Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Bradbury Room, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Andy Rogers  Email:

No. Item


Cllr Beck




To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2018 as a correct record.






That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2018 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record




Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.




Cllr Kendal declared an interest in agenda item 4 (Minute No 32).




Public Participation

To note any issues raised during the public participation period.




No issues were raised during the public participation period.




Broadband Provision in the New Forest - Update pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To receive updates from providers and users of Broadband in the New Forest.



Additional documents:


Cllr Kendal declared an interest in this matter as the Hampshire County Council Cabinet member responsible for broadband provision.  He concluded that there were no issues under common law which prevented him from remaining in the meeting to speak and vote.


The Panel received a presentation from Hampshire County Council and Openreach representatives, noted the HCC Cabinet report of December 2017 providing an update on superfast (24Mbs) broadband in Hampshire, a summary of local broadband speeds/coverage dated September 2018, and feedback from local residents/businesses/parish councils on broadband service in the District, together with a related map.


Mr Peacey explained that the second wave of the Hampshire superfast broadband project aimed to reach 97.5% of premises across the county as a whole.  This involved a move away from copper to fibre.  Fibre was a preferable solution as copper was ineffective beyond 1000 metres from the cabinet.  He gave details of projects planned over the next 12 months in Boldre, Sway, Brockenhurst and Beaulieu.


Across the County, 2.5% of properties were not served by superfast broadband, and, with costs of £1,000-£2,000 per property, further Government funding would be required to address the issue. HCC were involved in a bid for Government funds.  He also mentioned a gigabyte voucher scheme which allowed a grant of up to £2,500 for small to medium sized enterprises.  Openreach and HCC gave annual updates to small businesses through a website and on social media about scheme availability. 


He reminded the Panel of the difficulties encountered in obtaining permissions for broadband works within the Forest, given restrictions of the National Park, the Forestry Commission and Natural England as well as other bodies.  It was noted that the new Official Verderer had fostered a more co-operative working relationship with providers. 


Mr Gale explained that Openreach had tendered for the Hampshire County Council Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) contract, providing its own funds of £28 million over three contracts throughout Hampshire.  He explained that an internal reorganisation at Openreach had reduced the number of management roles and increased the number of engineers on the ground to implement broadband schemes.


Reference was made to Appendix 1 to the report (the ‘superfast broadband in Hampshire’ report to HCC dated 11 December 2017), which contained a list of project coverage by County electoral division at that date.  There were still a number of electoral divisions within the Forest with lower than 95% broadband coverage.  It was suggested that the various agencies within the Forest should meet and co-operate to solve the various issues blocking broadband provision in the Forest.  It was, however, noted that, historically, schemes were being delayed because of negotiations with the Verderers Court, but that as mentioned previously, this situation had now improved significantly.


Cllr Mrs McEvoy explained that the Leader of HCC, Cllr Perry, had asked for information on speeds in various electoral divisions in order to pursue improvements in broadband speeds where required.  Mr Peacey undertook to provide Cllr Mrs McEvoy with a progress report on broadband provision in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


New Forest District Council's Property Holdings Company - Business Plan 2018 pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To receive an update on progress with the Property Investment Strategy, including details of the creation of a Council controlled holding company.



Additional documents:


The Panel received details of the creation of a Council controlled holding company, following the involvement of the Property Investment Task and Finish Group.  The report sought approval for the business plan for a new property holding company, wholly owned by the Council, through which the Council’s residential property investment strategy would be implemented.  The report also sought approval for the company’s operating arrangements and Articles of Association.


It was suggested that the Cabinet should consider using external specialist non-executive positions on the board of directors of the company where appropriate.


Members felt that the financial gearing ratio (the ratio of capital funding versus funds borrowed by the Authority) should be less prescriptive in the debt to equity mix and evaluated as opportunities arose to ensure the maximum return.  Members also wished to have regular updates, at least annually, but more often in the initial stages of the formation of the company.


Some members felt that a more “dynamic” name might be required for the company and officers were asked to consider this.




That it be a recommendation to the Cabinet and the Council


(i)         That the business plan for the new company, together with the proposed articles of association for the company and its subsidiaries, be approved;


(ii)         That the appointment of two members and two officers of appropriate seniority to the board of directors of the company and its subsidiaries be approved, such individuals to be agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, but that consideration be given to use of external specialist non-executive positions where appropriate;


(iii)        That authority be delegated to the Cabinet in respect of those matters set out in paragraph 4.4 of the company’s proposed articles;


(iv)       That the property investment task and finish group be discontinued, but that regular updates be brought to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel as required, and at least every 12 months; and


(v)        That the Council’s indemnity to members and officers applies to the activities of the directors of the company and, further that, the Executive Head, Governance and Regulation, arrange for the company to have additional directors’ and officers’ liability insurance likewise to cover the activities of the directors of the company.


(vi)       That the gearing of the company be not fixed but instead the debt to equity mix be fluid and evaluated as opportunities arise, to ensure the maximum return to the shareholder.




Budget Task and Finish Group Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive the report of the Budget Task and Finish Group.




The Panel received the report of the Budget Task and Finish Group.  The Group had, on behalf of all members, examined the Council’s financial plans and existing budgets in considerable detail in the context of the latest forecast Medium Term Financial Plan.  The report contained comments, conclusions and recommendations relating to all portfolios.  The Chairman suggested that future Budget Task and Finish Group interviews with Portfolio Holders be conducted over a two day period in the first week of October.  It was agreed that in future, intended questions to portfolio holders would be sent two weeks, instead of one week, before the interviews, due to the considerable research that was sometimes involved.


The Chairman thanked all officers involved in assisting with the Budget Task and Finish Group process, particularly:  Alan Bethune, Andy Rogers, Karen Wardle, Jan Debnam and Sheryl Parry.




That the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Panel be given updates at the 27 June 2019 meeting on progress with the following recommendations:


(i)            That the Council consider automatic number plate recognition technology and consider modest regular increases in parking fees, rather than occasional step increases;


(ii)           That an annual report be submitted to Cabinet on the use of Community Infrastructure Levy;


(iii)          That efforts be made to increase the number of households using the garden waste collection service in view of the significant potential income generation that could result;


(iv)          That the Community Affairs Portfolio Holder investigate ways and means to improve income and reduce costs within Community Alarms, CCTV and Customer Services areas;


(v)           That consideration be given to additional support for property investment, including the option to use external expertise;


(vi)          That the Council consider a modest expansion of the geographical area taken into account when looking at property investment, so long as there was still a local economic benefit to the New Forest;


(vii)         That consideration be given to creating a centralised accommodation strategy within the Local Economy, Property & Innovation Portfolio, which, whilst allowing each service to manage operational land or buildings, the future use and income potential could be brought together to allow a strategic view of the Council’s property holdings;


(viii)        That the Portfolio Holder for Local Economic Development, Property & Innovation keep a watching brief on LEPS grant funding and explore opportunities wherever possible;


(ix)          That a report be submitted confirming progress the ICT Protect and Maintain fund as well as the implications of the new ICT Strategy going forward;


(x)           That a more pro-active approach be given to partnering/collaboration with other organisations; and


(xi)          That a re-evaluation of the current arrangements in terms of the District Council’s contribution towards the Eling Experience be undertaken.




ICT Investment Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To receive an update on progress with the ICT investment programme.




The Panel received details of the ICT investments since April 2017 together with the implications for the Medium Term Financial Plan of delivering the ICT Strategy 2018-2022.


Key elements included:


·         Protect and maintain ICT budget

·         Replacement of equipment

·         Smarter working

·         Future requirements (resilience and security, members ICT, digital residence and customer engagement, replacement of applications moving out of support, and next generation ICT solutions


The protect and maintain fund required an additional £100,000 to complete the delivery of the related front line services programme.


