Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5071 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Glass and Holding.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2023 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2023 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 22/11415 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllrs Crisell and Kangarani disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 22/11386 as members of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application. They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Planning Applications for Committee Decision To determine the applications set out below:
The Pilgrim Inn, Hythe Road, Marchwood (Application 22/11364) Erection of illuminated and non-illuminated signs to the exterior of the building; sign a - 1 x new double sided pictorial sign to existing post with painted detail, new fullers cartouche, new linolites; sign b - 2 x new sets of signwriting; sign c - omitted; sign d - 1 x new set of signwriting; sign e - 4 x new led floodlights; sign f - 2 x new wall lights; sign g - 2 x new double legged timber effect post signs with sign written detail, new trough lights; sign h - omitted (Application for Advertisement Consent)
Grant Advertisement Consent
Minutes: Details:
Erection of illuminated and non-illuminated signs to the exterior of the building; sign a - 1 x new double sided pictorial sign to existing post with painted detail, new fullers cartouche, new linolites; sign b - 2 x new sets of signwriting; sign c - omitted; sign d - 1 x new set of signwriting; sign e - 4 x new led floodlights; sign f - 2 x new wall lights; sign g - 2 x new double legged timber effect post signs with sign written detail, new trough lights; sign h - omitted (Application for Advertisement Consent)
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Marchwood Parish Council had withdrawn their objection to the application, following consideration of the amended plans. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Grant Advertisement Consent
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3a)
Riverside, Bath Road, Lymington (Application 22/11415) Variation of conditions 2 & 3 of planning permission 22/10345 to allow amended window and details and roof design
Grant the variation of condition
Minutes: Details:
Variation of conditions 2 & 3 of planning permission 22/10345 to allow amended window details and roof design
Public Participants:
Malcolm Thomas (Objector)
Additional Representations:
Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Members raised concerns about the proposed changes to the conditions, which they felt would lead to an unacceptable level of overlooking into neighbouring properties due to the changes to the windows, the increase in glazing and the potential use of the flat roof. This would have a detrimental impact on the privacy of neighbouring occupiers.
Refuse the variation of conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
The proposed changes to the windows and increase in unobscured glazing in addition to the associated potential use of the flat roof section would result in an unacceptable level of overlooking and additional sense of perceived overlooking which would prove contrary to the privacy of neighbouring occupiers. As such, the development is contrary to Policy ENV3 of the Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy for the New Forest District outside of the National Park.
37-39 Salisbury Road, Totton (Application 22/11386) Demolition of existing building and construction of 20 flats with cycle storage, refuse storage, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works
Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager of Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
a) An obligation for the provision and retentio of at leat 35% of the homes on site to be affordable in accordance with Policy HOU2;
b) An obligation to pay the relevant financial contributions directly to the Council before planning permission is issued on the site;
c) A Section 106 agreement with Hampshire County Council to secure a financial contribution fo £20,000 for local cycling and walking; and
d) The imposition of the conditions set out in the report
Minutes: Details:
Demolition of existing building and construction of 20 flats with cycle storage, refuse storage, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works
Public Participants:
Tim Davis (Applicant) Laura Grimason, Gillings Planning (Agent) Paul Moss, Architecture PLB (Architect) (Present to answer questions only)
Additional Representations:
Cllrs Crisell and Kangarani disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as members of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application. They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The Case Officer reported that conditions 2 and 17 had been amended to correct a plan number and include an additional plan number. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Delegated Authority be given to the Service Manager of Development Management to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
a) an obligation for the provision and retention of at least 35% of the homes on the site to be affordable in accordance with Policy HOU2;
b) an obligation to pay the relevant financial contributions directly to the Council before planning permission is issued on the site.
These contributions being as follows:
i) £79,455 to secure recreational habitat mitigation [made up of £69,145 infrastructure + £10,310 non-infrastructure] ii) £9840 to secure Solent bird aware contribution iii) £2,060 to secure Air Quality monitoring. iv) £4,980 for BNG management and monitoring contributions v) £808 for commencement check contributions vi) £808 for affordable housing monitoring contribution
c) a Section 106 agreement with Hampshire County Council to secure a financial contribution of £20,000 for local cycling and walking in accordance with Policy CCC2 to provide enhancement measures within the HCC Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) (November 2022); and
d) the imposition of the conditions set out in the report and update note.
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3c) and update note