Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 18th January, 2017 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Melanie Stephens  E-mail:

No. Item


Application for the Grant of a Premises Licence - 9 Gosport Street, Lymington pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Additional documents:


6.         Decision of the Sub-Committee


            The application is granted on the following terms and conditions.


            Licensable activities and times permitted:


            B: Films


            Monday 12:00 – 23:00

            Tuesday 12:00 – 23:00

            Wednesday 12:00 – 23:00

            Thursday 12:00 – 23:00

            Friday 12:00 – 23:00

            Saturday 12:00 – 23:00

            Sunday 12:00 – 23:00


            J: Supply of Alcohol – On the premises


            Monday 08:00 – 23:00

            Tuesday 08:00 – 23:00

            Wednesday 08:00 – 23:00

            Thursday 08:00 – 23:00

            Friday 08:00 – 23:00

            Saturday 08:00 – 23:00

            Sunday 10:00 – 23:00


L: Hours premises are open to the public


            Monday 08:00 – 23:30

            Tuesday 08:00 – 23:30

            Wednesday 08:00 – 23:30

            Thursday 08:00 – 23:30

            Friday 08:00 – 23:30

            Saturday 08:00 – 23:30

            Sunday 08:00 – 23:30


            Seasonal Variations:


            Christmas Eve

            Supply of Alcohol – 10:00 – 00:30

            Opening Hours – 10.00 – 01.00


            New Years’ Eve

            Supply of Alcohol – 10:00 – 01:00

            Opening Hours – 10.00 – 01.30


Mandatory conditions:


As provided in the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010.


Subject to the alternative licence condition as contained in section 25A (2) of the Licensing Act 2003.


Conditions consistent with the operating schedule accompanying the application (M):


General – all four licensing objectives


1.        Strong management controls and effective training  of all staff so that they are aware of the premises licence and the requirements to meet the four licensing objections with particular attention to: -


i)          No sales of alcohol to underage people

ii)         No drunk and disorderly behaviour on the premises

iii)        Vigilance in preventing the use and sale of illegal drugs at the retail area

iv)       No violent and anti-social behaviour

v)        No/any harm to children

vi)       Operating schedule providing the hours of operation and licensable activities during those hours

vii)      Designated premises supervisor, day-to-day control, providing good training on the Licensing Act (training records), authorise each sale of alcohol

viii)     Clear Challenge 25, information to prevent supply of alcohol to underage drinkers.


The prevention of crime and disorder


2.        A clear and legible notice outside the premises indicating the normal house of trade.

3.        No selling of alcohol to drunk or intoxicated persons.

4.        Customers will be discouraged from standing outside the front of the premises for longer than necessary.

5.        No drinks to be consumed outside the front of the premises.

6.        Staff will be trained in asking customers to use the premises in an orderly manner.


Public Safety


7.        Internal and external lighting fixed to promote the public safety objective.

8.        Well trained staff adherence to environmental health requirements. 

9.        Training and implementation of underage I.D checks.

10.      A log book or recording system in which shall be entered particulars of inspections made: those required to be made by statute, and information compiled to comply with any public safety condition attached to the premises licence that require the recoding of such information.

11.      All parts of the premises and all fittings and apparatus therein will be maintained at all times in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.