Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Karen Wardle  email:

No. Item


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Ring and C Ward.


The Vice-Chairman, Cllr Hopkins in the Chair.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2019 as a correct record.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2019 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




Cllrs Bennison and Sevier disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 18/11648 as members of the New Forest National Park Authority which had commented on the application.  They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Cllr Carpenter disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 19/10841 as a member of Hampshire County Council, which had commented on the application.  She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Cllrs Corbridge and Dunning disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 19/11072 as members of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the application.  They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


Cllr R Clark disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 17/11770 as a member of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council.  She also declared that her husband would be speaking on the application and therefore concluded that there could be a perception of bias.  She did not speak or vote on this application but remained present during the consideration of this item.


Cllr Crisell disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 17/11770 as she had previously been a Ward Councillor for Furzedown & Hardley and had spoken on behalf of one of the objectors on the original application.  She concluded that there could be a perception of bias and therefore did not speak or vote on this application.  She remained present during the consideration of this item.


Cllr M Wade disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 17/11770 as a member of the Planning Committee of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council which had commented on the application.  He concluded that as he had not voted on the application there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.



Planning Applications for Committee Decision

To determine the applications set out below:




Land at Crow Arch Lane and Crow Lane, Ringwood (Application 18/11648) pdf icon PDF 332 KB

Development of 20 dwellings comprised of semi-detached houses; terraces; 1 block of flats, bin & cycle store; detached garages; public open space, landscaping, internal access arrangement and ancillary infrastructure




Chief Planning Officer be Authorised to Grant Permission subject to the completion of a S.106 Agreement and conditions.





Development of 20 dwellings comprised of semi-detached houses; terraces; 1 block of flats, bin & cycle store; detached garages; public open space, landscaping, internal access arrangement and ancillary infrastructure


Public Participants:


Mr Nigel Pugsley, Terence O’Rourke (Agent)

Cllr Philip Day, Ringwood Town Council


Additional Representations:


It was noted that two additional letters of representation had been received, one from the New Forest National Park Authority stating no objection to the application and the other from the Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospital Trust with further comments regarding the potential impact of the proposals on the Trust.




Cllrs Bennison and Sevier disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as members of the New Forest National Park Authority which had commented on the application.  They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


The Case Officer reported that the final sentence of paragraph 11.7 should be deleted and that paragraph 11.19 of the report be amended.  Amendments to Conditions, 2, 10, 11, 12 and 16 were also reported, as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.


Cllr Crisell was unable to vote on this application as she had been absent for part of the consideration of this item.


Cllr Dunning was not present for this item.




Delegate authority to the Chief Planning Officer to grant permission subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement.


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3a) and amended conditions 2, 10, 11, 12 and 16.



Land adjacent to Forest Lodge Farm, Fawley Road, Hythe (Application 17/11770) pdf icon PDF 298 KB

Variation of condition 21 of Planning Permission 15/10751 to allow revised drainage proposal (retrospective)




Grant the variation of condition





Variation of condition 21 of Planning Permission 15/10751 to allow revised drainage proposal (retrospective)


Public Participants:


Mr Mike Shepherd, Vivid Build (Applicant)

Mr Simon Jones Parry, Vivid Build (Applicant)

Mr Peter Armstrong (Objector)

Mr Frank Tillyer (Objector)

Mr Penny (Objector)

Cllr Mark Clark, Ward Councillor


Additional Representations:


Three additional Statutory Declarations had been received, one was from the owner of Forest Lodge Farm and the other two from regular visitors to the Farm.  Three further letters of objection had also been received from existing objectors reiterating their concerns.  These had been reported in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.  One further letter had been received querying the drafting of the Section 106 legal agreement that had been completed in May 2018.




Cllr R Clark disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council.  She also declared that her husband would be speaking on the application and therefore concluded that there could be a perception of bias.  She did not speak or vote on this application but remained present during the consideration of this item.


Cllr Crisell disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as she had previously been a Ward Councillor for Furzedown & Hardley and had spoken on behalf of one of the objectors on the original application.  She concluded that there could be a perception of bias and therefore did not speak or vote on this application.  She remained present during the consideration of this item.


Cllr M Wade disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of the Planning Committee of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council which had commented on the application.  He concluded that as he had not voted on the application there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


The Case Officer reported that the Section 106 legal agreement, referred to in paragraph 11.27 of the report had been completed, as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.


Jim Peters of Such Salinger Peters, the consultant appointed by the District Council to review the drainage scheme, addressed the Committee and answered technical questions from members.


