Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2021 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2021 were confirmed by the Chairman as correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest. |
Public Participation To note any issues raised during the public participation period.
Minutes: There were no issues raised in the public participation period. |
To receive an update on HR matters since the last HR Committee meeting. Minutes: The Committee received an update on issues relating to the HR service. The following topics were discussed:
· Itrent HR system · Furlough · McCloud data collection · Exit Payment reforms · SharePoint · Brief bite sessions
That the report be noted. |
Minutes of the Employee Side Liaison Panel PDF 280 KB To note the minutes of the Employee Side Liaison Panel Meeting held on 24 February 2021. Minutes: The Committee received and noted the minutes of the meeting of the Employee Side Liaison Panel held on 24 February 2021. |
Mental Health Matters Update PDF 258 KB To receive an update on initiatives to support the Mental Health of staff and members. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received an update summarising mental health measures and related provision for Council employees, which included:
· Sign posting for various resources · Mental health sessions · Staff action plans · Employees Support Line
Members spoke in support of the measures as described and it was noted that staff would be consulted on the extent of future working from home and the impact of the last year.
That the report be noted.
(Vice - Chairman in the Chair) Minutes: At this point, the Chairman had to leave the meeting and the Vice - Chairman took the Chair. |
Senior Pay Restructure Report PDF 758 KB To consider proposed changes to the Senior Management Pay Structure and related issues. Minutes: The Committee considered proposed changes to the existing pay structure for senior managers, which will provide greater flexibility and utilise additional pay points.
The objective of the changes was to provide fit-for-purpose pay bands that will help the Council to recruit and retain senior managers.
The changes were also expected to help reduce the overall average pay of Senior Officers throughout the Council.
The Council currently had performance - based increments for Service Managers, and to ensure continued performance improvements and recognition of exceptional performance within the Council, it was proposed to introduce the changes set out in the report. Other pay issues within the work programme will progressed in due course.
That it be a RECOMMENDATION to the Council, that the proposed changes to the senior management pay structure, the lease car scheme, job evaluation and Market Supplements as set out in the report, be approved. |
To receive an update on IR35 (off-payroll working) obligations. Minutes: The Panel received and noted an update on IR35 (off-payroll working) obligations. |
Performance Review Report PDF 494 KB To note progress with the performance review system. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted progress with the implementation of the performance review element of the HR hub in the itrent system.
The Employee Side comments set out in the report were noted, together with graphs showing data relating to completed interviews.
That the progress of the Performance Reviews undertaken so far, taking account of the current system limitations, be noted. |
To note the development of a staff suggestion scheme. Minutes: The Committee noted details of a new employee ideas scheme which provided a mechanism for staff to put forward ideas relating to their own service operations or in the wider workforce.
It was explained that such schemes had been introduced previously, sometimes with mixed results. The intention was to channel corporate suggestions through the employee forum, keep it as a simple process and monitor how the scheme progressed. |
Health and Leisure Review To receive a verbal update on progress on the Health and Leisure Review. Minutes: The Committee received an update on progress with the Health and Leisure Review.
Members were reminded that at full Council on 25 February 2021, it was agreed that Freedom Leisure would take over the contract for the operation of the Health and Leisure centres.
Since then, the mobilisation plan had commenced, and officers had had a number of meetings with Freedom. They had visited sites and were working on the TUPE process with unions.
A further update would be given at the June meeting, when it was anticipated that the mobilisation work would be nearing completion. |
Kickstart To receive a verbal update with progress on the Kickstart Scheme. Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update on progress with the Kickstart Scheme, which was aimed at 16 to 25 year olds who were in receipt of Universal Credit and lived within 90 minutes travel time of the job.
The Council had 18 placements. The Scheme provided for payment at the national minimum wage for 25 hours per week, though the Council had increased some placements to 37 hours.
38 enquiries had been received as well 10 applications submitted in various areas of the Council. Publicity details were described, which included the council’s website and on social media. The Council was advising the NPA on its learning experiences with the scheme. The scheme was due to close to new intakes in December.
Job placements are advertised online to qualifying people who lived within a 90 minute travel time of the location we gave on the application, so they will be seen and discussed in our Lymington, Hythe, Ringwood and Southampton Jobcentres.
Each placement was for 6 months.
The scheme will be reviewed before the end of the year to see how it has worked and how the employment market is at that stage, before any decision is made on extending the scheme.
A further update would be given in June.
Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent |