Agenda and minutes
Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst
Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Jan Debnam E-mail
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Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Armstrong, Wappet and Wyeth.
Minutes To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2017 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interest must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Cllr Harrison disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in application 16/11137 as a member of the New Forest National Park Authority which had commented on the application.
Cllr Rostand disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in applications 17/10018 and 17/10037 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the applications. She disclosed an indirect pecuniary interest in application 16/10764 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which was an adjacent landowner that could benefit from the development.
Cllr White disclosed a non-pecuniary interest in applications 17/10018 and 17/10037 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which had commented on the applications. He disclosed an indirect pecuniary interest in application 16/10764 as a member of Lymington and Pennington Town Council which was an adjacent landowner that could benefit from the development. Cllr White also disclosed a personal interest in applications 17/10037 and 16/11116 on the grounds that he knew the public speakers who would be addressing the Committee.
Planning Applications for Committee Decision To determine the applications set out below:
Old Forge, Salisbury Road, Breamore (Application 16/10602) PDF 928 KB Use as 1 holiday let; retention of 1st floor side window (additional information and amended description)
Planning consent subject to conditions
Martin Club, Martin Road, Martin (Application 16/11097) PDF 730 KB House and garage; clubhouse; parking; landscaping; bin stores; demolition of existing club house and flat
Planning consent subject to conditions
Shorefield Country Park, Shorefield Road, Downton, Milford-on-Sea (Application 16/11116) PDF 622 KB Alterations and extension to access road; gates; bund
Planning consent subject to conditions
Land South of Old Ferry House, Undershore Road, Boldre (Application 16/11137) PDF 704 KB Access road to Haven Marine Park and Island Point Flats
Planning consent subject to conditions
30 Newbridge Way, Pennington, Lymington (Application 17/10018) PDF 478 KB Raising roof height and roof lights in association with new first floor; Juliet balcony; side and rear extensions; oak front porch; flue
Planning consent subject to conditions
Agricultural storage barn
Planning consent subject to conditions
47 Stanley Road, Lymington (Application 17/10037) PDF 593 KB Two-storey and single-storey rear extension; single-storey side extension; fenestration alterations
3 The Close, Whitsbury (Application 17/10063) PDF 442 KB Two-storey extension, retaining wall/steps; landscaping
3 The Close, Whitsbury (Application 17/10064) PDF 437 KB Two-storey extension; stud wall to create wc; remove stud wall; fireplace alterations; create door and ensuite; stud wall to create cupboard; create door into extension (Application for Listed Building Consent)
Refuse Listed Building Consent
38 Oakwood Avenue, Ashley, New Milton (Application 17/10217) PDF 477 KB Single-storey rear extension; front porch; fenestration alterations
Planning consent subject to conditions
Limewood, Lime Walk, Dibden Purlieu, Hythe (Application 17/10108) PDF 448 KB Single-storey side and rear extension; rooflights
Planning consent subject to conditions
Langstone, Lime Walk, Dibden Purlieu, Hythe (Application 17/10198) PDF 476 KB Raise ridge height; two-storey rear extension; front porch; chimney; fenestration alterations
Planning consent subject to conditions
Land at Buckland Manor Farm, Alexandra Road, Lymington (Application 16/10764) PDF 2 MB Development of 87 dwellings comprised: 21 detached houses; 5 bungalows; 26 pairs of semi-detached houses; 3 terrace of 3 houses; garages; parking; landscaping; junction access; estate roads; footpaths; SANG; open space; 10 allotments
Planning consent subject to conditions
Housing White Paper PDF 100 KB To brief Members on the Government’s Consultation White Paper.
Minutes: The Committee considered the proposed response to be made in respect of the Government’s Housing White Paper. The following points were made:
· The Committee welcomed potential proposals to strengthen their ability to encourage developers to implement planning consents for new houses. · There was not currently any realistic mechanism through which a local authority could require a developer to bring forwards a development and it would therefore be most unfair if mechanisms were put in place that penalised a local authority for the non-implementation of consent. · It was important that high quality Green Belt, that served important purposes for areas, continued to be protected from development · The legislation needed to recognise the particular problems arising where there was a high proportion of the local authority’s area that was designated as, for example, a National Park, with the restrictions that this entailed displacing their assessed housing need into the residual, non-protected area. · The current Right to Buy legislation was significantly hampering the ability of local authorities to provide affordable housing for rent to serve their local communities. Local authorities should receive the full market value of any dwelling that was disposed of through this route, allowing it to be replaced on a like for like basis. It was unfair that the value of local authority assets was benefitting the subsidised purchaser and the government, but not the local community that had paid for the asset. · It needed to be recognised that not everyone would be in a position to buy a home in their local community and that it was essential that there was greater recognition of the need for affordable housing to rent, with good security of tenure, and protected from unreasonable rent increases and administration charges. · The assessment of housing need should take account of the demographics of an area and the type of housing that would be needed. · Where there was a high proportion of second homes, holiday homes or properties bought as investments but kept empty, it was increasingly difficult to meet the needs of local people for housing and to maintain vibrant communities. · It was essential that development was supported by the necessary infrastructure. · While housing land allocations were important, it was also important to retain employment land so that communities were sustainable and offered local, good quality, employment.
That the Portfolio Holders be advised of the Committee’s comments as set out above.
Highway Authority Consultation To receive an oral update on new standing advice regarding consultations with Hampshire County Council as the Local Highway Authority.
Minutes: The Committee was advised of the new arrangements being put in place by the County Council with respect to giving advice on highway matters in respect of planning applications. While they would continue to give advice in respect of developments of more than 5 dwellings and all commercial developments, they would no longer give advice in respect of smaller residential proposals. They would give basic training on their guidance and standards and would expect planning officers to assess the proposal in the light of this information.
Members expressed some reservations about the need for continued access to technical advice where a smaller development raised more complex issues; and also about the shift of work which was the responsibility of the County Council onto this District.