Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1 - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5070 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 5 May 2021 and 23 June 2021 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meetings held on 5 May 2021 and 23 June 2021 be confirmed and signed. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Public Participation To note any issues raised during the public participation period.
Minutes: There were no issues raised in the public participation period. |
To receive an update on HR matters since the last HR Committee meeting. Minutes: The Committee received and noted an update on HR matters since the last meeting. The report included details on :
· TUPE to Freedom Leisure · Kickstart Placements · Sharepoint (new document system) · Recruitment
Annual Sickness and Covid Absence Report To receive an update on the Councils approach to managing sickness absence, and trend data for the 2020/21 financial year, including Covid absence. Minutes: The Committee received an update on the Council’s approach to managing sickness absence, and trend data for the 2020/21 financial year, including Covid absence.
It was noted that sickness absence had decreased overall in 2020/21 during the pandemic as staff were working from home, therefore reducing transmission of general infections such as colds etc.
The Committee noted various trend data for sick days by service, and the reasons for the sickness. It also noted the action plan for sickness absence, and initiatives for mental health and wellbeing.
Covid sickness figures would continue to be monitored.
Performance Review Completion Report To receive update on employee Performance Review completion across the Council, and the overall ratings given. Minutes: The Panel received an update on employee Performance Review completion across the Council, and the overall ratings given.
Whilst members noted that in some services, the performance review regime had been disrupted over the past year as the organisation reacted to the pandemic, the Committee felt it was important to ensure that regular reviews were reinstated.
That the performance review data 2020/2021 be noted, and that the Chief Executive be requested to remind managers that that it was a requirement to ensure performance reviews were completed. |
Supporting Workforce Inclusion Report To note various measures reflecting the Council’s commitment as an equal opportunities employer, and the ongoing positive practices that support this culture for the workforce. Minutes: The Committee received a report highlighting the Council’s commitment as an equal opportunities employer, with supporting measures.
The Chairman welcomed the report and felt it was important that the Council was seen as an open and inclusive employer of choice, and this aspiration was reflected the Authority’s policies.
Equality training was made available to members periodically and would be refreshed in due course.
It was suggested that the Council might enter the CIPD and OPMA awards where appropriate to project the Council’s good track HR record.
(a) That the Council continues to advocate our inclusive workforce, equal opportunities culture and commitment to all practices as set out in the report.
(b) That all employees continue to mandatorily complete Equality training two yearly as follows:
(i) Office based employees to complete the ‘Equalities Essential’ e-learning module (ii).Operational workforce attend 1 hour ‘Embracing Equality and Diversity’ session, delivered by a member of the HR Team |
Workforce Age Profile Report To note statistics relating to the Council’s workforce age profile. Minutes: The Committee noted statistics relating to the Council workforce age profile.
It was noted that the staff workforce age profile had changed as a result of the transfer of Leisure staff and had shifted slightly to the older age bracket.
It was suggested that officers ask new employees why they chose NFDC as an employer, as a way of investigating how prospective candidates engage with the Council, to ensure the right communication channels are used to attract various age groups, particularly younger people.
That the report be noted
Employee Assistance Programme - Update To note the latest position regarding provision of the Employee Assistance Programme. Minutes: The Committee noted the latest position regarding provision of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).
The Council was nearing the end of the contract with the current provider, Vita Health Group. Comparative research was being undertaken among other providers.
The current contractor provided a telephone help support line covering:
Debt Management Marital Issues Consumer advice Health and Wellbeing
It was important to maintain the above services under the future provider, and for these services to be available on a website, easy to access on all devices without employees having to speak to someone. If any company did not provide any of these services, it may be that these can be ‘signposted.’
The value of the contract was approximately £5000 per annum, and the result of the procurement exercise would be notified in the next few weeks.
Dates of meetings 2022/23 To agree the following dates of meetings for 2022/23 (Thursdays at 9.30 am):
9 June 2022 15 September 2022 12 January 2023 16 March 2023
Minutes: Dates of meetings 2022/23
The Chairman proposed that the start time of future meetings be amended to 10am rather than 9.30am, to accommodate members’ commitments.
That the following dates of meetings for 2022/23 be approved (Thursdays at 10am):
9 June 2022 15 September 2022 12 January 2023 16 March 2023
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent Minutes: Christmas Leave
The Chairman paid tribute to the way in which staff had responded to the pandemic over the last 18 months.
Those on the front line as well as those in our support services teams had been under immense pressure to continue to provide a service to the community, for example our Food Safety Inspectors performed duties that they have never encountered before.
He wished to say a big ‘thank you’ from the Council in appreciation for all employees’ hard work and, following discussions with Cabinet and the Council’s Executive Management Team, it was proposed that the Authority would close the Council offices for an additional two days over the Christmas period, and staff would have an extended period of Christmas leave.
The offices would close on Friday 24th December and reopen on Tuesday 4th January 2022.
Some staff would need to work during those additional two days, such as refuse collection teams, and they will be given two additional days’ leave to be taken within the first 3 months of 2022, or if applicable payment in lieu.