Members noted the objections to the application, particularly the concern of the owner of Forest Lodge Farm in relation to water ingress.  It was therefore proposed to defer the application in order to investigate the reasons why the water was infiltrating into the adjoining property and for technical solutions to be proposed to address the issue.  It would therefore be necessary for all parties to meet with planning officers to determine how to resolve the matter of concern.



Decision: Defer


Conditions / Reasons: 


To enable the applicant to undertake further investigations into the reasons why water is flowing / infiltrating into the adjacent property at Forest Lodge Farm; and on the basis of the information gathered from these further investigations to then demonstrate what additional measures are needed to ensure that the situation is managed and the impact appropriate mitigated.



South Lawn Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford-on-Sea (Application 19/10841) pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Second-floor extension to provide 18 bedrooms; 48 car parking spaces; associated landscaping; detached building to accommodate waste recycling




Grant subject to conditions





Second-floor extension to provide 18 bedrooms; 48 car parking spaces; associated landscaping; detached building to accommodate waste recycling


Public Participants:


Mr Rob Greenwood, Benchmark Development Planning Ltd (Agent)

Cllr Patricia Banks, Milford on Sea Parish Council


Additional Representations:


No objection had been raised by the Tree Officer.




Cllr Carpenter disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as a member of Hampshire County Council, which had commented on the application.  She concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent her from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


The Case Officer reported an amendment to paragraph 11.5 of the report and an amended Condition 9, as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.


Cllr Kangarani was unable to vote on this application as he had been absent for part of the consideration of this item.


Cllr Dunning was not present for this item.




Grant subject to conditions


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3c) and amended condition 9.





Land North of School Lane, Milford-on-Sea (Application 19/10917) pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Erection of hoardings, Stack Sign; Flagpoles and flags for a temporary period (Application for Advertisement Consent)




Grant advertisement consent





Erection of hoardings, Stack Sign; Flagpoles and flags for a temporary period (Application for Advertisement Consent)


Public Participants:


Cllr Patricia Banks, Milford on Sea Parish Council


Additional Representations:


Five additional objections had been received, as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.




The Committee noted that the Parish Council raised concerns relating to the timing of the proposals, visual amenity and highway safety particularly as highway works were being carried out along Lymington Road.  Members were of the opinion that the visual amenity of the site and highway safety could be affected, with an increased risk of accidents if the advertisement consent was granted with immediate effect.  The Committee therefore agreed that any consent should not be issued until the highway works, external to the site had been completed.


Cllr Dunning was not present for this item.




Delegate authority to the Chief Planning Officer to issue temporary advertisement consent when the highway works had been completed.


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3d) with an amendment to the recommendation for the Chief Planning Officer to issue advertisement consent, following completion of the highway works.  This was to address concerns relating to highway safety.






Avonway Community Centre, 36 Shaftesbury Street, Fordingbridge (Application 19/10948) pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Main entrance doors; glazing; entrance canopy




Grant subject to conditions





Main entrance doors; glazing; entrance canopy


Public Participants:


Dr Kidson, Trustee, Fordingbridge & District Community Association (on behalf of the Applicant)


Additional Representations:






The Case Officer reported condition 3 had been amended and separated into two conditions (3 and 4), as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.


Cllr Dunning was not present for this item.




Grant subject to conditions


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3e) and amended condition 3 and additional condition 4.



36 Golden Crescent, Everton, Hordle (Application 19/11007) pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Change of use of land to garden; fence




Grant subject to conditions





Change of use of land to garden; fence


Public Participants:




Additional Representations:






Cllrs Crisell and Dunning were not present for this item.




Grant subject to conditions.


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3f)






Arrachar, Fox Pond Lane, Pennington, Lymington (Application 19/11072) pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/10532 to allow revised plans




Grant the variation of condition





Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 17/10532 to allow revised plans


Public Participants:


Mrs Ashworth (Applicant)

Jacqueline England (Supporter)

Mr Rob Latimore (Objector)

Cllr Alan Penson, Lymington and Pennington Town Council


Additional Representations:


A further two letters of support had been received, in addition to the 33 letters of support detailed in the update note circulated prior to the meeting.




Cllrs Corbridge and Dunning disclosed a non-pecuniary interest as members of Lymington and Pennington Town Council, which had commented on the application.  They concluded that there were no grounds under common law to prevent them from remaining in the meeting to speak and to vote.


The Case Officer reported that the cladding work had commenced on site, and that the applicant had provided a photograph indicating the recent works to reduce the size of the rear bedroom window.  A minor change to Condition 9 was also reported, as per update note circulated prior to the meeting.




Grant the variation of condition


Conditions / Reasons:


As per report (Item 3g) and amended condition 9.