Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
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No. | Item |
Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Reilly and P Woods. |
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Cllr M Hartman, for transparency purposes, declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 23/10554, as a Ward Councillor for Fawley, Blackfield, Calshot & Langley. He concluded there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr K Crisell declared an interest in application 23/10618 as she had called the application in for Committee’s consideration and would be speaking in objection as Ward Councillor. She concluded, therefore that she would withdraw from the Committee for the item and not vote on the matter. |
Planning Applications for Committee Decision To determine the applications set out below:
Former Police Station, Southampton Road, Lymington (Application No. 23/10282) PDF 721 KB Redevelopment of the site to form 32no. retirement apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping; demolition of existing building.
Delegated Authority be given to the Development Management – Service Manager to GRANT PERMISSION subject to conditions. Minutes: Details:
Redevelopment of the site to form 32no. Retirement apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking & landscaping; demolition of existing building.
Public Participants:
Mr Bronwen Bridges (Objector)
Mr Donald Mackenzie (Objector)
Mrs Donna Gittins (Objector)
Cllr Jack Davies - Pennington Ward Councillor
Cllr Barry Dunning – Lymington Ward Councillor
Cllr Jacqueline England – Lymington Ward Councillor
Cllr Alan Penson - Lymington & Pennington Town Council
Additional Representations:
As per Committee Update published 8 August - One further representation received from a third party, objecting to the proposal on grounds of lack of need for additional retirement accommodation in Lymington.
That the matter be deferred to a later date to allow further information to be provided in respect of development viability, including information why a reduction in affordable housing contribution was deemed acceptable on this development.
Conditions / Reasons:
The Committee expressed concerns over the scale of the reduction in affordable housing contributions, put forward by the applicant, and requested clarity and further detail on this. Members specific concern lay in the reduction, towards the provision of off-site affordable housing, down to £300,000. Members requested an explanation as to the reasons why the viability assessment found the reduced contribution level acceptable. |
Construction of link road from August Avenue to the A338, forming part of the SS18 allocated site, including landscaping, permanent and temporary drainage infrastructure, and other associated infrastructure (enabling early delivery of the highways infrastructure of hybrid application reference 21/11237).
Grant subject to conditions. Minutes: Details:
Construction of link road from Augustus Avenue to the A338, forming part of the SS18 allocated site, including landscaping, permanent and temporary drainage infrastructure and other associated infrastructure (enabling early delivery of the highways infrastructure of hybrid application reference (21/11237) (AMENDED REASON TO ADVERTISE).
Public Participants:
Mr Guy Peirson-Hagger – Pennyfarthing Homes Ltd (applicant)
Mr Ben Arnold – Pennyfarthing Homes Ltd
Mr Tim Wall – i-Transport
Additional Representations:
Cranborne Chase AONB Partnership
Hampshire (HCC) Highway Authority
Natural England
There were a number of updates to the report, contained in the Committee Update published on 8 August, which the Case Officer referred to in his presentation. In addition, the Case Officer gave a verbal update to confirm the Highway Authority had now agreed the revised CTMP and that condition 3 could be deleted. The Case Officer also confirmed that in the light of comments from Natural England an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitat Regulations had now been carried out.
The updates included amendments to condition 2 and condition 8, as follows:
Condition 2. Add the following plans as approved:
· DRC 007 Rev P01 Groundwater interceptor drain · LAP001 Rev F Site location plan (with no details shown) · DRC 0013 rev P01 Various sections through road 139
Condition 8. Condition to be re-worded as follows
The development shall be carried out completely in accordance with the terms and details set out in the Construction Traffic Management Plan revision 3 and in accordance with the further details provided by I Transport in their email of 3 August 2023. There shall in addition be no deliveries to the site other than on Monday to Fridays (excluding Bank Holidays) and in accordance with the hours of delivery referred to in the above documents.
Delegated Authority be given to the Development Management - Service Manager to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
(i) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report and updates to the Planning Committee
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3b on the agenda, including the addition of the above amendment to conditions 2 and 8 and the deletion of condition 3. |
Land to West of Whitsbury Road, Fordingbridge (Application No. 21/10052) PDF 1 MB Residential development and change of use of land to Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace and all other necessary on-site infrastructure (Outline planning application all matters reserved except means of access only in relation to a new point of vehicular access into the site).
That the Committee allow a further four-month period until 22 December 2023 to allow for the completion of the S106 Agreement and the subsequent issuing of the Planning Permission. Minutes: Details:
Residential development and change of use of land to Alternative Natural Recreational Greenspace and all other necessary on-site infrastructure (Outline planning application all matters reserved except means of access only in relation to a new point of vehicular access into the site.
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
As per the Committee Update, published on 8 August, that the recommendation be amended. The amended recommendation is shown below in the ‘Decision’ section.
Delegated Authority be given to the Development Management - Service Manager to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
(i) the completion of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement to secure those matters set out in Section (L) of the report; such agreement to be completed by 22 December 2023.
(ii) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report and any additional / amended conditions deemed necessary by the Development Management - Service Manager, having regard to the continuing Section 106 discussions.
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3c on the agenda and Committee Update.
14 Parsonage Barn Lane, Ringwood (Application No. 23/10662) PDF 179 KB Conversion of 7-bedroom hostel into 5 flats to provide temporary accommodation; fenestration alterations, associated landscaping, parking, cycle and bin store.
Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to conditions.
Minutes: Details:
Conversion of 7-bedroom hostel into 5 flats to provide temporary accommodation; fenestration alterations, associated landscaping, parking, cycle and bin store.
Public Participants:
Mr Tim Davis- Housing Development Officer NFDC (Applicant).
Additional Representations:
There were several minor updates to the report, as shown in the Committee Update published on 8 August, including a change to condition 4, which read:
Condition 4 – Line 3 – the word ‘should’ to change to ‘shown’.
Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
i) the following contributions being paid prior to planning consent being issued as follows:
a) £21,002.00 - Habitat mitigation - infrastructure contribution
b) £3,146.00 - Habitat mitigation non- infrastructure contribution
c) £412.00 - Air Quality monitoring contribution
ii) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3d of the agenda.
14 Matley Gardens, Totton (Application No. 23/10618) PDF 149 KB First floor side extension with partial garage conversion; fenestration alterations, single-storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory.
Grant subject to conditions.
Minutes: Details:
First floor side extension with partial garage conversion; fenestration alterations; single-storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory.
Public Participants:
Mr Kevin Walters (applicant)
Cllr K Crisell – Ward Councillor
Additional Representations:
Cllr K Crisell declared an interest as she had called the application in for Committee’s consideration and would be speaking in objection as Ward Councillor. She concluded, therefore that she would withdraw from the Committee for the item and not vote on the matter.
Grant subject to conditions.
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3e of the agenda.
54 Crawte Avenue, Holbury, Fawley (Application No. 23/10554) PDF 153 KB Rebuild and extend to the front of the existing garage.
Grant subject to conditions.
Minutes: Details:
Rebuild and extend to the front of the existing garage.
Public Participants:
Mr Malcolm Tyler (applicant)
Cllr Peter Armstrong (Statement read out on his behalf)
Additional Representations:
Grant subject to conditions.
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3f of the agenda.
Land at Crow Arch Lane and Crow Lane, Crow, Ringwood (Application No. 23/10040) PDF 252 KB Totem sign (non-illuminated) (Application for Advertising Consent)
Grant advertisement consent.
Minutes: Details:
Totem sign (non-illuminated) (Application for Advertising Consent).
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Grant advertisement consent.
Conditions / Reasons:
As set out in the report for item 3f of the agenda.