Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3.2, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Andy Rogers  Email:

No. Item



None were received.





To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2017 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meetings held on 16 March and 15 May 2017 be signed by the Chairman as correct records.




Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




No declarations of interest were made by any member in connection with an agenda item.




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.




Provision of Broadband in the New Forest pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To receive a progress report on the Hampshire Broadband Programme together with a presentation from Hampshire County Council and British Telecom representatives on developments.




The Panel received a progress report on the Hampshire Broadband Programme together with input from representatives of Hampshire County Council and British Telecom on developments.


Mr Bloggs provided an update on the Hampshire Superfast Broadband (HSB) programme since his last attendance at the Panel in 2016 when he had outlined the very specific circumstances in the Forest.


The programme for Hampshire had a budget of approximately £30m, and mainly consisted of two contracts; Contract 1 (£10m), and Contract 2, (£18m); plus a Rural Communities Broadband Fund (£1m); and an Innovation Fund (£1.2m).


Overall, the programme was on schedule, with Contract 1 about to conclude, having delivered superfast broadband to over 80,000 premises, achieving around 90% coverage across the County to date. It was anticipated that Contract 2 would increase coverage further to 95%.


Earlier this year, the County Council had signed a Change Request with BT for £6.8m, which would involve 8500 premises and extend coverage still further to over 97%.


In respect of the New Forest, it was noted that at the start of the project, coverage was below 70% (compared with 80% nationally); and was currently at 90% (one of the largest gains in Hampshire); with coverage expected to reach 95% by the end of the second contract.


It was reported that 111 broadband cabinets had been delivered so far, compared to 83 in November 2015, with another 160 planned and further cabinets envisaged. To date the project had produced 52km of routed fibre in the Forest.


Mr Bloggs underlined the particular challenges for the New Forest, particularly the rural nature of the area, land use sensitivities within the constraints of a National Park, and complex land ownership and approvals issues, meaning that disproportionate effort (and funding) had been put into installing broadband in the area, which posed a challenge in terms of value for money.  Despite this, good progress had been made.


Mr Bloggs and his colleagues had been working with local stakeholders – (National Park Authority, Natural England, this Council; the Forestry Commission and the Verderers), to explain the proposals for the location of specific cabinets and to seek approval in principle on them before submission to Verderers’ Court.


It was noted that take up of Broadband was 38% in the New Forest, compared to more than 40% in Hampshire.  The Council could play a part in helping to promote take up and this would be pursued by the officers.


Action: Matt Callaghan


The Chairman thanked Mr Bloggs and his colleagues for the detailed information and statistics, but emphasised that there were still significant numbers of premises in the Forest that did not have acceptable broadband facilities.


The Chairman felt that, given that internet access was increasingly seen as ‘The 4th Utility’ (alongside gas, water and electricity), developers should be under a planning obligation to ensure that new build houses were supplied with superfast broadband.

It was suggested that one way of achieving this might be to await the Local Plan Review, and to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Annual Performance and Provisional Budget Outturn Report 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 8 MB

To note the Annual Performance and Provisional Budget Outturn Report for 2016/17.




The Panel noted the annual performance and provisional budget outturn for 2016/17.


Appendix 1 to the report showed some of the council’s key achievements and key data for 2016/17, while Appendix 2 illustrated the key delivery actions for 2017/18, which would contribute towards meeting forecasted funding reductions over the next few years. The Panel also noted the provisional outturn position for the General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account.


The provisional revenue outturn was reported as showing an overall saving of £3.084m.




That the report be noted.




Key Actions and Service Review Programmes - Final Update Report 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To note the Key Actions and Service Review Programmes Final Update Report for 2016/17.




The Panel received a brief update on the key delivery actions and a summary of the competed service reviews in 2016/17.


The Panel noted that annual ongoing savings identified from completed reviews amounted £519,000.




Democratic Engagement pdf icon PDF 73 KB

To consider a future project on democratic engagement including possibly appointing a Task and Finish Group.




The Panel considered whether to establish a Task and Finish Group to examine possible revised democratic arrangements.


It was noted that there had been no review of decision making structures since the Cabinet system was introduced in the year 2000.


