Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5071 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Bellows, Brand, Ring and Wade.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in applications 22/10236, 22/10111 and 22/10081 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the applications. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr Glass disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 22/10012 as a member of Fawley Parish Council which had commented on the application. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr Hawkins disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in applications 22/10119 and 22/10109 as a member of the Planning Committee of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the applications. Cllr Hawkins did not participate in the debate or vote on the applications but was present during the consideration of the items.
Cllr Ward disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in applications 22/10119 and 22/10109 as a member of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the applications. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Planning Applications for Committee Decision To determine the applications set out below:
Construction of 63 dwellings, creation of new access, parking, landscaping, open space and associated works, following demolition of existing buildings
To approve a further period until the end of June 2022 for the completion of the S106 Agreement and the issuing of the Planning Permission.
Minutes: The Committee noted a report had been considered in January 2022 to approve an extension for the completion of the Section 106 agreement until the end of February 2022. Approval was sought for a further extension to allow the Section 106 Agreement to be completed and for the planning permission to be issued.
That a further period until the end of June 2022 for the completion of the S106 Agreement and the issuing of the Planning Permission be approved.
6 St Marys Close, Bransgore (Application 22/10022) First-floor side extension, single & two storey front extension; internal alterations
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
First-floor side extension, single & two storey front extension; internal alterations
Public Participants:
Dr Fiona Randall (Applicant)
Additional Representations:
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3b)
2 Haven Gardens, New Milton (Application 22/101199) Single-storey extensions; dormer extension; chimney stack removals; fenestration removals; porch addition; south west dormer raised; boundary wall fence and wall erection adjacent to the highways
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Single-storey extensions; dormer extension; chimney stack removals; fenestration removals; porch addition; south west dormer raised; boundary wall fence and wall erection adjacent to the highways
Public Participants:
Mr Robinson (Applicant) Mr Ellis, Simon Ellis Design (Agent) Mr D Richards (Objector)
Additional Representations:
The agent had sent an email with photographs and comments to members of the Planning Committee. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Cllr Hawkins disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Planning Committee of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. Cllr Hawkins did not participate in the debate or vote on the application but was present during the consideration of the item.
Cllr Ward disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The case officer reported that amended plans had been submitted to clarify the exact finished dimensions of the rear dormer. The plans did not alter the officer's recommendation. Condition 2 would be amended to include the new plan numbers. This had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3c) and update note
8 Brook Avenue, New Milton (Application 22/10109) Demolish existing garage, workshop & conservatory; single & two storey side and rear extensions
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Demolish existing garage, workshop & conservatory; single & two storey side and rear extensions
Public Participants:
Mr Brooks (Applicant) Mr Ward (Objector)
Additional Representations:
Cllr Hawkins disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Planning Committee of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. Cllr Hawkins did not participate in the debate or vote on the application but was present during the consideration of the item.
Cllr Ward disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of New Milton Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3d)
137 Hampton Lane, Blackfield, Fawley (Application 22/10012) Use of ground floor as flat; single-storey front and rear extensions; parking
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to the completion by the landowner of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement (or unilateral undertaking) and the imposition of the conditions set out in the report.
Minutes: Details:
Use of ground floor as flat; single-storey front and rear extensions; parking
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Cllr Glass disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Fawley Parish Council which had commented on the application. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Head of Planning, Regeneration and Economy to GRANT PERMISSION subject to:
(i) The completion by the landowner of a planning obligation entered into by way of a Section 106 Agreement (or unilateral undertaking) to secure appropriate habitats mitigation contributions as set out in the officer report; and
(ii) The imposition of the conditions set out in the report
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3e)
Anchor House, Bath Road, Lymington (Application 22/10236) Front and side extension to provide additional showroom and work space
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Front and side extension to provide additional showroom and work space
Public Participants:
Tim Willment (Agent) Brian Davies (Objector) Judith Witcombe (Objector) Jane Du Cane (Objector) Cllr Ash-Vie, Lymington and Pennington Town Council
Additional representations:
The Case Officer reported that a response had been received from NFDC Environmental Health (Pollution) stating that there was no adverse comments to the application.
Three further objections from third parties had been received, this had been included in the update note circulated prior to the meeting. In addition, two further third party objections had been received since the report had been published.
Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
The Committee expressed views at the meeting that the proposed development, by reason of its scale, positioning and design would have an adverse impact on the adjacent Conservation Area and listed buildings.
Members noted that Bath Road was a narrow road and had a narrow section of pavement in front of the proposed development. It was felt that the proposed showroom, extending up to the site boundary could give rise to pedestrian congestion and would therefore be unacceptable in terms of highway safety.
The Committee also felt that the glazed frontage of the development would have a detrimental impact on the residential amenity of the properties located opposite.
Reasons for refusal:
1. The proposed development, by reason of its scale, design and positioning, would have an adverse impact upon the setting of adjoining heritage assets, the existing character of the adjacent Conservation Area and the wider streetscape. The application is therefore considered to be contrary to ENV3 of the New Forest Local Plan Part 1 (2016-2036), DM1 of New Forest Local Plan Part 2 (2014) and Chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework.
2. The glazed frontage (and any associated interior lighting) will have an adverse impact upon the amenity of properties located immediately opposite the site. In these respects the proposal is considered contrary to Policy ENV3 of the New Forest Local Plan Part 1 (2016-2036).
3. The proposed showroom will result in a built form (showroom window) that extends immediately up to the boundary of the site and pavement. This will result in an unacceptable potential for pedestrian congestion on this narrow section of pavement, in a location where Bath Road is already significantly limited in width. The proposal is therefore considered to be unacceptable in terms of highway safety.
Oakend, 11 Newenham Road, Lymington (Application 22/10111) Two-storey side extension
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Two-storey side extension
Public Participants:
Cllr Ash-Vie, Lymington and Pennington Town Council
Additional Representations:
A statement was read out on behalf of Sarah Fitzmorris (Applicant)
Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3g)
1 Pealsham Gardens, Fordingbridge (Application 22/10170) Use of garden outbuilding as dog grooming facility
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Use of garden outbuilding as dog grooming facility
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
An update had been provided which had been circulated prior to the meeting which stated that the applicant would accept a temporary permission, if considered appropriate, but requested this to be for a minimum of three years.
The Committee having noted the concerns raised in the report by the objectors felt that a temporary consent for the period of one year would establish whether there was any detrimental impact on the neighbouring properties in relation to noise and parking.
Grant temporary consent
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3h), however the Committee agreed that the consent would be for a temporary period, the additional condition relating to this is set out below:
The use shall cease on or before 12 months from the date of this permission or the commencement of the use, whichever is the later, and the building restored to its existing use as incidental to the main use of the dwelling.
Reason: In the interests of the residential amenities of the area and in accordance with policy ENV3 of the Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy.
82 Lower Buckland Road, Lymington (Application 22/10081) Replacement dwelling, with associated works
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Erection of a replacement dwelling, with associated works
Public Participants:
Cllr Ash-Vie, Lymington and Pennington Town Council
Additional Representations:
Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 3i)