Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Melanie Stephens  E-mail:

No. Item


Cllrs Armstrong, Mrs Beeton, Ms Bellows, Ms Crisell, E Heron, Steele and Mrs Wyeth.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 375 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2017 as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.


There were none.


Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman’s engagements since the last meeting of the Council had been published in the Information Bulletin.


He highlighted the following:-


Commonwealth Day

On Monday 13 March 2017, the Chairman, accompanied by the Deputy Chairman, the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive, had raised the Commonwealth flag at Appletree Court to commemorate Commonwealth Day.


Easter Egg Raffle


Raffle tickets were on sale. The draw would take place on Wednesday 12 April 2017 with proceeds going to the Chairman’s two charities.


Former Cllr John Hutchins


Former NFDC Cllr John Hutchins had been awarded the British Empire Medal in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List.  He would be presented with the medal in Winchester on 5 May and the Chairman would be present.


Energise Me Awards 2017


The Chairman was pleased to announce that the Council had won an award under the ‘Active Workplace’ category. The Chairman congratulated officers for this achievement.


Presentation of Past Chairman’s Badge to Cllr Mrs Hoare


The Chairman presented Cllr Mrs Hoare with her past Chairman’s badge.




Leader's Announcements


There were none.


Report of Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To consider the report of the Audit Committee dated 24 March 2017.

Additional documents:


The recommendations were agreed.


Cllr O’Sullivan, Chairman of the Audit Committee, presented the report of the meeting held on 27 March 2017.


On the motion that the report be received and the recommendation be adopted, it





That the report be received and the recommendation be adopted.


Report of the Cabinet pdf icon PDF 88 KB

 To consider the report of the Cabinet dated 5 April 2017 (to follow).


The recommendation was agreed.


The Leader of the Council, as Chairman of the Cabinet, presented the report of the meeting held on 5 April 2017.


On the motion that the report be received and the recommendation be adopted, it was:




That the report be received and the recommendation be adopted.


Report of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive the annual report of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels.


The report was noted.


The Council considered the report of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels for 2016/17.




That the report be received and noted.


Questions Under Standing Order 22


There were none.


Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting. (Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by not later than noon on Friday 7 April 2017.)



There were none.


Nominations for the Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman

To consider nominations submitted for the offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council for the following municipal year and to make recommendations to the

Annual Meeting of the Council on 15 May 2017.


The following nominations have been received from the Conservative Group:


Chairman – Cllr Mrs C V Ward

Vice-Chairman – Cllr M J Kendal


Cllr Mrs Ward was nominated as Chairman and Cllr Kendal as Vice-Chairman of the Council for 2017/18.




That Cllr Mrs C V Ward be nominated as Chairman and Cllr M J Kendal as Vice-Chairman of the Council for the following municipal year.


Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


Cllr Ms Crisell was appointed to the Planning Development Control Committee to fill the current vacancy on the Committee. 


Cllr Ms Crisell was appointed to serve on the Planning Development Control Committee to fill the vacancy on the Committee.