Some members queried whether the review was necessary, as they felt that communities were not concerned with the Council’s internal structures and that they only engaged with the Council when they needed to. Previous attempts at involving the public in the Council’s business had had little success. 


Members discussed briefly the respective merits of the Cabinet and Committee systems. The Cabinet had in the past held its meetings at various places in the community, but with mixed success and engaging the public was a difficult issue.


Some members felt that the focus of contact with communities was, and would continue to be, through customer service. It was explained that the project might be more concerned with public participation or area forums on particular topics.  However, it was hoped the project could facilitate member / community engagement.


It was considered that, given the overall scale of transformation and change in Council services and officer structures over recent times, a Task and Finish Group could consider the scope of the project and examine whether there might be a useful way forward.


Members felt that a short review including an examination of arrangements at other authorities might be a useful way of informing the need for any potential changes. 




That a Task and Finish Group of approximately 4 to 5 members be set up with the following terms of reference:


“To review the current decision-making arrangements (insofar as is permissible by law) to seek to improve community access to and involvement in the democratic process.”




Film New Forest - Progress Update pdf icon PDF 471 KB

To receive an update on progress with the Film New Forest Project.




The Panel received a report on the progress of Film New Forest in its first year, as well as future development of the initiative. It was noted that the financial gain to the Forest was estimated at £45,000 per day when filming.




That support for the Film New Forest Project be maintained in order that the progress made to date may be built upon and further sector related benefit could be brought to local businesses.




Work Programme pdf icon PDF 48 KB

(a)     To consider the Panel’s future Work Programme, including any reviews of previous work undertaken; and


(b)     To receive any updates on Task and Finish Group work; and


(c)     To appoint members to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau Task and Finish Group and to agree the Terms of Reference; and


(d)     To agree arrangements for the Council Tax Reduction Task and Finish Group.


(e)     to agree arrangements for the Budget Task and Finish Group.




The Panel received a cyber security update from Mr Beere, ICT Service Manager.


It was explained that security was one of the strengths of the Council’s ICT service. A recent Ransom Ware attack nationally had highlighted a number of additional actions required to reduce the likelihood of an attack on the Council’s systems.  On the whole, systems that were vulnerable to the Ransom Ware attack were older versions of software such as XP. This did not apply to this Council but had proved to be an issue for the NHS.  


A Council login message to staff was being introduced, reminding employees about caution when opening emails and attachments.  Robust systems were in place to deal with virus attacks and although there could not be guarantees, the Council was in a good place in respect of its systems. The Council liaised closely with the County Council.


The Chairman thanked Mr Beere for his reassuring update.


Other updates were given relating to the Panel’s work programme.


It was noted that the Customer Service Task and Finish Group was meeting in June following analysis work on top website tasks, and a visit to Aylesbury Vale Council was planned.


The Chairman proposed a number of actions relating to future Task and Finish Group work.




(a)             That the following members be appointed to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau Task and Finish Group, with the following Terms of Reference;


Mrs D Andrews

P Armstrong

Ms K Crisell

S Davies

L Harris

M Harris

J Heron

A O’Sullivan

Miss A Sevier

A Wade

M White


Proposed Terms of Reference


(1)        To understand the role played by the CAB in the New Forest.


(2)        To understand what customers want and need from the CAB in the New Forest.


(3)        To work with the new CAB Chief Executive to modernise the service provided by the CAB and how it reaches out to the community.


(4)        To agree new management arrangements with the CAB to enable longer term financial planning for mutual benefit.


(b)             That a Council Tax Reduction Task and Finish Group be set up comprising Cllrs Steele, Penson, J Heron and M Harris.


(c)        That a Budget Task and Finish Group be set up, to include Cllrs O’Sullivan, M Harris, Steele and Penson, and that further members be sought from the council via an email.




Portfolio Holders' Updates

An opportunity for the Portfolio Holders to provide an update to the Panel on any issues.




The Panel received an update from the Finance and Efficiency Portfolio Holder, including a brief update on the budget out turn for the first quarter of 2017/18. He also referred to an external contractor’s report on proposed changes to ICT.