Agenda and minutes

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No. Item



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on  9 February 2021 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2021 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




Councillor A Wade declared a personal interest in Item 6 (Community Safety Partnership Plan 2021/22), as an employee of Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




There were no issues raised during the public participation period.


Portfolio Holders' Reports and Performance Dashboards pdf icon PDF 451 KB

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on developments within their portfolios.



Additional documents:


The Panel received an update from the portfolio holders in connection with the performance dashboards.  The following issues were raised.


Cllr Andrews

·         Elections preparations with Covid measures

·         Lateral flow test Centre at Totton Leisure Centre

·         Food larders – 8 across District – 2 further in Bransgore/Fordingbridge. CAB working in collaboration.

·         Dashboard – good progress on all activities and priorities.

·         Congratulations to Cllr Penman on his recent award from Rev Sue Coleman, High Sheriff of Hampshire, for his work in the Totton community.

·         Information Offices – hours kept under constant review. 

            Cllr Steele

·         Pleased with Government roadmap - will allow Leisure centres to open on 12 April, though with restrictions. Some group exercise not available until 17 May.

·         Reiterated Council’s decision to Partner with Freedom for the running of the Council’s 5 Leisure Centres. Staff advised, and officers working with Freedom on the Mobilisation Plan.

·         Proposed the creation of a Working Group to Monitor/take an overview of the performance of the Leisure Contract on a quarterly basis, from October.

·         Dibden Golf Centre - 19 March reopening



Mitigation Strategy Projects pdf icon PDF 355 KB

To receive an update.


The Panel received an update on the progress with recreational mitigation projects programmed to be delivered within the financial year 2020/21.


The presentation set out the objectives of the mitigation projects, and illustrated the various schemes completed around the District. These included improvements to footpaths, gates, signage and other related works, designed to facilitate and encourage access to open space.


Officers gave assurances that the projects were undertaken in consultation with parish and town councils, and that the facilities were well maintained and publicised. 




That the progress made to date on each project be noted, and that further reports be made to the panel to update on project delivery.


Community Safety Partnership Plan 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To receive a brief overview of the new Community Safety Partnership Plan 2021/22, recently agreed by the Strategy and Delivery Group.

Additional documents:


Following the update on the 2020/21 Partnership Plan and Strategic Assessment presented at the last Panel meeting, officers gave an overview of the new Plan for 2021/22, which had recently been agreed by the Safer New Forest Partnership. The report set out the risks to be addressed in the plan and invited comments on it.


Members raised a number of queries on the following issues:


·         Animal deaths on roads and speed monitoring

·         CCTV

·         Domestic Abuse

·         Supporting Vulnerable People

·         Fraud / online scams

·         Rural Crime

·         Combating doorstep trading fraud.

·         Exploitation of isolated people


Some members felt that more could be done to tackle serious crime and rural crime, and felt there was a perception in some cases of police inaction, and it was agreed that a police chief inspector be invited to a future Panel meeting to help gain a greater understanding of police priorities.


It was agreed that an update on outcomes from the actions in the plan be reviewed at the September Panel meeting.





(a)  That the priorities and actions as set out in the proposed Safer New Forest Partnership Plan for 2021/ 22 be approved.


(b)  That an update on outcomes from the actions in the plan be reviewed at the September Panel meeting


(c)   That a police chief inspector be invited to attend a future Panel meeting, to discuss local crime and policing issues and to help gain a greater understanding of police priorities.



Community Strategy

To receive a presentation on the development of the Community Strategy, and to consider the use of the Covid-19 Recovery - Community Stakeholder Engagement Task and Finish Group to undertake the development of the Strategy and Action Plan.



The Panel received a presentation on the development of the Community Strategy.


The presentation covered:


·         The importance of public engagement and empowerment

·         Assessing community needs and matching service provision priorities

·         The effects of Covid 19

·         Building relationships across sectors


The above objectives would be covered by the existing community engagement task and finish group, with a view to bringing a draft community Strategy and action plan to the September 2021 Panel meeting.


Members queried how the strategy would help with the effects of the pandemic on local employment, and it was acknowledged that this was a matter which the Council’s Economic Development team was pursuing in partnership with local partner organisations.




That the Community Stakeholder Engagement Task and Finish Group be asked to develop a Community Strategy in consultation with local partner organisations, and to report to the September 2021 Panel meeting. 




Health and Leisure Contract Working Group

To discuss arrangements for the creation of a Health and Leisure Contract Working Group, which will monitor the Health and Leisure contract performance, and provide regular updates to the Panel.


The Portfolio holder proposed the creation of a Health and Leisure Contract Working Group to monitor the performance of the new contract for the operation of the Councils’ 5 leisure centres.


It was intended to create a contract monitoring officer role in connection with this work, whose role would include liaison with the new Working Group.  It was suggested that this officer role could also monitor Dibden Golf Centre performance.


It was also suggested that the Health and Leisure Contract Working Group report, who would report to the Panel through the Portfolio holder. The Group would meet fairly frequently initially, then on a quarterly basis, with its first meeting in October.


It was suggested that the new group should include 6-8 members, including 2 members from this Panel. The Working Group would be created in conjunction with the Dibden Golf Course Working Group.




That a Health and Leisure Contract Working Group be created to monitor the Health and Leisure contract performance, and provide regular updates to the Panel, and that the Chairman agree the final membership from member volunteers.


Hampshire Police and Crime Panel

To receive an update from the Council’s representative on the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel.




The Panel received an update from the council's representative on the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel. (HP&CP).


Councillor Andrews explained that the HP&CP’s final meeting with the current Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, had taken place on 12th of March.  Mr Lane had been in post 5 years.


The Crime Panel supported the PCC’s proposal to raise the police authority precept by £15 for a Band D property. This support had been in part due to a compelling presentation by Olivia Pinkney, the Chief Constable, in terms of meeting police priorities.


Improvements had been made to the 101 number and it was now easier to use with shorter response times..


There were two new working groups; one on Equality and Diversity in the police force, and another which would identify future scrutiny topics.


It was likely that relationships with the Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) will be strengthened, especially when consideration was given to use of the Safer Communities grant fund.  The New Forest CSP had a good relationship with the Police.


Officers will brief and assist the new commissioner and the elections were awaited.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 352 KB

To consider the Panel’s future work programme.




The Panel considered its future Work Programme.


The Health and Wellbeing Task and Finish Group would be initiated.


The September Panel meeting would include consideration of the Community Strategy.


Also in September, the Panel will receive an update on outcomes from actions in the Community Safety Partnership Plan.


A Chief Inspector from the Police to be invited to a future Panel meeting to discuss Policing priorities in the District.