Agenda and minutes
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Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Clark, Crisell, Dunning and Wade.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 21/10326 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr Davis disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 21/10173 as a member of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Planning Applications for Committee Decision To determine the applications set out below:
47-49 High Street, Fordingbridge (Application 20/11439) PDF 224 KB Extension and alterations to an existing shop and 5 bedroom flat to form a shop at ground floor level and 4x flats (1x 1-bed, 2x 2-bed, 1x 3-bed), with associated external alterations
Refuse Minutes: Details:
Extension and alterations to an existing shop and 5 bedroom flat to form a shop at ground floor level and 4x flats (1x 1-bed, 2x 2-bed, 1x 3-bed), with associated external alterations
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Cllr Sevier was not present for the duration of this item, due to a lost connection with the MS Teams meeting. Cllr Sevier did not vote in respect of the application.
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2a)
47-49 High Street, Fordingbridge (Application 20/11440) PDF 156 KB Extension and alterations to an existing shop and 5 bedroom flat to form a shop at ground floor level and 4x flats (1x 1-bed, 2x 2-bed, 1x 3-bed), with associated external alterations (Application for Listed Building Consent)
Refuse Listed Building Consent Minutes: Details:
Extension and alterations to an existing shop and 5 bedroom flat to form a shop at ground floor level and 4x flats (1x 1-bed, 2x 2-bed, 1x 3-bed), with associated external alterations (Application for Listed Building Consent)
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Refuse Listed Building Consent
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2b)
5 Sycamore Court, High Street, Fordingbridge (Application 20/11281) PDF 170 KB Rebuild the roof turret with weatherproof material due to it causing issues
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Rebuild the roof turret with weatherproof material due to it causing issues
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
Cllr Glass was not present for the duration of this item, due to a lost connection with the MS Teams meeting. Cllr Glass did not vote in respect of the application.
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2c)
Eling Wharf, Eling, Totton (Application 21/10173) PDF 161 KB Permanent retention of pallet storage building
Grant subject to conditions Minutes: Details:
Permanent retention of pallet storage building
Public Participants:
John Shawyer, Associated Pallets (Applicant)
Additional Representations:
The case officer reported that a further letter of objection had been received from a local resident raising concerns in relation to visual impact, noise disturbance and the safety hazard of storing pallets.
Cllr Davis disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Totton and Eling Town Council which had commented on the application. He concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2d)
Site L, Pond 1, East Road, Marchwood Industrial Park, Marchwood (Application 21/10131) PDF 185 KB Development and setting out of four plots within Site L for the purposes of B8 open storage use; each plot will comprise of a one-storey building, car parking, cycle storage, fencing and B8 open storage space. Approval of reserved matters - layout, scale appearance and landscaping pursuant to condition 1 of Outline Planning Permission (12/99485).
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Development and setting out of four plots within Site L for the purposes of B8 open storage use; each plot will comprise of a one-storey building, car parking, cycle storage, fencing and B8 open storage space. Approval of reserved matters - layout, scale appearance and landscaping pursuant to condition 1 of Outline Planning Permission (12/99485).
Public Participants:
Adam Collier, Adams Hendry Consulting Ltd (Agent) Brendan Gibbs, Marchwood Parish Council
Additional Representations:
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2e)
21 Wykeham Place, Lymington (Application 21/10326) PDF 169 KB Single-storey side extension; trellis
Grant subject to conditions
Minutes: Details:
Single-storey side extension; trellis
Public Participants:
Additional Representations:
A statement was read out on behalf of Jennifer Baker (Supporter).
Cllr Corbridge disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application. She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Grant subject to conditions
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2f)
Maple Field Farm, Martin Road, Martin (Application 20/11417) PDF 223 KB Convert redundant Agricultural Buildings into two holiday units; bay windows; pergolas; demolish existing polytunnel
Refuse Minutes: Details:
Convert redundant Agricultural Buildings into two holiday units; bay windows; pergolas; demolish existing polytunnel
Public Participants:
Richard Ashton, Richard Ashton RIBA (Agent) Sandra Allman (Objector) Susan Sampson, Martin Parish Council Cllr Edward Heron, Downland & Forest Ward Cllr
Additional Representations:
Members, having heard the public speakers, considered the suggestion to include a further reason for refusal, noting that Martin did not have a defined settlement boundary and therefore policies relating to development within the countryside would apply. They also noted that the proposal would have minor economic benefits which would not outweigh the harm to the rural character arising from the proposed form of residential use. Members expressed their support to this view and felt that the proposed development would be contrary to policies DM13, DM20, DM22 of the Local Plan.
Cllrs Corbridge and Reilly were not present for the duration of this item, due to a lost connection with the MS Teams meeting. Cllrs Corbridge and Reilly did not vote in respect of the application.
Cllr Kangarani was not present for this item.
Conditions / Reasons:
As per report (Item 2g) and with the additional reason for refusal, as set out below:
The scheme proposes self-contained holiday accommodation that has all the attributes and characteristics of residential development, the location of which, outside a defined settlement boundary would be in the open countryside and does not meet the criteria for such development set out in DM13 or DM20. The scheme does not form part of a farm diversification project and the minor economic benefits of the scheme would not outweigh the harm to rural character arising from the form of residential use proposed. The scheme is therefore contrary to ENV3, STR2 & STR3 of the New Forest District Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy 2020 and DM13, DM20 & DM22 of the New Forest District Local Plan Part 2: Sites and Development Management Policies 2014. |