Members noted the provision for members’ ICT as set out in 6.1.2 of the report.  Members suggested that there were considerable operational benefits in all members having the same device provided by the Council and requested that, once Office 365 was implemented, consideration be given to this option.


Members welcomed the report and noted that business cases for each project were required and would be brought forward at Executive Management Team level.


Reference was made to the need to improve audio-visual facilities in the Council Chamber to facilitate the smooth running of Planning Committee.  It was noted that the wireless system in the Council Chamber would be tested on 26 November prior to the next Planning Committee meeting.




That it be a recommendation to the Cabinet that:


(i)         The additional budget requirement of £100k to complete the delivery of the Protect and Maintain Frontline Services programme be approved; and


(ii)        The ICT strategy future requirements detailed in section 8 of the report be agreed, subject to individual business cases being approved by the Executive Management Team.




Asset Maintenance & Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme for 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider the Asset Maintenance and Replacement and Capital Programme for 2019/20.



Additional documents:


The Panel noted details of the proposed revenue and reserve funded asset maintenance replacement programme (AMR) and capital programme for 2019/20 and outline budgets to 2021-22.




That the report and appendices be noted;




Work Programme pdf icon PDF 200 KB

(a)     To consider the Panel’s future Work Programme, including any reviews of previous work undertaken; and


(b)     To receive any updates on Task and Finish Group work.




The Panel considered its future work programme.


It was noted that, in respect of the item on Accommodation Strategy, this would include NFDC accommodation and smarter working, together with the depots.  It was agreed that this would be taken to the March Panel meeting.


Cllr Harris requested that the Income Generation Task and Finish Group be set up to meet in January to review progress.


In respect of Universal Credit, it was hoped that representatives from the DWP would attend the meeting in January to give an update about the implications for the District Council.


Action: Ryan Stevens/Andy Rogers to pursue with the DWP


Longer Term Partnership Working with Neighbouring Authorities – it was agreed that this be taken to the June Panel meeting.




That the Work Programme as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed.




Portfolio Holders' Updates

To receive an oral update from the Portfolio Holders for Corporate Affairs, Finance, Corporate Services & Improvement and Local Economic Development, Property & Innovation on developments within their Portfolio areas.




The Panel received verbal updates from Portfolio Holders:


Leader & Corporate Affairs; Finance, Corporate Services & Improvement; and Local Economic Development, Property & Innovation


Cllr Rickman gave an oral update on developments within his portfolio area.


The Totton and Waterside Forum was meeting on 28 November and was well represented with local agencies and the LEP. 


He had, with the Chief Executive, attended a number of staff briefings on the smarter working project.


The Council had appointed a Chief Planning Officer, Claire Upton-Brown, who would be joining the authority in February.


He was pleased with the Armistice Day event on 12 November at Appletree Court which he felt had gone very well.


He was attending a regional Brexit Board event in the near future.


Cllr Heron reiterated the ICT work undertaken to date and the related budget implications, as well as various detailed software upgrades such as Agresso and Office 365.


He also referred to the Medium Term Financial Plan and felt that the Council was in a fairly robust financial situation though much depended on the Government funding announcements in December. 


Cllr Michael Harris explained that he had convened a networking meeting among local interest groups to pursue local broadband provision and had met with senior Openreach representatives. 


He supported the Panel’s stance on obtaining external advice for property acquisitions and thanked the Council’s procurement staff for their assistance in identifying the companies that may be able to assist.


In respect of the LEPs, the Council had now been allocated within the Solent LEP.  However Cllr Harris had met with the M3 LEP leaders to obtain advice on help with applications for funding.  Cllr Harris reported that there was a vacancy in the Economic Development Team which would be filled in due course.


Finally, Cllr Harris thanked the Budget Task and Finish Group for the recommendations falling within his portfolio and he looked forward to implementing them in due course.