Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Apologies Apologies received from Cllr Brand.
The Chairman of the Council (Cllr Tipp) in the Chair.
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the Committee.
(The Chairman of the Councill will Chair for this item.) Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cllr Edward Heron be elected Chairman of the Panel for the ensuing municipal year.
The Chairman of the Panel (Cllr Heron) in the Chair.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Committee. Minutes: That Cllr Mark Steele be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the ensuing municipal year.
Dates and Times of Meetings To note that the Committee has previously agreed that it will meet on the following dates at 9.30 am.
23 June 2021 16 September 2021 13 January 2022 17 March 2022
Minutes: That the following dates in 2021/22 be agreed.
23 June 2021 16 September 2021 13 January 2022 17 March 2022