Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Monday, 10th August, 2015 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Melanie Stephens  E-mail:

No. Item


Fusion Inn, Queen Street, Lymington pdf icon PDF 5 MB


6.         Decision of the Sub-Committee


            The application is granted on the following terms and conditions.


            Licensable activities and times permitted:


            Late Night Refreshment (indoors)


            Friday 23:00 – 01:30

            Saturday 23:00 – 01:30


            Supply of Alcohol (on and off premises)


            Monday 10:00 – 24:00

            Tuesday 10:00 – 24:00

            Wednesday 10:00 – 24:00

            Thursday 10:00 – 24:00

            Friday 10:00 – 02:00

            Saturday 10:00 – 02:00

            Sunday 10:00 – 24:00


            Christmas Eve: 10:00 to 02:00

            New Year’s Eve: 10:00 to 02:00


Hours premises to be open to the public


            Monday 10:00 – 00:30

            Tuesday 10:00 – 00:30

            Wednesday 10:00 – 00:30

            Thursday 10:00 – 00:30

            Friday 10:00 – 02:30

            Saturday 10:00 – 02:30

            Sunday 10:00 – 00:30


            Christmas Eve: 10:00 to 02:30

            New Year’s Eve: 10:00 to 02:30



Mandatory conditions:


As provided in the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010, and Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Conditions) Order 2014.


Other conditions:


General Conditions

1.     No patrons carrying bottles, either sealed or open, will be permitted to enter the premises at any time that the premises are open.

2.     The designated premises supervisor or their nominated representative will be available to receive and respond to complaints at all times that the premises are open to the public.



            The prevention of crime and disorder/protection of children from harm


3.     Door staff will patrol both inside and outside of the premises checking for suspicious behaviour and will be in touch with the other bars in Lymington town via walkie talkies. The premises will have in place Night Watch radio which will enable instant communication with Lyndhurst CCTV operatives. The Designated Premises Supervisor will regularly attend both Lymington and New Milton Pubwatch.



4.     The premises shall have sufficient cameras located within the premises to cover all public areas including outside of the premises covering the entrance and exit. The system will be able to cope with strobe lighting (where used) and all levels of illumination throughout the premises as well as outside areas.

5.     CCTV warning signs must be fitted in public places.

6.     The CCTV system must be operating at all times whilst the premises are open for licensable activity. All equipment shall have a constant and accurate time and date generation.

7.     The recording system will be able to capture a minimum of 4 frames per second and all recorded footage must be securely retained for a minimum of 28 days.

8.     Records must be made on a weekly basis confirming that the system has been checked to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that recorded data is being securely retained. Records of these inspections must be kept for at least 6 months and made available to the Police on request.

9.     The DPS or premises manager must be able to demonstrate that the CCTV system has measures to prevent recordings being tampered with, e.g. password protected.

10.  There shall be sufficient members of trained staff at the premises during operating hours to be able to provide viewable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.