Agenda and minutes

Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Matt Wisdom  E-mail:

No. Item


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Corbridge, Harrison, Holding, Murray and Osborne.


Admission of Di Brooks to be an Honorary Alderman pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Councillor Derek Tipp will move, Councillor Jill Cleary will second:-


“That in pursuance of the statutory powers them enabling, the Council hereby admit Di Brooks to the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the New Forest District in recognition of 20 years eminent service to the Council and the District.


That the proper entry be made upon the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the District.”


Cllr Tipp moved and Cllr Cleary seconded, and in doing so paid tribute, together with Members of the Council, to Di Brooks on her service to the Council and the New Forest District:-


“That in pursuance of the statutory powers them enabling, the Council hereby admit Di Brooks to the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the New Forest District in recognition of 20 years eminent service to the Council and the District.


That the proper entry be made upon the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the District.”




The motion was carried unanimously.


Admission of Colin Wise to be an Honorary Alderman

Councillor Barry Rickman will move, Councillor Jill Cleary will second:-


“That in pursuance of the statutory powers them enabling, the Council hereby admit Colin Wise to the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the New Forest District in recognition of 20 years eminent service to the Council and the District.


That the proper entry be made upon the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the District.”


Cllr Rickman moved and Cllr Cleary seconded, and in doing so paid tribute, together with Members of the Council, to Colin Wise on his service to the Council and the New Forest District:-


“That in pursuance of the statutory powers them enabling, the Council hereby admit Colin Wise to the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the New Forest District in recognition of 20 years eminent service to the Council and the District.


That the proper entry be made upon the Roll of Honorary Aldermen of the District.”




The motion was carried unanimously.


Colin Wise responded following the Council bestowing the above honour upon him.