Agenda and minutes

Venue: Skype Meeting - Online

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Karen Wardle  email:


No. Item



Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Thorne and Wade.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




Cllr Hawkins disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 20/10467 as a member of the Planning Committee of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application.  Cllr Hawkins did not participate or vote on the application but was present during the consideration of the item.


Cllr Ward disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 20/10467 as a member of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Planning Applications for Committee Decision

To determine the applications set out below:




Victoria Cottage, Victoria Road, Milford-On-Sea (Application 20/10483) pdf icon PDF 250 KB

Two storey side extension to existing house, altered existing and new pavement crossings









Two storey side extension to existing house, altered existing and new pavement crossings


Public Participants:


Steve Dench (Applicant)


Additional Representations:


An additional letter had been received from the Agent, this had been included in the update note circulate prior to the meeting.


A statement was read out at the meeting on behalf of Angus Raby and Judith Gillow objecting to the application.




The Committee expressed the view that the proposed extension would not be out of keeping in the area, have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and that it would not result in a dominant feature within the street scene.




That the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to grant permission subject to any conditions considered to be appropriate.


Conditions / Reasons:


The Committee considered that the proposed side extension was not out of keeping in the area, it would not have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and therefore planning permission should be granted.





Land of Victoria Cottage, Victoria Road, Milford-On-Sea (Application 20/10492) pdf icon PDF 285 KB

Demolish existing dwelling and re-build it as a new build dwelling; sever plot and new build a new self build dwelling, alter existing pavement crossing and create enlarged crossing, new hard and soft landscaping









Demolish existing dwelling and re-build it as a new build dwelling; sever plot and new build a new self build dwelling, alter existing pavement crossing and create enlarged crossing, new hard and soft landscaping


Public Participants:


Steve Dench (Applicant)


Additional Representations:


Further representations had been received from the ecologist, highway engineer, agent as well as three further objections.  This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.


A statement was read out at the meeting on behalf of Angus Ratby and Judith Gillow in objection to the application.










Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 2b)



172 Stem Lane, New Milton (Application 20/10467) pdf icon PDF 238 KB

Rear extension; extend roof creating new accommodation




Grant subject to conditions





Rear extension; extend roof creating new accommodation


Public Participants:




Additional Representations:






Cllr Hawkins disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Planning Committee of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application.  Cllr Hawkins did not participate or vote on the application but was present during the consideration of the item.


Cllr Ward disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Cllrs Crisell and Thierry were not present for this item.  Cllr Brand was not present for part of this item and therefore was unable to vote.




Grant subject to conditions


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 2c)




6 Baytree Gardens, Marchwood (Application 20/10551) pdf icon PDF 291 KB

Single-storey side extension; new boundary wall & landscaping; use of the land as residential garden




Grant subject to conditions





Single-storey side extension; new boundary wall & landscaping; use of the land as residential garden


Public Participants:


Elaine Chivers (Objector)

Brendan Gibbs on behalf of Marchwood Parish Council


Additional Representations:


A statement was read out on behalf of Ian Lawford (Supporter).




Amended plans had been received and therefore, condition 2 required amendment to reflect the correct plan numbers, this had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.


Members expressed concern regarding the height of the chimney with a new flue pipe from a solid fuel heating appliance and the possible impact it could have on the amenity of neighbouring properties in relation to smoke.  An objection had been raised by a local resident as well as Marchwood Parish Council in relation to this aspect of the application.  It was proposed that the item be deferred to discuss with the applicant whether the application could be amended to remove the chimney.


Cllr Sevier was not present for the duration of this item due to a lost connection with the Skype meeting.  Cllr Sevier did not vote in respect of this item.






Conditions / Reasons:


To discuss with the applicant whether the application could be amended to delete the chimney from the proposals.



St Marys Church, Church Street, Fordingbridge (Application 20/10431) pdf icon PDF 249 KB

Re-covering of the roofs to the nave; the tower; gutter linings to chapel and cancel to be renewed




Grant subject to conditions




Re-covering of the roofs to the nave; the tower; gutter linings to chapel and cancel to be renewed


Public Participants:


Ian Newman, The Parish of St Mary (Applicant)


Additional Representations:






Cllrs Brand and Thierry were not present for the duration of this item, due to a lost connection with the Skype meeting.  Cllrs Brand and Thierry did not vote in respect of the application.




Grant subject to conditions


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 2e)