpredictability. However, the Council in its financial planning was well placed to respond to these challenges.
Paragraph 3 – The Introduction Of Public Space Protection Orders
One Member highlighted the comments made at the Cabinet meeting by a member of the public, in the context of measures to tackle out of control dogs through a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). It was acknowledged that pulling together an evidence base within the community was difficult. This subject had been discussed in detail by the Steering Group developing the PSPO proposals, which included a number of partner organisations. The Group considered that there was already robust legislation in place to tackle these issues and any PSPO measures, if implemented, would need to be taken forward on a partnership approach to ensure organisations with the relevant powers and resources were engaged. Further discussions would continue through the Steering Group and the consultation provided for relevant bodies and the wider public to share their views on the proposals.
That the report be received and the recommendations be adopted.
Questions Under Standing Order 22.
Minutes: There were none.
Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Strategic Director for Housing, Communities and Governance by not later than 12.00 noon on Friday 11 November 2022.)
Additional documents: Minutes: Questions were put and answered under Standing Order 22A as follows:-
· Cllr M Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure, Cllr Andrews, on Strategic Land Reserve. · Cllr Dowd to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure, Cllr Andrews, on housing for Freeport workers. · Cllr A Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Partnering and Wellbeing, Cllr Blunden, on security at Freedom Leisure sites. · Cllr Brand to the Portfolio Holder for Business, Tourism and High Streets, Cllr Harris, on support to town and village businesses. · Cllr Rackham to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure, Cllr Andrews, on Bartley Water. · Cllr J Davies to the Leader of the Council, Cllr E Heron, on voter ID. · Cllr A Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Partnering and Wellbeing, Cllr Blunden, on Freedom Leisure performance levels.
A copy of the full questions and replies are attached to these minutes.
Election of Leader of the Council To elect a Leader of the Council for the remainder of the four year period ending May 2023.
The Conservative Group has nominated Cllr Cleary for the position of Leader of the Council.
Minutes: Cllr E Heron moved that Cllr Cleary be appointed Leader of the Council for the remainder of the four year period ending May 2023. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That Cllr Cleary be appointed Leader of the Council for the remainder of the four year period ending May 2023.
Appointment of Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holders The Leader of the Council will inform the Council of:
(a) the name of the councillor they have appointed Deputy Leader of the Council; (b) the number and content of the Portfolios; and (c) the name of the councillor they have appointed to each Portfolio.
That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make the consequential changes to the Constitution arising from the above, including the alignment of Portfolio Holders to the Terms of Reference of Overview and Scrutiny Panels and their respective responsibilities.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council informed the Council that:-
(a) She had appointed Cllr Andrews as Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet.
(b) The Cabinet Portfolio Holders and their respective Portfolios would be as follows:-
1. Leader – Cllr Cleary
2. Planning, Regeneration and Infrastructure – Cllr Andrews
3. Housing and Homelessness Services – Cllr E Heron
4. Environment and Coastal Services – Cllr S Davies
5. People and Places – Cllr Russell
6. Partnering and Wellbeing – Cllr Blunden
7. Business, Tourism and High Streets – Cllr Harris
8. Finance, Investment and Corporate Services – Cllr J Heron
(c) The full content of each Portfolio would be circulated to all Members in due course.
The Leader thanked the Council for their support in electing her and also thanked Cllr E Heron for his service and achievements as the previous Leader.
The Leader’s focus would be on working with partners, including Town and Parish Councils, the National Park Authority, Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire County Council, the Port Authority and many more.
That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make the consequential changes to the Constitution arising from the above, including the alignment of Portfolio Holders to the Terms of Reference of Overview and Scrutiny Panels and their respective responsibilities.
Membership of Committees and Panels To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the following change to Committee and Panel Memberships, be agreed:-
HR Committee
Cllr E Heron to be replaced by Cllr Andrews.