Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, Lyndhurst, SO43 7PA. View directions
Contact: Tel: 023 8028 5072 - Matt Wisdom E-mail:
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Apologies Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Harrison, Osborne, Penny and Rackham.
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2023 as a correct record.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2023, be confirmed.
Declarations of Interests To note any declarations of interests made by members in connection with an agenda item. The nature of the interests must also be specified.
Members are asked to discuss any possible interests with Democratic Services prior to the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of any disclosable pecuniary interests by Members.
Vote of Thanks to the Outgoing Chairman Minutes: The Leader of the Council proposed that a vote of thanks be extended to the outgoing Chairman, Cllr O’Sullivan, for the admirable way in which he had carried out the duties of Chairman during the past municipal year. Cllr Penman seconded the motion.
That the thanks of this Council be extended to Cllr O’Sullivan for the admirable way in which he has carried out the duties of Chairman during the past municipal year.
Outgoing Chairman's Statement The Chairman will address the Council, after which he and his consort will be presented with badges of their past offices.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked the Council for its kind words, and reported on the charity work undertaken in the past year, in support of the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy and SCARF, who both offered facilities for young people which they may otherwise not have had the opportunity to take advantage of.
It had been a unique year, starting with the planting of trees to mark the beginning of the Green Canopy to represent the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It was then with sadness that her passing was so soon afterwards and a Proclamation was read for the new King.
The Chairman expressed his thanks for the opportunity to represent the District over the last year and wished the Chairman-elect a successful year in office.
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman of the Council to hold office until the Annual Meeting in 2024.
Cllr Penman is the Council’s nomination for the ensuing year.
Minutes: Cllr O’Sullivan moved that Cllr Penman be elected Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That Cllr Penman be elected Chairman of the Council for the 2023/24 municipal year, until his successor is elected at the Annual Council meeting in May 2024.
Cllr Penman signed the declaration of acceptance of office, which was formally witnessed by the Monitoring Officer. He was then invested with the Chain and Badge of Office before taking the chair.
Address by the Chairman of the Council The newly-elected Chairman will address the Council.
Minutes: The Chairman thanked Members of the Council for electing him and in doing so paid tribute to the outgoing Chairman, Cllr O’Sullivan and his wife for their year in office.
He announced that his charities for the year would be:-
· The Minstead Trust, who nurture the unique potential of people with learning disabilities to support them to achieve greater independence and live happier and healthier lives. · The Rainbow Trust, who provide emotional and practical support to families who have a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. The Southampton Team covers Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman of the Council to hold office until the Annual Meeting in 2024.
Cllr Hawkins is the Council’s nomination for the ensuing year.
Minutes: Cllr Penman moved that Cllr Hawkins be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year. The motion was seconded by Cllr Craze.
That Cllr Hawkins be elected Vice-Chairman of the Council for the 2023/24 municipal year, until his successor is appointed at the Annual Council meeting in May 2024.
Cllr Hawkins signed the declaration of acceptance of office, which was formally witnessed by the Monitoring Officer. He was then invested with the Badge of Office.
Cllr Hawkins returned thanks for his appointment.
Appointment of Leader of the Council To appoint a Leader of the Council for the four year period ending May 2027.
Minutes: Cllr Rippon-Swaine moved that Cllr Cleary be appointed Leader of the Council for the four year period until May 2027. The motion was seconded by Cllr S Davies.
That Cllr Cleary be appointed Leader of the Council for the four year period until May 2027.
Appointment of Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holders The Leader of the Council will inform the Council of:
(a) the name of the councillor they have appointed Deputy Leader of the Council; (b) the number and content of the Portfolios; and (c) the name of the councillor they have appointed to each Portfolio.
Minutes: The Leader informed the Council that:-
(a) She had appointed Cllr S Davies as Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet.
(b) The Cabinet Portfolio Holders and their respective Portfolios would be as follows:-
1 – Leader – Cllr Cleary
2 – Planning and Economy – Cllr Tipp
3 – Environment and Sustainability – Cllr Blunden
4 – Housing and Homelessness (Deputy Leader) – Cllr S Davies
5 – Community, Safety and Wellbeing – Cllr Poole
6 – Finance and Corporate – Cllr Heron
(c) The full content of each Portfolio and the consequential changes to the Constitution arising from the above would be circulated to all Members in due course.
Elections 4 May 2023 - Report of the Returning Officer To receive the report of the Returning Officer for the elections held on Thursday 4 May 2023.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the report of the Returning Officer on the elections held on Thursday 4 May 2023, be received and noted.
Political Balance of the Council To report that the political composition of the Council following the District Elections held on Thursday 4 May 2023 is:-
Conservative Group 26 (54.17%)
Liberal Democrat Group 14 (29.17%)
Independent Group 4 (8.33%)
Green Group 3 (6.25%)
Labour 1*
Minutes: The Council noted the political balance of the Council following the District Elections held on Thursday 4 May 2023, as follows:-
Conservative Group 26 (54.17%)
Liberal Democrat Group 14 (29.17%)
Independent Group 4 (8.33%)
Green Group 3 (6.25%)
Labour 1*
Committee and Panel Structure RECOMMENDED:
1. To approve the following number of seats on each Committee and Panel in the Council’s Constitution:-
2. To approve the Terms of Reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels as attached.
Minutes: The Leader moved the recommendations as set out on the agenda, to approve the committee and panel structure and the terms of reference of each Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
1. That the following number of seats on each committee and Panel in the Council’s Constitution, be agreed:-
2. That the terms of reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Panels as circulated with the agenda, be agreed.
Allocation of Seats and Appointments to Committees and Panels To agree the allocation of seats to the political groups on those Committees and Panels to which the political balance rules apply, and to approve the appointment of Members to Committees and Panels.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader moved the adoption of the recommendations in the report, to approve the allocation of seats on committees and panels to the political groups where the political balance rules apply, and to appoint councillors to those committees and panels. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
1. That the allocation of seats to committees and panels in accordance with the principles set out in the report, be agreed as at the table at paragraph 4.4 of the report; and
2. That the Council appoints councillors to individual committees and panels, as identified in Appendix 1 of the report, for the four year period ending May 2027.
Appointment of Independent Persons To consider the appointment of Independent Persons under the Localism Act 2011.
Minutes: The Leader moved the recommendations in the report, to appoint Independent Persons under the Localism Act 2011, following a recruitment process. Cllr S Davies seconded the motion.
That the Council appoint the following Independent Persons for a four year term of office commencing 22 May 2023, until the Council’s Annual Meeting in 2027:-
· Judy-Anne Clements · Mark Edmonds · David Hewitt
Meeting dates To note the following schedule of Council meetings for the remainder of the 2023/24 municipal year, all commencing at 6.30 pm:-
· 10 July 2023 · 11 September 2023 · 9 October 2023 · 11 December 2023 · 26 February 2024 · 8 April 2024 · 13 May 2024 (Annual Meeting)
Minutes: The Council noted the following meeting dates for the remainder of the 2023/24 municipal year, all commencing at 6.30 pm:-
· 10 July 2023 · 11 September 2023 · 9 October 2023 · 11 December 2023 · 26 February 2024 · 8 April 2024 · 13 May 2024 (Annual Meeting)