
Planning Committee - Wednesday, 10th July, 2024 9.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions

Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5071  Email:


No. Item

NOTE: The Planning Committee will break for lunch around 1.00 p.m.




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2024 as a correct record.




Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




Planning Applications for Committee Decision

To determine the applications set out below:




SS13 - Land off, Moortown Lane, Ringwood (Proposed Legal Agreement) (Application 21/11723) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Hybrid planning application comprising a total of 443 dwellings: Outline planning permission (all matters reserved except access) for residential development of up to 293 dwellings, public open space, ANRG, SuDS, Landscaping, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development; Full permission for 150 dwellings with means of access from Moortown Lane, associated parking, ANRG, open space, landscaping, and SuDS, other supporting Infrastructure associated with the development. This application is subject to an Environmental Assessment and affect Public Rights of Way. (AMENDED REASON TO ADVERTISE) 




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the need to consider; the potential for receipt of the Natural England re-consultation on the shadow HRA and AA; the prior completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the matters set out in the report, to be completed by the end of December 2024; and the imposition of conditions.




Open Space adjacent to Crow Lane (Proposed Legal Agreement) (Application 23/10707) pdf icon PDF 391 KB

The change of use of agricultural land to publicly accessible open space to facilitate Alternative Natural Recreational Green Space ('ANRG'), with associated landscaping, footways and access points




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager (Development Management) to GRANT PERMISSION subject to: the prior completion of an agreement pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act to secure the matters set out in the report, to be completed by end of December 2024 and the imposition of conditions. 


SS11 Land South of Gore Road, New Milton) (Application 22/10418) pdf icon PDF 665 KB

Development of 178 Dwellings, Public Open Space (POS), Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace (ANRG) and Associated Infrastructure, with Access from Gore Road, New Milton (Outline Planning Application with details only of Access)




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion by of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the matters set out in the report and the imposition of conditions.




Land adjacent Hill View, Ringwood Road, Sopley (Subject to legal agreement) (Application 24/10173) pdf icon PDF 300 KB

Construction of dwelling (Outline application - access, layout and scale only)




Grant subject to conditions



The Forge, Christchurch Road, Downton, Hordle (Application 24/10315) pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Change of use of garage building from ancillary residential to a short term holiday let (Retrospective)




Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion by of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement or Unilateral Undertaking to secure the matters set out in the report; the completion of a nutrient (nitrate) mitigation package and the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.


58-60 Commercial Road, Totton (Application 24/10065) pdf icon PDF 190 KB

Demolition of existing building; construction of replacement commercial building (Use Class E and B8)




Grant subject to conditions




Land to West of, Whitsbury Road, Fordingbridge (Application 21/10052) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Residential development and change of use of land to Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace and all other necessary on-site infrastructure (Outline planning application all matters reserved except means of access only in relation to a new point of vehicular access into the site)




That Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager, Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion by the end of September 2024, of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure those matters set out in previous reports and the imposition of conditions.



Please note, that the planning applications listed above may be considered in a different order at the meeting.


Any other items which the Chairman decides are urgent