Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday, 9th September, 2019 6.30 pm

Venue: the Council Chamber, Appletree Court, Lyndhurst

Contact: 023 8028 5588 - ask for Matt Wisdom  E-mail:

No. Item


An apology for absence was received from Cllr M Clark.


An apology for late attendance was received from Cllr Murray.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 498 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2019 as a correct record.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2019, be confirmed.



Declarations of Interests

To note any declarations of interest made by members in connection with an agenda item.  The nature of the interest must also be specified.


Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting.



There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests by Members.


Cllr M Wade highlighted the report of the Cabinet dated 4 September 2019 and the recommendations relating to the Hythe and Dibden Neighbourhood Development Plan.  Although there was no interest to declare in respect of the decision whether or not to proceed to a local referendum, Cllr M Wade informed the Council for transparency purposes that a number of Members present were also Members of Hythe and Dibden Parish Council.



Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman was sad to announce the death of Bill Hughes, a former District Secretary and Returning Officer for the New Forest, who sadly passed away on 30 August 2019.


The Council was informed that the funeral would take place at 12.00 noon on 23 September 2019 at the Parish Church in Ringwood.


The Chairman reported on the following recent engagements since the last Council meeting:-




10        Presented to HRH The Prince of Wales at Exbury Gardens

15        Represented the District at the first Hampshire Day, hosted by HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire and held in the Castle Yard at The Great Hall, Winchester

31        Visited the Council’s award winning marquee at the New Forest Show




17        Attended the 30th anniversary garden party for Solent Dolphin, one of the Chairman’s chosen charities for the year


The Chairman reminded Members of his Charity Dinner Dance, which would take place on Saturday 19 October 2019 at South Lawn Hotel, Milford on Sea.



Leader's Announcements


The Leader of the Council reported on the following:-


Government Spending Round


The Chancellor of the Exchequer delivered his Spending Round to Parliament on Wednesday 4 September 2019.


The overall position for local government included a funding package of more than £3.5 billion.  This would amount to the biggest year on year real terms increase in spending power for local government in a decade.


The local impact for the New Forest District would continue to be assessed.


Electoral Review of the District Council


The work of the Task and Finish Group continued.  Proposals for the number of Councillors elected to the authority from May 2023 would be the subject of reports to Cabinet and Full Council in October.


Brilliance in Business Awards


The upcoming Brilliance in Business Awards would celebrate the achievements of businesses in the New Forest and highlight best practice.


This included the New Forest District Council Award for Outstanding Customer for businesses who recognised the importance of the customer in growing their business. Successful entrants to this category would demonstrate how analysis and response to ‘customer needs’ have assisted in developing a growing business.


All entries should be made by 12.00 noon on 1 October 2019.


The awards would be presented at the Annual Presentation Evening on Thursday 28 November 2019 at Beaulieu Motor Museum.


New Democratic ICT Officer


Daniel Reynafarje joined the Council in September as the new Democratic ICT Officer.  This position was created to support Members with their ICT requirements and help push the Council forward to make the best use of ICT as part of the decision making process.



Reports of Cabinet pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To consider the reports of the Cabinet dated:-


·         7 August 2019; and

·         4 September 2019 (to follow).


Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council presented the reports of the Cabinet meetings held on 7 August and 2 September 2019, and moved the adoption of the recommendations.  Cllr E Heron seconded the motion.




That the reports be received and the recommendations be adopted.




Under Standing Order 22.



There were none.



Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A pdf icon PDF 215 KB

To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Questions received will be tabled at the meeting.  Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by no later than 12.00 noon on Friday 6 September 2019.



Questions were put and answered under Standing Order 22A, as follows:-


·        Cllr Rackham to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman, on the Council’s preparations for Brexit.

·        Cllr Dowd to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services, Cllr Hoare, on the recycling rate in the New Forest District.

·        Cllr R Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Investment and Corporate Services, Cllr J Heron, on the income generated by the sale of the car park in Hythe to Lidl.

·        Cllr M Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing, Cllr Steele, on the Waterside Sports and Social Club in Holbury.

·        Cllr A Wade to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman, on the financial deal for local authorities.

·        Cllr J Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, Cllr Cleary, on affordable housing options in the New Forest District.

·        Cllr Osborne to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services, Cllr Hoare, on dog warden resources.

·        Cllr McEvoy to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Rickman, on Solent Local Economic Partnership (LEP).

·        Cllr Duke to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Cllr Harris, on support for local retailers.


Note – a copy of the full questions and replies are appended to these minutes.



