Agenda and minutes

Venue: Skype Meeting - Online. View directions

Contact: Andy Rogers  Email:


No. Item



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2020 as a correct record.




The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June would be submitted to the next meeting for approval.





Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by members in connection with an agenda item.




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




There were no issues raised in the public participation period.



HR Update pdf icon PDF 348 KB

To receive an update on the work of the HR function, including case loads of job evaluations, restructuring advice, grievances, disciplinaries and sickness absence matters.


The Committee received the HR update. 


The National Pay Award for 2020 had been agreed and implemented and therefore no further action was required.


The five Health and Leisure centres had reopened and some staff had returned to work from furlough.  In response to members questions it was noted that roughly 100 staff members remained on furlough.  Swimming instructors were anticipated to return to work on 21 September and some members staff had returned to work for a particular role at the leisure centre but could remain on furlough for other duties.




That the report be noted.



Employee Side Liaison Panel - Minutes of 27 August 2020 pdf icon PDF 361 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting of the Employee Side Liaison Panel held on the 27 August 2020.


The Committee received and noted the Employee Side Liaison Panel meeting from the meeting held on 27 August 2020.




Employee Survey Results pdf icon PDF 477 KB

To receive a presentation on the results of the most recent employee survey.


The Committee received a presentation on the results of the Employee Survey carried out from 15-31 July 2020.  The presentation is appended to these minutes as an Appendix.


The level of participation in the survey was high, with 386 responses.  This was equivalent to 48% of staff working for NFDC at the time.  The survey identified the following:


·       61% of staff enjoyed working from home, with most staff having access to suitable working space and equipment in the short term.  58% would welcome the opportunity to work from home more in the future, however 43% felt they did not have the right equipment to work from home in the long term.

·       90% of employees felt trusted to work from home.

·       4 out of 5 employees felt they were as effective or more effective working from home and that they had a better work life balance.

·       Those who said they were less effective working from home felt their work station set up was not as comfortable, that it was difficult working on a small screen and to collaborate with colleagues.

·       When asked about returning to work, only two out of five employees (39%) would feel comfortable doing so, with touching items touched by others being a key concern.  Concerns also included working within a close proximity to others and increased exposure to the risk of coronavirus.  Toilets, washrooms, kitchenettes and desk spaces were the areas within the workplace which caused the greatest concern.

·       Those respondents who were already working in a Council setting had a slightly more positive outlook, with 46% feeling comfortable or very comfortable about being at work. 

·       In relation to mental wellbeing, 70% of respondents felt able to make up their mind and felt useful the majority of the time. However, around a third (30%) hadn’t felt relaxed or close to other people.


As part of the survey staff had been asked to identify their service area.  Each Service Manager had been provided with the results for their area in order to discuss the findings with their team and address any areas of concern.


Members welcomed the results of the survey.  It was noted that all service areas had adapted their working practices to continue to deliver the Councils services effectively throughout the pandemic.



Return to Work

To receive an update on future arrangements for employees’ return to work.


The Committee received a presentation regarding the work carried out to date to enable members of staff to return to the office in a safe manner.


A review had been carried out of the existing desk space at Appletree Court and how members of staff could return with social distancing measures put in place.  It was proposed that less than 50% of staff would return to the office.  The majority of staff would continue to work from home.  Managers were expected to establish the need for staff to go to the office, possibly to carry specific tasks, or for some collaborate work.  It was also acknowledged that some members of staff wanted to return to the office to have some social interaction.


Staff would continue to be supported working from home and managers were encouraged to keep in touch with members of staff.  A booking system for attendance in the office was proposed so ensure that the number of staff on site was limited.  Staff would work in “bubbles” which would be centred around the Executive Head for the service.  Each bubble would have dedicated office space, entrances / exits, kitchen and toilet facilities and it would not be possible for one bubble to mix with another bubble.  Communication would therefore need to take place virtually between different bubbles.