Notice of Motion

In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr M Wade will move the following motion:-


This Council notes that:


·         Arthritis and related conditions of muscles, bones and joints affect 17.8 million people across the UK.

·         People with these conditions often need access to the social care system.

·         Versus Arthritis’ policy report ‘Adapted Homes, Empowered Lives’ details the positive impact home aids and adaptations can have on people with arthritis.  Their quantitative research among 1059 people with arthritis found that:

o   60% of people with arthritis used an aid or adaptation

o   95% felt that aids and adaptations have had a positive impact on their lives

o   79% felt that aids and adaptations had helped them maintain their independence.


·         Services that provide aids and adaptations are proven to be cost-effective and can result in health and care savings.


·         Only 16% of people with arthritis with eligible care needs surveyed knew of the support that their council can offer them.


This Council believes that an effective provision of the Disabled Facilities Grant and community equipment services can help people with arthritis achieve a better quality of life and reduce pressure on the social care system.


This Council endorses Versus Arthritis’ policy report ‘Adapted Homes, Empowered Lives’ and its recommendations.


This Council will evaluate its information and advice services about aids and adaptations and housing in line with best practice guidance to ensure they meet the needs of people with musculoskeletal conditions.


Under the provisions of Standing Order 41, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels as the Council may determine. However, the Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if he considers it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business.



In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr M Wade moved the following motion:-


This council notes that:


• Arthritis and related conditions of muscles, bones and joints affect 17.8 million people across the UK.

• People with these conditions often need access to the social care system.

• Versus Arthritis’ policy report ‘Adapted Homes, Empowered Lives’ details the positive impact home aids and adaptations can have on people with arthritis. Their quantitative research among 1059 people with arthritis found that:

o 60% of people with arthritis used an aid or adaptation

o 95% felt that aids and adaptations have had a positive impact on their lives

o 79% felt that aids and adaptations had helped them maintain their independence.


• Services that provide aids and adaptations are proven to be cost-effective and can result in health and care savings.

• Only 16% of people with arthritis with eligible care needs surveyed knew of the support that their council can offer them.


This council believes that an effective provision of the Disabled Facilities Grant and community equipment services can help people with arthritis achieve a better quality of life and reduce pressure on the social care system.


This council endorses Versus Arthritis’ policy report ‘Adapted Homes, Empowered Lives’ and its recommendations.


This council will evaluate its information and advice services about aids and adaptations and housing in line with best practice guidance to ensure they meet the needs of people with musculoskeletal conditions.


Cllr J Davies seconded the motion.


The Chairman confirmed that, in his opinion, it was convenient for the Council to consider this motion in light of the report of the Cabinet considered earlier on the agenda and the agreed increase in Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing Services, Cllr Cleary responded to the motion, particularly in respect of the work undertaken by the Council’s Private Sector Housing team, who administer DFGs.


Cllr S Davies proposed that the motion be considered in more detail by the Private Sector and DFG Task and Finish Group.  Cllr Sevier seconded this proposal.




That the motion be referred to the Private Sector Housing and DFG Task and Finish Group for consideration at an upcoming meeting.



Notice of Motion

In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr Harrison will move the following motion:-


That this Council supports wholeheartedly the resumption of a rail link along the Waterside as part of a strategic transport infrastructure in the light of planned development in the south waterside area. Officers will be tasked to work closely with HCC staff to ensure oversight on planning issues and economic and environmental viability are maintained and resolved.


Under the provisions of Standing Order 41, the above motion, after being proposed and seconded (without speeches), should stand referred to the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels as the Council may determine. However, the Chairman may allow the motion to be dealt with at this meeting if he considers it urgent, convenient or conducive to the despatch of business.




In accordance with Standing Order 21, Cllr Harrison moved the following motion:-


That this Council supports wholeheartedly the resumption of a rail link along the Waterside as part of a strategic transport infrastructure in the light of planned development in the south waterside area. Officers will be tasked to work closely with HCC staff to ensure oversight on planning issues and economic and environmental viability are maintained and resolved.


Cllr M Wade seconded the motion.


The Chairman confirmed that, in accordance with Standing Order 41, the motion should stand referred to the Cabinet or such Committees or Panels as the Council may determine.  In view of the subject matter, the Chairman moved that the motion should be referred to the next Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel.  Cllr Tipp seconded the motion.




That the motion be referred to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 19 September 2019.



Membership of Committees and Panels

To consider any changes to the membership of Committees or Panels that might be proposed by the political groups.


There were no changes.