The Committee were provided with plans to show how the different bubbles would work across the different Executive Heads at Appletree Court.


It was acknowledged that the work carried out to enable members of staff to return to the office had been done to ensure that staff had a safe environment in which to work.  The health and wellbeing of staff was the highest priority and the measures would continue to be reviewed in light of any new guidance.


Members noted that staff returning to the office would help to support the local economy.  Members questioned whether equipment would be made available to support those who continued to work from home.  It was noted that there was a supply of equipment (e.g. screens and keyboards) which could be made available to staff upon request.




Training Update pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To receive an update on corporate training undertaken since 2020.


The Committee considered an update on corporate training undertaken since April 2020. 


It was noted that HR had continued to provide training during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering training online.  The courses provided had been well attended and good feedback had been received.  Members noted the success of the online training and suggested that training be provided to all members on the use of skype and other platforms to enable them to work more effectively.




That the training undertaken be acknowledged and that support continue for training through the year and into the future.




Workforce Profile and Inclusion Report pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To receive general statistical information on the District Council’s workforce relating to ethnicity, sex, disability and age.


The Committee considered the workforce profile and inclusion report.  It was noted that this was the first report from the new HR system on the profile of the workforce.  The statistics within the report would enable the Council to monitor trends over time in relation to equal opportunities.  The report included information and statistics on age, BAME representation, disability and gender.


It noted that all employees were required to complete an e-learning training module on “Essential Equalities” every three years and members suggested this time frame be reduced.


Members noted that the report showed that NFDC employees were broadly representative of the local area.  Whilst it was noted that there was a higher percentage of male top earners, it was acknowledged that HR strive to promote equal opportunities and to be fair in the recruitment process.  Appointments should be made to the best person for the job.




That the Workforce Profile document be published on the Council’s external web pages, reviewed annually and updated.




Wellbeing Report and Action Plan pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To note the content of the Wellbeing Action Plan which assists in assessing the needs of employees in respect of mental health wellbeing where required, and related issues.

Additional documents:


The Committee received and noted the content of the Wellbeing Action Plan, used to assist in assessing the needs of employees in respect of mental health and wellbeing.



Quarterly Health and Safety Report pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To receive an update on the key health and safety issues raised over the last quarter together with actions requiring monitoring or intervention.


The Committee considered the quarterly health and safety report which provided an update on the key health and safety issues in the last quarter and summarised any significant issues raised at each of the safety panels during July 2020.




That the contents of the quarterly update be noted and that the Committee be aware of ongoing actions that require monitoring or intervention.




Employee and Public Accident/Incident Statistics 2019-2020 pdf icon PDF 985 KB

To receive details of accidents and incidents involving council employees and members of the public from  1 April 2019 to 30 March 2020 together with comparative results from previous years.


The Committee considered the employee and public accident and incident statistics for 2019-2020.


Members questioned how accidents in relation to manual handling and sharp objects could be prevented.  It was noted that work was being carried out in relation to the provision of PPE, in particular the provision of gloves for the collection of garden waste.  The gloves provided to staff were being reviewed in terms of quality, dexterity and puncture level in an attempt to reduce accidents.  An update detailing recommendations was expected to be presented to the next HR Committee meeting.  In relation to manual handling accidents, a draft Waste Strategy was due to be considered and proposals were expected to come forward which would reduce the amount of manual handling.


In response to a member question regarding first aid for members of staff working in refuge collection, it was noted that all refuse vehicles held stocked first aid kits and all supervisors were trained in first aid delivery.




That the health and safety performance report be noted.



Dates of Meetings 2021/2022

To agree the following dates of meetings for 2021/22 (Thursdays at 9.30 am):


·         17 June 2021

·         16 September 2021

·         13 January 2022

·         17 March 2022





That the following meeting dates for 2021/22 be approved (Thursdays at 9.30 am):


·       17 June 2021

·       16 September 2021

·       13 January 2022

·       17 March 2022